Whoa, chill - your Wifi tablet and watch will still exist if some one brings out something different... there are other people out there, you know?
98 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Dec 2009
If you're going to make a comparison that is remotely like-for-like then I don't think many people would really compare a Windows tablet any Mac OS X laptop. As such I don't see too many Mac owners suddenly deciding to swap out for a Windows tablet regardless of how powerful it is.
On the other hand I can see people swapping a Windows laptop for a fully featured Windows tablet in droves! It just makes sense to have that additional flexibility. The problem with that is it cannibalises Microsoft's own market and that of its partners...
I bought it thinking it surely can't be that bad.
I was wrong, but just like you I am now part of any statistical success Microsoft tries to spin around Win8.
What annoys me most actually (most, among many other things) is that - having added my Music library to Windows Media Player, I thought I would be able to use the Music App as a replacement of sorts for the missing Media Center... but the Music app can't see my library still :\
I like IE10 though - as a second browser - on my one Windows machine.
Oh, maybe HP wasn't thinking of you specifically when they botched this together in the shed?
You know, you might find it easier to comment on a laptop that is the right size, budget, screen format, screen material, power & OS rather than bothering to comment on laptops that don't suit your needs in any way shape or form.
"Demand for Windows 8 computers has been phenomenal..."
I don't doubt that demand for Windows PCs has been phenomenal, it pretty much always is this time of year - but I reckon the disappointment when they start using them will be just as high.
(Quickly realised why the 'upgrade' from Windows 7 was only £49)
So when Apple give you a license that can be used on multiple machines it's generosity, when MS give you a license that can be used on multiple machines it's desperation?
Also, Apple seems to constantly be bringing out OS updates, it barely seems a year since the last £30 upgrade to Snow Leopard! At least MS service packs are free :)
Anyway, what do I care, I've got a Ubuntu desktop with snazzy graphics... :P
I see - yes, they are all very specialist pursuits, I didn't even Autoroute still existed what with Bing maps, Google maps and all the integration with modern smartphones etc.
As for Wine, I agree (about running it as an emulator, not the red stuff) better to have native apps - so if you can't find them then I guess you are stuck in the old world.
Something I can certainly agree on, though I doubt there'd be much difference?
All I know is it is like breathing fresh country air once usplash disappears and I log into a nice clean Ubuntu environment; ready for me to clunk up with proper productivity applications :)
Journalism, yes I heard of that. That is generally where a view-point is given and relevant facts are laid out in a concise and well written manner to back up that view.
If it's good journalism then sources are cited to enable readers to continue reading about various aspects that can't be included in detail in the original article; like listing what manufacturers are being sold from the Microsoft store in an article about Microsoft operating systems without crapware.
Now please, don't become a journalist.
Seriously, I think some gamers are living in the cloud. PC gaming is a niche*, and the Mac has been pushing steadfastly into that niche in recent years. With Steam's release on Mac last year that situation took an huge step forward (even if not all the games came with it).
As for the last 15 years; Apple was pretty much on it's knees 15 years ago yet today it dominates many of the markets MS has been targeting for what seems like forever; mobiles, music, tablets, mobile computing. And it's doing it with pricey hardware that should by all means make entry to market more difficult for them.
* I'm a a PC gamer and I recognise that the field we're playing on is changing (Been into GAME recently?). But I also recognise that my niche is being threatened by consoles far more than Macs. Ironically, MS's own console...
Heaven forbid you should follow any of the links to actually do your own research, as opposed to expecting all the detail to be spoon fed to you.
Okay, here comes the airplare zooooom...
MS are offering laptops from Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, Sony & Toshiba... happy now, or do you need your diaper changed from all that spoon feeding?