* Posts by Mike Cunliffe

4 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jan 2010

Google's Nexus 5: Best smartphone bang for your buck. There, we said it

Mike Cunliffe

The usual $/£ currency sting

The price is quoted as $350 but the UK price is £300. At current exchange rates it shouldn't be more than about £220.

I am still tempted thoough as Google have said they won't provide my old Samsung Galaxy Nexus with the 4.4 update as it's now too old. A bit strange really when they say one of the drivers behind 4.4 was to get it working on older hardware so there'd be more convergence of Android versions across handsets. It's not really sending out the right message when they won't keep one of their own Nexus models up to date.

NASA probe will ease through Saturn's ring to grab Earth snapshot

Mike Cunliffe

Which Month

I'm confused. Is it today or 19th July?

'The LHC will implode the Moon or PUT OUT THE SUN'

Mike Cunliffe

Dark Matter?

Maybe there are billions of tiny black holes flying around.

It might be what dark matter is made from. It's just that space is really big we haven't run into any yet.

Or, conversely, that bloke's a nutter!

Paramount prepares to scale Dune

Mike Cunliffe


Surely it's not possible to top Sting in a pair of rubber underpants