* Posts by Isendel Steel

231 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2009


'Immortal cancer' found in Australia

Isendel Steel

As saved by Phineas & Ferb (too much kids TV)

Lords call for the end of TV transmissions

Isendel Steel

Sounds fine in principle....

However, there would also need to be some investment at the receiver end - those who don't want or need broadband for example (it would now become a necessary evil and additional cost to those on limited income).

Would meet the government view of every service to be web based - the smart TV sellers must be applauding this and rubbing their hands together (and yes I know it's just a recommendation).

Austrians drool over 15th-century jub buckets

Isendel Steel

Re: Wimmin of Newcastle.......

But these were from an OldCastle.......

Boffins build eye-controlled interface out of game-console cams

Isendel Steel


That's the kit setup - now all they have to do is design a cost effective case for it - well done the boffins

RIM: Maybe we can't flog BlackBerrys, but would you like a jet?

Isendel Steel

Re: Commercial Air Travel is a new concept.

or perhaps a video conference if image-to-image is required

BOFH: The back-up backdown smackdown

Isendel Steel

Re: Meh.

An up vote for that

Dimming the lights on smart(arse) TV

Isendel Steel

Result !

What happens when SWMBO says that if we need a new TV she doesn't want a smaller unit than we had !

Ended up with an LG Smart TV with passive 3D and a free 3d blu-ray player (also got permission to network it so she can watch endless re-runs on iPlayer (btw another one for apple to fight over))

I need to multitask, but Windows 8's Metro won't let me

Isendel Steel

Re: As an avid F1 fan

Not from Microsoft - but obviously you require multiple devices and more importantly licenses to boost the coffers (bulk purchase deal perhaps ?)

BBC report urges Halo troops to end bloodshed in Syria

Isendel Steel

Re: Perhaps this was an underling making a sneaky point...

Perhaps they should have typed UNSCO in the image search, which would have provided a more relevant image.

Zombie PCs exploit hookup site in 4Square-for-malware scam

Isendel Steel
Thumb Down


His second I've seen today....

Austrian village considers a F**king name change

Isendel Steel

Re: Belgium

none of that language here please


Isendel Steel

Re: and pray

I call Monty Python..The Meaning of LIfe

BOFH: Dawn raid on Fort BOFH

Isendel Steel

Re: I work for a WEEE waste/refurbishment company

....and a cuddly toy.......and a sandwich maker.....

End in sight for IT jobs outsourcing massacre

Isendel Steel

Re: A largely English-speaking population???

Although listening to the reports from the 2008 Olympics where they were interviewing Chinese school children (8 - 12 yrs ?) on BBC R4 they should be wiping the floor with Indian call centres any time soon (also comprehension of spoken English was pretty good - try that when someone won't break a script to understand what you are saying !)

New Yorker sues Apple: 'Misleading and deceptive' Siri ads

Isendel Steel


Good. And do you know why I want a cup of tea?


Please wait.

Samsung Galaxy S II punters get a lick of Ice Cream Sarnie

Isendel Steel


Does this include the original Galaxy Tab (GT-P1000) ?

Hackers penetrate smut site, claim to have slurped users' privates

Isendel Steel

Re: (Porn) valley?

Silly-cone Valleys surely ?

Crims fall back on old-school cons to avoid anti-fraud tech

Isendel Steel

Re: Re Time to phase out cheques

The process describe by Kubla is similar to that operated by our window cleaner, we get an invoice and a prepaid envelope. Probably because we may be lucky enough not to reside in a city centre / urbanized estate where this may be an issue.

Isendel Steel

Re: Time to phase out cheques

And replace them with what ? I think that is the issue that postponed killing them off earlier.

Small (simple) businesses (window cleaners for example) may not have the tech to process card or NFC payments/.

I may have missed it of course...

Banks toss $8bn into Facebook's lap ahead of IPO

Isendel Steel
Big Brother


10 - 11% of its users may not be generating useful traffic ?

I wonder what else will be admitted to ? (number of underage account holders ? - although you can still market to them)

Samsung celebrates iPad 3 day by suing Apple AGAIN

Isendel Steel

Re: Chuckle

Presumably to sell coffee to the tired and emotional staff and punters after their late night queuing ?

Lego space shuttle hits 114,000ft

Isendel Steel


Did it fly like a brick ? and did it do what all Lego constructions do if you drop them from 5 inches ?

