I've used RDF in the past, as well as SPARQL. The concept is great, but the technology itself sucks.
It's worse than the mess we have in HTML. To the fanboys: I making a living HTML, well a quarter or so. Point is, you add some script to a page with a script tag, you add css using a style tag, as you know, we add script files via script tag as well, and them same with css....oh wait, actually it's a link tag...uhmmm...hellooo??? Then you have tag naming...a, img, b, i, u ...and...object style body html video among others.
The only consistent thing in HTML is that it is inconsistent in each aspect.
Back to RDF. Check out the tag list - half of it is inconsistent, and the rest asks for awful implementations (eg: rdfXML).
But hey, it's written in the golden book of standards, just be normal like everyone else and learn it!!!