Not disinterested participants
They would be uninterested. </pet_peeve>
358 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2009
Back around the turn of the century, I'd often be asked to look at colleagues' Windows 95 machines - usually something simple like the disk being full. I remember being confronted with a machine like this, so deleted a load of temp files and emptied the Recycle Bin. Got a call later as the user had lost a file in their backup folder, namely the Recycle Bin. Taught me to ask in future, although I did of course roll my eyes at the idea of keeping important stuff there.
I know lots of people who work at Fujitsu and this isn't mention in the company
I think if you worked at Fujitsu, mentioning this might be a career-limiting move. I remember reading Private Eye at my desk at lunchtime once and someone having a quiet word with me to mention that my employer had featured in it recently and it might be prudent to read it at home.