* Posts by Yeik

19 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jan 2010

The secure mail dilemma: If it's useable, it's probably insecure


Re: Thunderbird+Enigmail? @Phuzz

So, what if you were to have a distributed "caching" server. You upload it with the intended recipient after using their public key and some extra information through in there for a little bit of entropy, including the information that contains the location of the content of the message (2 seperate parts that can be sent at different times*).

After that you are able to successfully process the message and validate you are the correct recipient the server will send you the encrypted message. When your local client receives it, you can delete it.

That way the body of the message is seperated from the content making it harder to get messages for a specific person, and only that person can receive the message.

You could have multiple levels of encryption between and for the messages.

*I am not sure how you could send the recipient first if it is to include where the content is located. The message could be sent first then later the recipient, even over seperate channels/proxies and could even break up the messages into multiple and each contains reference to the other.

If someone creates this, please, atleast give me a free account.

Middle America pulls up sagging pants menace, belts repeat offenders


Re: love the USofA @ fehu

I don't want to get in a pissing contest with anybody.

Of course, living on an army base must make you an expert!

I have never heard anybody say they need a big magazine to hunt. There are a lot of advocates for the ability to use whatever they want. If you are in the wilderness and get lost, 3 shots in the air is a universal signal for distress, with low amounts of ammo you can eat that up quickly. There are also larger animals in some areas. Mountain lions, bears, and even moose can be quite dangerous.

I certainly don't need to pee standing up, have a car that can go over the speed limit, or have a tv as big as my wall. I certainly like having those things, and like having the ability to buy them if I so desire.

Certainly though I was referring mostly to your comment about carrying a gun makes one look like an idiot and also making a bad reference and incorrect terminology to a magazine limit and hunting, all three which are generally completely seperate issues. All while saying you are a gun owner.

Carrying a firearm is for self defense. So if you say carrying a firearm makes one look like an idiot, I would like to see you say that to all those that are currently serving, all of the police officers, and anybody who takes the responsibility to protect their family.

Hunting is for food/sport and I certainly wouldn't call someone hunting for food an idiot.

Magazine limits are for sport and protection of rights. It is very easy to go through 100 rounds, especially in a semi automatic firearm. The size of the magazine doesn't really change that but a split second for even semi accurate shooting.*

So, because you have been around them, because you own it, doesn't make you an expert in any sense, and when you state something so broadly and poorly it just looks bad.

*note: if someone wants to shoot a deer 100 times while they are hunting, that is their right. I will probably shake my head and hope I am far far away from them, but I shouldn't be able to stop them.


Re: love the USofA

What does hunting with a 100 round "magazine" have to do with carrying a gun?

The two are completely different and I have never seen anybody hunt with even half that.

Please, have some knowledge before you decide to post such nonsense.


To anybody trying to hunt, that is using 100 rounds of ammo for anything other than varmint, you are probably doing it wrong. If it is varmint, then you are probably just having fun.

Ubuntu without the 'U': Booting the Big Four remixes


Re: 119 MB is lightweight?

Steven, Cameron,

I do apologize. Obviously I was thinking a Similar sized car then vs now. Cars have grown in length, width, and height. Obviously if you compare models, they have gotten heavier, but they have also gotten bigger.

Even the Corsa example, is longer, wider, and taller than the one that is older. So indeed, cars are getting heavier, but that is because they are a lot bigger.

I was taking that into account more so than the actual weight of the car. But i still think it is a bad analogy.

On average, we have grown taller as a species over time as well, so it makes sense we need bigger cars. that and we are just lazy.


Re: 119 MB is lightweight?

I have to say that is the worst analogy ever and completely wrong. The older cars are by far heavier. What is sad is I know cars that got the same gas mileage weighing more than something smaller and lighter now. It might have a little more horsepower now, but not much.

I think most cars were above 1 ton.

We are putting a lot more stuff in the new cars, and safety features though.

Google upgrades Gmail interface, now less 'drafty'


Re: Closer to IM format ?

I was going to say the same thing. I don't think of it as new, or even an upgrade. I have applications that do this already, and have done for a long time. Just not in my browser.

