* Posts by CrashMurdock

5 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Dec 2009

Meg Whitman's governor bid yoked to eBay past


A great case for retroactive birth control

If somehow this greedy, unprincipled, unscrupulous female dog manages to succeed Arnie I will feel very sorry for Californians. Ebay will probably never completely recover from her incompetent leadership as CEO. Her steep auction/listing fee hikes and ridiculous policy changes resulted in mass defections of both longtime buyers and sellers alike. Her close relationship with Goldman Sachs, another fine example of corporate corruption gone wild, just emphasizes what a sleazebag she really is.

Good luck California!

Beijing erects giant pong-away sprays at rubbish dumps


Hmmm...hope this works better than...

...when my family lived in France during the mid 1950s. It was fairly common in those days for many French to just not bathe daily (maybe weekly?). To combat the reeking body odor they would just splash on strong perfume. The combination of sweet perfume and pungent B.O. was nauseating. I'm guessing China's similar strategy of trying to just cover up the horrendous stench with perfume will result in a much stronger olfactory abusing outcome, especially when you consider the exponential scale of the madness.

Skype first to scrap Windows Mobile


What a crap biased article!

"Skype has pulled its Windows Mobile client, saying the interface wasn't worth keeping"

From what I've read elsewhere it wasn't as you say, but because Windows Mobile has been installed on such a wide variety of phones by so many different manufacturers that it was difficult to provide consistent quality service for so many different devices. Not sure why that is, but it could be because many of the manufacturers customize the installation for the different models.

Another more plausible explanation is that Windows Mobile is very long in the tooth. Steve Ballmer definitely dropped the ball and M$ is feverishly rushing Windows Phone 7 to catch up as a result. I have to say that Windows Mobile is still very full featured. Yes, it has it's occasional quirks, but I'll take those any day over something limited and restrictive like the Iphone. I'm hoping that Google finally gets its act together with maybe...Nexus Two? No matter what, the mobile phone race is definitely getting interesting.

Bill Ray, be a good little Apple fanboi and drink your Kool-Aid!

CrackBerry mimics Jesus Phone with WebKit browser

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@ James 47. Why the negativity?

Many, if not most, mobile carriers today are already struggling with providing advertised data plan speeds and bandwidth thanks to the exponential growth of smartphone use worldwide. U.S. based AT&T is a prime example. The Jesus phone initially completely overwhelmed their substandard lame network infrastructure and continues to do so. Hell, their regular cell service and Swiss cheese coverage areas have sucked for years as well. And trust me, as a former AT&T customer, I know the truth. Just think about how much worse it will be in the future with gazillions more smartphones with increased data capabilities. After all 4G speeds are already being implemented. Obviously, the telecoms are going to have to expand their network infrastructures, but as Mike Lazaridis points out, there is only so much capacity in the radio band available.

The bottom line is that if Blackberry is somehow pioneering greater data transmission efficiency, or at least bandwidth utilization, instead of trying to dazzle us with smoke and mirrors, then more power to them. Hopefully, other manufacturers will follow suit. Blackberry has always been about efficiency so I have no reason to doubt them now. Obviously, the telecom carriers want to hawk as much data as they can for the fat revenue stream, but most, unfortunately, just don't have the capability. Any improvement at all will hopefully enhance our mobile based browsing experience. It certainly couldn't hurt.

Googlephone facing 10m more Jobsian challengers?


This is a bad feature?

"...telephone numbers of escorts as I pass a private shop."

Hmmm... Now that's the kind of smartphone I want! You can bet your arse Steve, the Anti-Christ, Jobs would never allow that App. I don't know about you, but I'll be waiting in line for a Nexus!