(and were the children upset after spending so long putting the model together?)

Weeing Frenchman sues Google over Street View photo

Isendel Steel

Re: Pics...

I also noticed the yellow hose - possibly washing l'auto ?

Isendel Steel

Re: Pics...

6mins ago


Isendel Steel
Big Brother


Good name for a big company lawyer

BOFH: The Cloud Committee Calamity

Isendel Steel

Thank you

Normal service is resumed...

iPad Fleshlight lets fanbois express their love

Isendel Steel


shouldn't that have been A/C ?

Google to join Wednesday's anti-SOPA protest

Isendel Steel


only Google.com has the black banner - so possibly only from blocked from the US...

(having said that I'm VPN'd via the US at present and got the "cats" sites as well)

Parasites spark swarm of zombie bees

Isendel Steel

Ugh - that is all...

BOFH: The Explosive Christmas Evacuation

Isendel Steel

And to all a goodnight...

BOFH: The day the office budget bombed – literally

Isendel Steel


Enormous orbiting solar raygun power plants touted

Isendel Steel

7km Building

Phineas & Ferb did it in a morning....

Chicken fillets: The affordable alternative to Bulgarian Airbags

Isendel Steel


..or ...

Results in on why life, the universe and everything exists

Isendel Steel

42 ?

The Answer my be 42 but what is (more importantly) The Question ?

The Question of Life, The Universe and Everything is "what is 6 x 9"

which =! 42

(got screwed up by the telephone sanitizers and middle management corrupting the data).

See A.Dent, experiments with scrabble

Isendel Steel

Have you heard

yes..yes I have

Last mystery of first recorded supernova laid to rest

Isendel Steel


no it'll just get soggy and unreadable - will probably light quicker though.

Web czar: 'Drag your nan online'

Isendel Steel
IT Angle

Doesn't want it

My mother in law (almost shortened that to a TLA) doesn't see the need for the internet - and being on restricted means doesn't see the need to pay for it either.

Crap alchemist jailed for poo-into-gold experiment

Isendel Steel


the cause of the fire was arson - someone arson' around

ISPs end PM's web smut block dream

Isendel Steel

and add some additional software as well - really upsets the kids when it blocks them and they think they were able to go somewhere that they need approval for...

(see Bluecoats' free offering)

OnStar backs down over GPS tracking of ex-customers

Isendel Steel

Would be useful at DisneyWorld

The size of those car parks are huge - and if you happen to have one of those standard white hire cars (well they were when I went) and forgot (in your haste to enter the park) to note where you were. Assuming you had the details of the car (I guess that's where it falls down) or you owned a standard model "compact" you could ask for location - also assuming you had a portable SatNav or smartphone....

Just dug myself a hole there...mine with a pencil and paper in the pocket

BOFH: No, the Fabinocci sequence

Isendel Steel


Opaque glass - so the boss was the only one whop couldn't see it coming.

Faster-than-light back with surprising CERN discovery

Isendel Steel

because light travels faster than sound ?

Lancs shale to yield '15 years' of gas for UK

Isendel Steel

Energy Independence

but only for 15 years ? - and then back on the extortion subjugation.

(icon - burnt gas)

Scientists discover Tatooine-style world 200 lightyears off

Isendel Steel

42 the answer is

BOFH: I'll get my bonus even if it kills, well, someone

Isendel Steel

There's been a terrible accident...

with my coffee/keyboard

Thanks Simon

Hunt: We'll slightly inconvenience pirate sites

Isendel Steel

I may be wrong but...

Doesn't flagging them already happen with the tag "this site may damage your computer" ?

BOFH: Beer, shinies, death by fire, rats IN THAT ORDER

Isendel Steel


Parmo and chips or nothing..or just another beer

Schmaltz-powered Chrome overtakes morally superior Firefox

Isendel Steel

All your data is ours..

Just waiting for that announcement...

Parmo v poutine: Your cut-out-and-keep pdf guide

Isendel Steel


Saaarf Lunnon....

BOFH vs PFY: There can be only one (on the exes chit)

Isendel Steel


got a smile at the end as the PFY gets what he deserves for trying it on (as the BOFH knew what was coming - probably down to RFID tagging and monitoring HIS chair - probably slowed the lift as well - you wouldn't want to be on the same floor as the boss).
