* Posts by Anthony2799

3 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jan 2010

Apple fans drool over Liquidmetal widget


Use it or lose it?

Sounds like they bought the right for some future use and made the SIM ejectors to satisfy some form of "use it or lose it" clause.

Apple shrugs to iPad Wi-Fi problems


Apple binoculars

If your Apple binoculars don't provide the expected magnification, try standing closer to the subject you wish to view.

Magic Mice cast energy-sapping spell


Hands off my double A's!

Rechargables really suck for some applications. Depending on the particular technology used, self-discharge, energy density, shelf-life and performance in cold conditions can be problems.

Most of the devices which really benefit from using rechargable batteries come with them anyway nowadays. Add the cost incentive to anything that really munches batteries, and the case for banning single-use cells seems weak.


(Sticking to incandescent light-bulbs after two CFTs literally exploded above my head - you can still buy the non-pearl type.)