* Posts by Aspirational

2 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Dec 2009

Russian gay dating app dev: We've been BLOCKED just DAYS before Winter Olympics


Re: Slightly hypocritical, no, we have a memory of what needs to be done

The biggest game changer in the acceptance of others is when you know them and are friends or colleagues or related to them.

This the Western gay community has learnt well and through being visible and open have changed the attitude to gay people. It is not that long ago that your comments on 'choice' and 'self-control' were applicable in the West.

So Pride marches, discussing being gay with friends, colleagues, relatives, all help to change opinion by removing ignorance. The Russian legislation stops all of that as it is defined as promotion and encourages discrimination by those that have never met a gay person.

Diplomatic pressure does work. No country wants to be identified as 'out of step' if they truly want to be respected and counted as a fair player on the world scene.

Google contradicts self, confirms own Googlephone


Try 3

What do you mean that all providers are locking you out from internet and VOIP. 3 in the UK offer Skype free to all phones that can handle it. Also unlimited (OK, 1MB) internet for no extra cost on the £15 a month (300 mins, unlimited text) deal & no contract. Support those that are giving the good deals. 3 is available in Oz, so ask them why they can't match the UK deal.