This is one of the reasons I don't like web based applications. They add something small and make it sound like a big deal, when it runs slower, has less functionality and is prone to more problems than its desktop equivalent.

Yay for progress!

Canonical to Windows XP cliff-clingers: Ubuntu safety net's ready... now jump


Re: Hmm...

The biggest problem when upgrading someone to another operating system is keeping all of their files and settings. The next issue is software (sometimes these can be reversed). With linux, both of these are fairly simple unless you are transitioning from gnome, to kde, to xfce, unity, etc. with a migration. Staying with the same desktop saves hassle, the files will be easy but settings not if you change. Software installation should be the easiest inside linux if you use repositories to install software, or don't have to compile from source for them. Even if you do, it should be one off applications and that happens with windows anyway (try finding the installation file for something that is outdated, unsupported and they downloaded from a website that is belly up).

The biggest issue for linux is almost all of the software created for businesses is windows based. All the tools people use to support them are windows based, and domains are all windows based in most companies. Even games that are created now come out for windows but don't come out for linux. This is slowly starting to change.

Windows 7 was a big change, but not big enough to warrant a complete re-write for software. Some of it had to be tweaked, some of it worked just fine without any modifications. If software works with windows 8, we will see the same thing, maybe a little less compatibility but it works so nobody wants to do the work to convert it properly, they will live with it in the state it is in. The programs that need to be changed, the program is already written for mostly windows so if they can change a few lines of code, or even a whole file it is better than rewriting the whole thing.

It would be nice if everybody wrote software that was os independent and could run on multiple platforms with very little effort, but I do not see that happening. There are a lot of tools that people use that aren't needed in linux, but people grow attached to and know how to use.

I don't think RDP is a good suggestion for legacy applications because the new windows OS is still needed. If you are going that direction and need RDP for it, you can either use the new OS natively or you will have to use RDP from windows to a legacy box anyway.

I like linux, its easy to use, runs well, and I have to fix it less than windows. I don't think we will get rid of windows. It keeps to many people working when you have problems and updates.

P.S. Your comment about Windows having 11 years between roll out... Most computers didn't last 11 years, we recycle ours every 3 years, and Microsoft is trying to get a new operating system released every 2-3 years now.

Grabbing my coat, heard another windows box is having issues.

Boffins: Our memory film is like your girlfriend - transparent and cheap


Re: Not useful for a head up display

From the article I read, this is memory storage. So I don't see how it could be at all useful for displaying anything.

If you need to find a place to store data though, it could come in useful. Like in one of the digital picture frames, but I think storage like that is the least worrisome about space/where its going to be placed in most situations and more how cheap, how fast, and how long does it last.

A battery to power anything is going to be far bigger than the device you are putting the memory in. Maybe if you put it overtop a solar panel you can store your data with its own power generator.

How well does it last vs sun rays. My window is out in the sun a lot.

Finally a use for quantum computers: Finding LOL-cats faster

Black Helicopters

Re: Next-generation ciphers

I was thinking the same thing. Except what if they are out of reach for 90% of the people, we are stuck with needing encryption that requires a quantom computer, our current tech would take years to do any sort of encryption and the encryption we can do would be cracked in seconds. The only safe place to store things, is in your mind... with a tinfoil hat... in a bunker 150 feet down.

Death to Office or to Windows - choose wisely, Microsoft


I know posting here is getting this article and any similar articles more attention, however I do feel the need to say this.

That is complete and utter crap. Office on an ipad makes no difference at all to windows. Maybe windows 8 on ARM machines, but windows is still heavily around and I don't see it going anywhere in the corporate world and that means a lot of people use it at home too. Even if office was ported to linux I don't think it would make much difference.

Windows will die when all software and games get ported over to another operating system and the usability and price are equal. On top of that it needs to have a form of domain and controlling computers/groups easily. I don't see mac as a relevant alternative to windows but I do see linux. Mostly because I have never liked Mac or and apple product. I also don't see training all helpdesk and tech support that only know windows on either linux or mac. So it is still alive and well.

What's in the box, Windows sysadmin?

