Re: Why do Microsoft..
Oh yes they are.... All together now children.
23 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jan 2010
keep shooting themselves in the foot. From what I can see business are going to shun windows 8 just for the amount of training it is going to need. After all IT budgest are being cut world wide at the moment, it's not as if there's buckets ofcash lying around.
Now they are alienating all of the smaller software devs out there by forcing them to use the Metro Interface, which IMO is not suitible for a desktop environment. Phones - Yes; Tablets - Yes, but not desktops.
All they need to do now, is p-off the OEM's and consumer's.
...I always think the same thing, civilisations come and go, so do species.
When it's our time, it's our time!.
All this wishful thinking about man being able to halt an ice age reminds me of King Canute trying to hold back the tide, pointless and above all arrogant.
I understand that the article is supposed to be read "Tounge in Cheek", but anyone who describes HTML as a programming language needs to start writing in assembler. This will teach you the basics of real programming and give you the building blocks and understanding of what is really happing "under the hood",which can then be applied to any other REAL programming language.
HTML, by my definition cannot be described as a programming language as the basics are missing. I.E Branching, Looping and conditionals. As I see it HTML defines the layout and content of a web page. Which in turn is parsed by the browser calling the appropriate real code functions along the way to produce the desired web page.
...why I won't work for large corporates, I did in the past and found that there was far too much office politics involved in EVERYTHING, with people back stabbing the brown nosing their way to the top.
I would much rather work for a small Software house, were everyone is on first name terms and people know what you do, as they are interested in you as a person, rather than a bum on a seat.
OK, my pay may not be as good as if I worked in a large company, but the quality of my working life more than makes up for it. I have enough to live on and a bit more besides, that's all I need financially. Chasing more and more money, does not make the job any better, it might make you feel better in the short term but underneath it all, you are still going to be unhappy, if it's a crap job with little or no recognition
If the Mother is so worried about her childs backside being seen who on earth would she let him outside without at least some pants on?? I've got news for her, It's your JOB as a parent to do so.
Why, is there such a culture in the UK at the present of blaming everyone for your own mistakes.
As Father Jack Hackett would say "Arse"..
Flash itself is more of a web designer/graphics package but adobe have created a language for us old fashioned proggies called Flash Builder.
As a programming language, I see it as a mix between C and Pascal is quite easy to pick up and there are loads of instrucional videos from Adobe available.
Download a free trial from http://www.adobe.com/products/flex/.