Keygen a threat?
"Win32/Keygen, in particular, was the most frequently detected potential threat across every version of Windows studied."
1) Download software from legit site
2) Find keygen. Run in a sandbox to get a serial number while blocking any potential side effects
3) Run installer, input serial
I've got a box full of bootleg CD installers. Never had a single infection from any. And a lot less hassle than from the legal software with its incessant nagging to upgrade and phoning home.
Warez sites have feedback and forums and infected stuff is reported pretty quickly and blacklisted. A lot quicker than MS will admit they have a problem
I'm not addressing any moral issues, just the bullshit equation of warez with viruses that these "surveys" by software vendors always make. I think the major malware vector is the browser by far, and MIcrosoft's IE led the way in making that easy.