They did a version of Win XP for it.
Presumably its slimmed down in some form.
3 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2009
You're assuming a lot of things here.
1) That gravity on other moons is always greater than on the alien 'home' moon.
2) If the gravity of the alien moon is greater, you're assuming its far greater and enough to kill them.
3) We have theories on how to simulate our own artificial gravity, why can't the aliens?
4) Their bodies simply may not be the same as ours, who says they can't deal with small to medium changes in gravity?
5) You note that europa is thought to harbour the best chance of life in our solar system, but there is also still strong evidence that mars may harbour life and we may have been accidently burning it. see this link... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/05/27/msl_dubbed_curiosity/