Crime pays - AGAIN
Have another try in 2 years time boys.
British Justice System - FAIL
3 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jan 2010
Before you (or the previous poster) rush off with your great idea and make things worse - you better think to implement a PIN with your 'Access All Areas' pass card. ...otherwise if someone should find or steal your card then they ARE you. What happens between it being stolen and you discovering it's been stolen?
1) They aren't going to fire a nuke near it and let a shockwave move it. They're going to fire it AT it and either break it up or make a big bang that will push it off course.
2) The article says nuke it OR push it off course - your question asks 'how is a nuke going to push it off course.' - that's not what they are saying, but it can be done.
3) There are lots of 3)'s, I don't think you were paying much attention in Physic's. In short a tiny nudge a gazillion miles away only needs to adjust the trajectory by 0.0001 degrees to make a very large difference in distance decades later.