231 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2009
She isn't like Meg Griffin in RL(tm) - although with a father like Peter she doesn't really have a hope - genetically or psychologically
He's already driving in reverse ?
A couple of laugh out loud moments there, shame we didn't see what they did - bu then time would have passed quickly and I could go home.
("Hi" Jude - how's the 1st day ?)
name wasn't Weatherwax was it ?
Anyone else immediatly think "Angry Birds"
(Paris - because she could be...)
for the goose is good for the gander
Ban Danissshhh bacon !!
(flame for cooking obviously)
Thanks Lester - no mention of bulgarian airbag comparisons...
If this does well enough then we might just see that...
That's a bit hard.....
Everything Nowhere ?
Excellent !!
On hell of an Absinthe induced coma/memory loss from the BOFH if he can't remember how it ended...Probably something along the lines of '300'
Hopefully The Ultrmarines movie will do well then...
Has he joined up with Brian May and Roger Taylor then ?
see title
K9 webprotect does a fine job of filtering - and is the point of access rather than out in the Web...
Big brother - because sometimes you need to be in your own network.
Happy BOFHmas
PFY been a bit too smart this time ...... or too many largers in the planning.
nearly a coffee moment.
back to form - an interlude during the war with the security droid makers...
as above
"Of course, most people would rather live in a reality where everything works and there are no problems."
So we'll all be off to Tesco Mobile then ?
Hmmm - I guess I would be wrong in assuming this will be ....
Hooray - 2 weeks on the "trot" so to speak.
(obviously the 5 minutes early were spent knobbling the recording devices as well)
Beer for Simon
A Slayer - but not Buffy
PFY did for BOFH ! (and made sure of it in the ICU !) or is this the start of an error ?
Speaking of dogs - K9 Web-protect should sort out the non-safe site (I would hope)
and to echo the prevailing sentiment - wouldn't this have been better spent actually on the Health Service provision (do the Daily Mail know ?)
and not one boob joke .......
so this will work on skinny terrorists ?
2 years to take delivery...so not much help now (jam tomorrow)
would that be /7A for safety ?