Re: banned from overtaking on the local roads
Funny, that was not an issue for USAF personnel in Japan.
419 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Dec 2009
Strapping a shotgun to a drone? One shot and the drone will be falling out of the sky.
The drone would require sufficient mass to counteract the equal and opposite reaction, which would require larger motors and battery packs. And have difficulty achieving flight.
Maybe a .22 rimfire.
Never, ever going to click on some "<randompolitco>.<tld>"
Have we not learned from the 80 yr old web site designer's scams?
Then there are the scams by the "legitimate" political parties.
"Send us money, we will work for you!" With a value for "you" that is the name of a third party that remains nameless due to anti free speech laws.
Crappy article.
fecal recognition.
Somewhat related:
My sick care provider wants me to send a sample of my fecal material (and my DNA) through the mail to some fecal material processing lab to determine the health of my colon.
I think an executive from my sick care provider golfs with an executive from the fecal material processor.
I stopped upgrading LibreOffice when the next version blocked loading of data from other local spreadsheets.
I assume because some people were blindly clicking "yes" to loading from unknown external sources.
I see no reference to LibreLogo in that came with Xubuntu 16.04.
"but it seems their main purpose is to keep ppl from "learning to read" or "knowing where they are"."
Alphabet wants to know where everyone is and what they are doing 24 by 7. AI Stasi. No need to enlist your neighbors.
"Alphabet agencies" refers to proliferating government agencies during FDR's New Deal.
Alphabet is located near Moffat Federal Airfield located conveniently between Mountain View and Sunnyvale.
"Intel Inside" is an in your face spook joke.
Even back in the day of Apple ][. Bought an Atari 800.
Really frowned when Apple let people think that Apple invented the GUI mouse desktop with the Lisa. Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) developed that concept earlier.
Give them credit for the music player development with the iPod. Unless they took credit for someone else's work.
No one at that level ever gets prison time in USA.
Steal $1,000, get jail time and a lifetime status as a felon.
Steal millions, billions, pay a paltry fine and walk away.
Launder millions of drug money, pay a few points in fines to a regulator, and carry on.
US National Debt is $22+ trillion.
The Pentagon cannot account for $21 trillion.
DDG is a front end to Microsoft's Bing. Pick your monopolistic corporation.
Like elections where there is a choice between two corporate owned. wealthy elite backed parties.
Illusion of choice in a corporate owned world.
Bing's results are more manipulated than Google's.
Qwant is interesting, but has limited resources and hampers search when the number of search requests exceeds some secret number that is unreasonably low.