* Posts by Jim 64

13 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Dec 2009

Philips 40PFL9704 40in LED backlit TV

Jim 64
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False economy!

A plasma uses SOOOO much more energy, that you will pay more over the lifetime of the product even at half price. This is partly why they are becoming obsolete and are half price...

Lightning catches up with Thunderbird

Jim 64
Gates Horns

Nice one. Even less need for M$.

Been using TBird3 for about a month. Excellent. Was disappointed that it didn't have the calendar func from the start as expected for a long time. Glad to see this is remedied. Now most users that want to buy office, only need the Home and Student edition which saves a bundle. For the rest of us, with Ubuntu, Open Office, Tbird3 w calendar func and so on, M$ is out of the picture (and our wallets) for machines used mainly for browsing. GREAT!

Googlephone sales off to a sluggish start?

Jim 64


That's a pretty poor article. At least you acknowledge that even your source acknowledges that it is guesswork. Phone will be huge and the more disruptive the better. Staus quo is a disgrace, esp in some parts of the world (like Canada). The more it shakes things up the better for everyone. We can always go back to other stuff next time a the new extra competitive prices that the extra competition from a successful Googlephone provides.

And so, I'll buy one as a matter of principle. We are all winners if this does well, even if it doesn't work out in the long run, supporting it in the short term will bring longer term benefits to mobile users. Should see some progress at last. Bring it on.

Greenpeace: Apple ain't so brown anymore

Jim 64


Not a closet full. An ARSE full of them. Ripped off via aggressive coitus. So that is why he has been ill. Perhaps it also explains how the Apple rip-off strategy may have been developed. Lol

Jim 64
Gates Horns

You tard.

YOU are recyclable! But you would not be happy if someone made you into packaging!...

And if you think that the packaging your copy of windows came in is the be-all and end all of a comp that also makes Xboxes, Zunes etc etc etc environmental footprint, then you really are a hyper-tard. I can assure you that I am no hippy. But I still disagree with you entirely. ETHICS is not CONFINED to environmentalism, but it can certainly be found there. Saying we should not ensure that the planet is protected from any major ill effects of our collective actions, is to say that future millions have no right to life. If they do not, why do you! Maybe packaging is all you are good for.

Jim 64


Yeah, people who want another industrial revolution switching to entirely green energy and thus avoiding humanity destroying its own planet whilst creating jobs and reducing the damage being done to v nice areas of the world (like Alberta Canada and the Oil Sands projects) and saving some wildlife for future gens. Clearly stupid stoneagers. You backwards, oil-age f-tard.

Google gets all Minority Report with Street View

Jim 64
Gates Horns

Yes. Defeats the object. Unless....

For the USER, this defeats the object of St View. StV allows you to see PHOTOS of the actual world. If it has f'ing ad's in the way of the images, then it's not photos of the real world but photos of ads. And no-one wants/needs that, so it 'defeats the object' for the user. However, if your objective is to make $, then perhaps it doesn't defeat the object. But there is obviously a major schism between the needs/wants of users and that of the shareholders here. Oh dear. Once again, shareholder greed ruins value for end user and destroys a concept.

This is an example of markets wrecking great ideas. St view is quite useful sometimes. Whenever you want to go to a store or friend's house you've not been to before. But I'd use it less if it has ads all over it.

Perhaps store owners, private individuals... could do their own virtual pano view of their location by panning their Iphone and provide that to people that want it, so they don't need St Views main handiness anymore. This removes the need for ads and boosts privacy.

May be impossible to get sufficient res and shutter speed with acceptable noise on a camera-phone to compete with the quality of St V though. Laws of physics. Available light versus pixel pitch versus sig:noise versus shutter speed, v panning speed, v field of view of lens, versus pixel count....

It could be done theoretically with v accurate GPS and orientation sensors in the phone and if you span around and around and around and then software pulled all the data that fits from the mass collected and seamlessly stitch it into a high-res (higher than sensor collecting it), seamless, accurately stitched sphere. But I doubt consumers would want to spin around and around in the street and besides, it'll be a while before such software exists never mind phones with the power to process it.

So looks like St V isn't going to get usurped any time soon - except by the greed of shareholders.

Google to mobile industry: ‘F*ck you very much!’

Jim 64

Not really. And besides.

If they are, then they'll go the same way M$ did. Backlash over rip off opening door for competition. However, I do not think they're that stupid. And as far as I can see, I still get all my google func for free. And on top of that, I don't see Apple playing v nicely!.........

As far as I'm concerned, APPLE are the new M$ and Google are doing us all a big favour - AGAIN. Could there be consequences? Yes. Could there be consequences if Apple become too dominant. YES! So, let's play. I'll take a Google phone as soon as the early adopter tards have beta-tested it for me, whined and got the price of the superior 2nd gen much lower. Great.

All those idiot Apple fanboys that got the gen1 Iphone were sooooooo stupid! They got bent over and best of all it was the wrong horse that did it. Now they're just upset that their glee in being part of the club is under threat. And obviously a lot of people are literally being paid (by the status quo) to dislike the google phone. Sadly for them, most of us don't work for the existing rip-off merchants and plenty of people would be v happy to see Apple put in its place.

If google oversteps, one day it'll happen to them too. Until then, free is fine with me. The rest of us don't need to suffer because the fanbois bet on the wrong horse. I welcome all competition that actually drives progress in performance/value. Seems like a big jump in value to me.

Doing the maths on Copenhagen

Jim 64
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Population is ALSO a big problem.

Please don't mention shitholes like North Yorkshire or people will WANT to destroy the planet!

