Re: Unlikely now anyway
> Now, we have parties (including Northern Ireland ones (DUP and SF)) who have forced impossible constraints upon the process - for politicking - rather than the best interests of the country. How could there be a negotiation - if the possibility of no deal is not permitted. I mean - why would the EU even consider negotiation in that case?
This, as strange as it seems, appears to be a fairly common view by Brexiteers. Why would you think the EU would want these endless delays to continue? Trust me, they don't. From the EU side also, it's far better to get this thing over with than to drag on forever. Sure, it would be great if Brexit was cancelled, or if there was a good deal. But Brexit being outright cancelled is highly unlikely, so the uncertainty can only end by negotiating a deal or cutting the cord. Both are better than dragging on endlessly. So whether or not the UK would ask for an extension (which wouldn't get granted anyway if there's no clear path forward), they'll certainly negotiate if there's anything to negotiate. Hopefully there's something going on behind the scenes, but judging from what's in the news that is what the Johnson government is lacking. Proposals on what they'd want.