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far better things

I actually thought this article was bad. Anybody can rave about all the tools they like to use. All that he did was list some software that is nice to have and skipped over some of the best tools out there.

I use a usb drive. Incase it gets infected i use usb image tool to make a backup of it.

I agree with Alain about UBCD4WIN and a lot of the software options that come with it.

Sysinternals is a MUST. I can live without gimp and utorrent, a pdf viewer.

Currently I have a custom version of winpe 3.0 that boots almost any computer with drivers for network built in.

Bluescreenview, or any other tool that shows you the minidump information from windows.

regshot, reganalyzer.

Syslinux boot screen with options for ubcd4dos and ubcd4win on the same drive. with memtest, testdisk, seatools. and many others.

As far as file explorers go, Q-dir is good, Free commander is good, and there are many others out there on equal grounds for free. Why pay for that?

And linux tools as well.

oh, and imagex, gimagex for anybody working with windows 7 images

Oz skeptic offers prize if Rossi’s E-cat works


LENR is probably real


Apple outs iPhone micro USB adaptor


I am surprised it allows syncing. Advantages over their own usb cable? other than every other device using the proprietary connector now.

Oracle: 'Eight Android files are decompiled Oracle code'

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enough for "prior art"

Those do look very similar. I would say that the code provided for comparison was modified from the GPL code. I wonder if they are breaking the copyright by not posting the GPL 2 license with that small piece of code or by removing it after it was modified if it isn't in the full Java version.

Java/sun wouldn't rewrite the code, they would modify it. With the header/copyright notice saying it cannot be removed or altered.

If android did not have that header/copyright notice then I would say they are looking for trouble. Other than that It looks like what anybody else would have come up with.

US may disable all in-car mobile phones



I have never had an accident, driving through snowie and icy roads where I see cars off the side of the roads left and right. I have almost been hit several times by people not paying attention, either on the cell phone, distracted, or just being dumb drivers. The only reason I have never had an accident is because I do pay ATTENTION to EVERYTHING around me. It is rare for me to be on a busy interstate, or even a small interstate and not know where every car is around me. If I get passed and I didn't see the car it freaks me out because I always know where they are.

I didn't say that i had to use the phone to keep me awake, but by the time I was driving for over 6 hours alone and on a straight road with limited cars it has helped keep me more alert. Stimulating conversations where the other person knows I am driving, and if I don't respond then I had to do something.

I stopped all the time but to say that i was negligent because I feel that having some stimulation while driving can help keep me focused when you are driving thousands of miles over flat stretches of empty road is ignorant.


Jammed- Raspberry

This is all fine and good, except many times being on the phone has kept me awake (think driving 900 miles with only a few people on the road)

Or if there is an accident. They ask you to stay in your car. Stay in your car, try and call the police to let them know there is an accident, fail.

What about the radius of the jammer? Drive downtown and disconnect calls of people on the street.

I have also called the cops on drunken looking drivers and plan on calling if i see someone that looks like they are driving dangerous. Unfortunately they usually ask where you are at, and to turn on your hazards so they can locate you and the car in question. Also, what about passengers? just because the driver shouldn't be talking on the phone doesn't mean that the person in the passenger seat can't call and ask for directions when they get lost.

Fail, to quote Benjamin Franklin

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"

Microsoft secretly yanks TechNet product keys

Gates Horns


And just a couple weeks ago I was thinking, i should go on and get more keys. I didn't and now I am out of keys to pull. I will be calling and requesting compensation of some sort, extra account, maybe free renewal in hopes they MIGHT come out with something decent this year.

BOFH: Little ups and downs



I read over that two or three times to make sure it wasn't me reading it wrong. But why wouldn't you want to see the hot woman for 30 minutes instead of just stopping at her floor, maybe she would come over because the elevator got stuck on the floor and she might need to use it, then you get to say, I think its broken, lets take the stairs.

Dubai cuts ribbon on world's tallest building


come with a parachute?

Does it come with a parachute or some sort of other way to quickly escape the building? I would hope i have a removeable window with a parachute, incase you know, earthquake, fire.

-the one with the parachute built in-