I see no problem...
Webmasters will have to find a better way to "improve the ecosystem.." B..S..T Bingo!
Every user can disable SurfShield and its a very good way for some users to avoid malicious sites...
So webmasters: Stop whining...
18 publicly visible posts • joined 21 May 2007
I have a brand new laptop with dedicated graphics card sitting on my desk and after experimenting two days with Vista I formatted the drive and installed XP.
I am really thankful, that I have a Dell from its Business Line and all Drivers are available for XP...
I dare to say: No wonder noone wants to upgrade...
The MIFARE chip was already cracked by journalists of the german computer-magazine C't in the issue 08/08 which was sold around the third week of April. They included a detailled description who they done it?
I assume, the Dutch only copied it???
Please can anyone tell me, where I could get the iPhone without a contract for the full price? In the USA it was only available - legally - for AT&T Customers. In Germany and Austria you had to be T-Mobile customer...
Nothing changes really, except that it is more difficult to unlock an iPhone.
Apple should sell the damn phone in their stores without a contract.
I haven't installed the Google Toolbar, because it is not providing any aditional service for me, but if someone uses it, this would be additional service.
If a webmaster doesn't bother to provide any specific information why the user gets an 404 then the page provided by the Toolbar is useful and helpful.
You are suggesting, that this would be negative for the administrator of the website but I believe the customer will see this as additional service provided by the administrator with the help of google.
And if you don't like it, just provide customized 404-pages...
No big deal and in no way comparable to Rogers...
It is a major pain in the ass.
You can't copy between two .zargo - Files and you can't export and import it. And that is the biggest problem with this tool, because in our company many people are working with UML, we have some standard diagrams, everyone needs to use and so on...
Printing is very frustrating, because of sometimes not printing everything or changes by ArgoUML itself in the printing-options, which render your print useless (Why on Earth should I want a 830mm margin on my A1 printout?)
In reality, if you really want to use your UML drawing for model-driven Delevopment you will need proper tools: MagicDraw, Rose, et al.
The existing OpenSource Utilities aren't mature enought yet.
This is a problem of Spamhaus, not of nic.at.
You can't go to a company and blame: This and that domain are domains used by spammers. Spamhaus in that matter is as trustworthy as the fraudulent users themself. Like every other user, Spamhaus has to provide evidence for the accusations.
I think, it is better to have a domainprovider who will not shut down my domain because an obscure organisation threatened him.
FYI: The most spam in my inbox is from .com or .info