I used to live in the UK. I now live in Alberta. It's like the UK used to be before we cut down every tree, wiped out every species, concreted over what was left and put up large power stations by the motorway to look at on the drive to f'ing N Yorkshite.

Joking aside. Population IS a BIG problem. We should work on that too.

Just for the sake of argument: If there were 1m people on the planet, they could run their SUVs on tiger-fat and detonate a nuclear weapon every bonfire night without any major environmental problems.

I think the number 6.8Bn doesn't bring it home to some people. Maybe 6800million is better to emphasis the massive number and how much of the land they need to exploit so fill their needs.

Now there are 6.8Bn (prob 7Bn next year) people and rising fast, we can't even grow enough food to keep them all fed and/or extract enough raw materials to build all their consumer crap without chopping down the forests and stripmining what's left of the world. The oil sands up here are an absolute global crime. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2009/03/canadian-oil-sands/kunzig-text.html

We only do it cos our neighbour wants the oil to feed their outrageous habits (Canadians are bad too in terms of emissions per capita, but that's cos we just get all the same stuff they do down there - sort them out and you sort us out - and there's 10x more of them and they're 5x as stupid/selfish). They only want the oil cos they want security of supply. It's expensive and sour. If we'd all just use alternatives, we wouldn't need to do this (as much). Part of the beauty of renewables is security of supply. In a large country like the US or Canada with LOADS of coastline, the wind is always blowing somewhere and the waves and tides are moving everywhere. Add a bit of geothermal. Improve efficiency of all goods/services and you've got a better world for everyone without having to stripmine stuff or fight wars over resources that are going to run out ANYWAY!

And the lower the population is, the easier it is to do ANYTHING. Even to get a hotel/lounger on your shitty spanish package holiday favoured by tards in that part of the world.

The UK might get a lot colder BTW when the arctic becomes ice free in summers and the gulf stream becomes intermittant. And when all those cities get submerged due to Greenland cap melting, do you think it's possible that any pollution may be released into the seas?! Lol. Or do you think they'll move all the filth to higher ground too?! I'm not sure many people would want to pay to have the landfills dug up and moved nearer to where they want to live. Or that having more people and less land with the same waste issues will make anyone v happy either. Esp if it was avoidable.

There are many costs of inaction. Sadly too many think it's just fine to let their kids deal with them. That's why we're dealing with this now. Cos the boomers caused the problem and just passed it to us. Let's sort it.

Jim 64

Arrogant twat fails to see important point.

Well that was the biggest pile of smug shit I've read in a long time.

You fail to mention that WHATEVER happens needs political will, and that whether you're going to get any depends on who are in the drivers seats at any given time. Yes plural.

If GOP and their Freemason pals are running the Whitehouse, then they're not about to go against the Grand Master and get off oil now.

And then there's the issue that if someone disinclined to act is in power in one key country, their inaction will prevent action in other countries that believe competitivness with aforementioned key player will suffer by taking said action themselves if said key country doesn't.

The whole thing can be shafted by one guy in an apron!

So, political will is only there when it's there. If you miss a chance, or if a chance is ruined, it could be your last chance to catch a problem in time. And the last chance to do *anything* in a *long* time.

You're an idiot to be glad an opportunity was missed. Even if it may be true that the deal they were working on was total shite.

When you elect the Tories next year, we'll have to see whether they do what Tories do, cosy right up to industry and forget about any action on this issue for the forseeable future. And if Obama doesn't get a 2nd term (like Carter - the last non-mason who tried to get the world off oil), then it may be more than a decade before the next opportunity arises. Took You happy about that? Wanker. In fact it's already been >28years since Carter left the WH...

NO PROGRESS. That was an opportunity we shouldn't have missed. Perhaps you disagree.

All the above applies just as well to carbon taxes as it does to COP15. Indeed unilateral action will scupper a global deal (as everyone will claim they're doing just fine). No global deal means some countries - like China and the US won't do anything. And then you've got a major problem.

And before you suggest the people would just elect someone to do what they want. Tell Murdoch and his buddies in the Pontifical Order of St Gregory the Great that!

They'd laugh in your smug arrogant ignorant face.

Just get a solid global deal. Try to buy less chinese stuff until they play ball. Encourage companies you invest in or buy from to do the same. And reduce emissions whenever possible regardless of whether anyone has put a tax on it for you. Tell your idiot mates to do the same.

Research suggests Wii Fit is no flab fighter

Jim 64

But it IS a fitness booster.

Indeed you could just as well have written this from an entirely more +ve standpoint concentrating on the evidence that it DOES boost fitness, esp in kids. And had the family thing as the footnote.

You did the opposite. And this is a 1st gen. In future, when people have grown up with this stuff, more adults will use it. And it'll be better. Trashing it now is just weird. Iphone 1 was bullshit and everyone that bought it got ripped off, but that doesn't mean future iterations can't achieve more...

Imagine if crappy writing like this had sunk everything that has ultimately improved our lives but wasn't perfect at launch. Washing machines... Vaccum cleaners... Dish washers... Computers...

My rubber-keyed speccy was SHITE, yet oh so good and look what crap like that begat. Journalism like this on the interwebs. Rubber-keyed speccys are rolling in their graves.

Jim 64

So it doesn't work - only it does work?!

This says a couple of things that you don't need a scientist to understand.

1: Kids like consoles.

2: If you use something it has more of an effect than if you don't.

As kids got significantly fitter (doubtless cos they used it) and adults didn't (cos they didn't, maybe cos the kids were on it), how can a -ve headline be appropriate? Esp one that mentions 'flab' = fat as opposed to aerobic fitness which was found to improve in those that used it.

The Wii-Fit will definitely take market from several segments of massive fitness industry. They're bound to want to portray it as uselss. Something to watch out for down the line.