F*ck this.
Posts by Bottle_Cap
88 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Dec 2009
Giving Windows total recall of everything a user does is a privacy minefield
Future Roku TVs may inject tailored ads into anything and everything when you pause
FreeDOS puts out first new version in six years
Valheim: How the heck has more 'indie shovelware with PS2 graphics' sold 4 million copies in a matter of weeks?
Dad to kids: I've decided you don't get to take over the family business. Kids to Dad: Who wants to run Samsung anyway?
What do you call megabucks Microsoft? No really, it's not a joke. El Reg needs you
Still waiting for your Atari retro gaming console? You're not alone: Its architect has just sued the biz for 'non-payment'
Next year's Windows 10 comes bounding into the Slow Ring, which means 19H2 waits in the wings
From AV to oy-vey: McAfee antivirus has security hole of its own
You know what the NHS really needs? Influencers, right guys? #blessed
Nest tosses £1.5bn pension admin service agreement out there for outsourcers to fight over
Colour us shocked: Google in €50m GDPR fine appeal bombshell
Britain's rail ticket-booking systems go TITSUP*
Uneasy rest the buttocks on the iron throne. Profits plunge 14% at Sky UK and Ireland
Jokes of no more than 2 lines
Labour says it will vote against DUP's proposed TV Licence reforms
You can buy Windows 10 Enterprise E3 access for the price of a coffee
Utah sheriffs blow $10,000 on smut-sniffing Labrador
Microsoft Surface Book: Shiny slab with a Rottweiler grip on itself
Brit censors endure 10-hour Paint Drying movie epic
Adblock Plus blocked from attending ad industry talkfest
Full page ads - if I can't read the content why go to the site?
Video - auto plays (usually at full volume) a deffo no. Had an android app that used to play an unskippable video played at full volume even if the phone was on silent. Uninstalled.
Until this shit stops my adblock, ghostery and noscript remain!
PETA monkey selfie lawsuit threatens wildlife photography, warns snapper at heart of row
PRIMITIVE TOOLS found near MICROSOFT headquarters
Heigh ho, oh no! Politically correct panto dumps Snow White’s dwarfs
Stench of confiscated dope overwhelms Catalan cop shop
Microsoft will explain only 'significant' Windows 10 updates

I've been pure linux at home for several years now and can't ever see myself going back to a M$ OS - I was gonna take a look at 10 - cos initial reports were sounding promising so a duel boot on a spare HD wouldn't hurt. The you shalt not chose your updates happened. The data slurping etc. Now they won't tell you what the updates they force on you actually do?
F*ck that tbh.
Linux does all my needs - especially now Valve have made steam Linux native and the few games that aren't on linux wine takes care of - a previous poster mentioned WoW - works just fine under Wine.
My 2 cents