* Posts by James Bell 1

2 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Dec 2009

Android phone auto reverts jailbreaks

James Bell 1
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Not Buying the G2 as a result

My brother is ready to buy a nice Android T-Mo slider and I recommended the G2. After seeing this new feature (and that tethering was removed) I've told him to hold off. HTC & T-Mobile lose a sale.

Samsung's Galaxy stuck in history

James Bell 1

Not a smart decision

Samsung has alienated a key group. The geeky early adopters (like me) talk loudly about failures like this and recommend tech items to dozens of people around them. Samsung does not even have the balls to say if they are abandoning the Galaxy or not. Leaving me in the dark just means I assume the worst and peddle my Samsung phone as soon as I can find a replacement.

Of course 2.x will run on the Galaxy CPU, the basic hardware is the same as many of the HTC phones and they are porting 2.x to them. HTC's phones are not as sexy as some of the Samsung designs but I'll take functional and supported over sexy. I'll wait to see if the Nexus One looks cool, if so it'll be that or a Hero.