As saved by Phineas & Ferb (too much kids TV)
231 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2009
However, there would also need to be some investment at the receiver end - those who don't want or need broadband for example (it would now become a necessary evil and additional cost to those on limited income).
Would meet the government view of every service to be web based - the smart TV sellers must be applauding this and rubbing their hands together (and yes I know it's just a recommendation).
What happens when SWMBO says that if we need a new TV she doesn't want a smaller unit than we had !
Ended up with an LG Smart TV with passive 3D and a free 3d blu-ray player (also got permission to network it so she can watch endless re-runs on iPlayer (btw another one for apple to fight over))
Although listening to the reports from the 2008 Olympics where they were interviewing Chinese school children (8 - 12 yrs ?) on BBC R4 they should be wiping the floor with Indian call centres any time soon (also comprehension of spoken English was pretty good - try that when someone won't break a script to understand what you are saying !)
The size of those car parks are huge - and if you happen to have one of those standard white hire cars (well they were when I went) and forgot (in your haste to enter the park) to note where you were. Assuming you had the details of the car (I guess that's where it falls down) or you owned a standard model "compact" you could ask for location - also assuming you had a portable SatNav or smartphone....
Just dug myself a hole there...mine with a pencil and paper in the pocket