* Posts by Isendel Steel

231 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2009


TomTom brandishes new strap-on in Amsterdam: The wristnav

Isendel Steel

Re: But it's so B I G

Or the Liberator teleporter bracelets from Blake's 7

Facebook struggling to find 'immersive' Home on Apple's iPhone

Isendel Steel

free content ?

"constant stream of personal information from the free content ad network"

shouldn't it be ..

constant stream of personal information from the content free ad network


NASA-backed fusion engine could cut Mars trip down to 30 days

Isendel Steel

Re: "200KW of solar panels .. about the same as .. the panels around the ISS"

+1 although it's Lazlar (the older and more talented designer brother of Lazlo)

Raspberry Pi-powered Tardis blasts off from 'Blighty's Baikonur'

Isendel Steel

Re: T A R D I S

see below

Isendel Steel

Re: Dimension (singular)

Thanks, explanation on the following link:


Isendel Steel

Re: T A R D I S

No problem - just emphasizing it should be in CAPS (I guess we should put a trademark symbol on there as well)

Isendel Steel


Acronym: Time And Relative Dimensions In Space

Strategic SIEGE ROBOTS defeated by 'heavily intoxicated' man, 62

Isendel Steel

Re: pretty stupid robots eh

That's what I was thinking & philbo for completing the quote

(I know where my towel is icon)

Squillionaire space tourist offers oldsters a holiday to Mars

Isendel Steel

Re: happening during the 11-year solar minimum

"If Inspiration Mars misses the 2018 window, it won't get another chance at a free-return Martian expedition until 2031."

So ... not this year

Trekkies detect Spock's Vulcan homeworld ORBITING PLUTO

Isendel Steel

why ?

because the name is "nicely inconspicuous" ?

It might fit for the moon as it has only recently been discovered (must have been hiding).

BOFH: Climb the corp ladder - and use your boss as a bullet shield

Isendel Steel

Re: Serious competition

the prone body would depend on whose thumb would be on the button.....BOFH might have the edge...

There's only one way to find out....

Sony promises PC-based PlayStation 4 for Christmas

Isendel Steel


I too would be interested in hearing how directly compatible it will be with earlier versions, having been burnt by the "upgrade" to PS3 and being unable to use the PS1/PS2 game disks (although will be unlikely to purchase as the PS3 in house has been demoted to a blue-ray player).

Microsoft holds off on shooting Windows Live Messenger

Isendel Steel

Re: Rumour has it...

And a lot of companies in which using Skype is frowned upon if not blocked.

Space station 'naut supplies Reg with overhead snap of Vulture Central

Isendel Steel

Re: Giant speaker stacks...

and if had been written by Paul McCartney would have set him up for several lifetimes...

First video inside thinking fish's brain captured by boffins

Isendel Steel

"I'm going to eat you little fishy...'cos I like eating fish"

IBM brains ponder universe, say kids will go nuts for STEAMPUNK

Isendel Steel

Re: we're completely over it now

I think "it" might just be waking up....

All your audio, video kit is about to become OBSOLETE

Isendel Steel

Re: Quick

yup - pared to just the accommodation and food....

UK games market clutches chest, bleeds out sales in 2012

Isendel Steel

Re: Just a thought

Yep - or get it in the Steam sales - big discounts going on at the moment - although I do prefer to have a physical copy.

Making MACH 1: Can we build a cranial computer today?

Isendel Steel


was not the 1st - M.A.C.H.0 was an earlier failed experiment by the same team (that our hero had to deal with)

Facebook: 'No merit' to claim we broke German privacy law

Isendel Steel

Re: How would they know?

Good luck trying to take your account down as you try to leave...

Next IPCC climate assessment due 2014 now everywhere online

Isendel Steel

Re: @Isendel Steel

Nope - was commenting that Lewis usually handles the topic...I am just an interested reader, and enjoy the balance provided by El Reg to the overwhelming "we're all gonna die" from everywhere else.

Isendel Steel

Is Lewis on leave ?

Second Higgs possibility pops up in CERN data

Isendel Steel

Re: Nearly there

The only problem being that if we find the answer, it will be replaced by something even more inexplicable....or given that potentially 2 particles have been "found", maybe that is already the case.

NASA to smash its spacecraft INTO THE MOON

Isendel Steel


NASA indicate The Moon has cracks on it:


Then they crash the two probes into it.....Hope they don't turn the cracks into fissures.

John McAfee on a plane to America

Isendel Steel
Thumb Up

You Can

just click "like" (which is odd given the usual articles covering facebook and the general antipathy towards that site around here)

This is out of hand now: Apple attempts to trademark the LEAF

Isendel Steel

Prior Art...

I think this looks like an alien eye - as on thousands of inflatable toys (of whatever colour).

Microsoft’s so.cl network now open to all

Isendel Steel

Re: Queue the jokes ...

Upvote - because it does

Who's using 'password' as a password? TOO MANY OF YOU

Isendel Steel

Re: The Hash-Clash Scenario (NOT a new episode of The Big Bang Theory)

might make the corned beef a bit more salty ?

(beer to wash it down with)

Data cop slap for Brit text pests

Isendel Steel


Don't forget to add the originating number when you forward the spam text - else they won't know who to go after / ignore / report...

Badges for Commentards

Isendel Steel

Re: Suggestions

I haven't got a replacement for "Trumps" but that one might leave a lingering odour....

Isendel Steel


Can we have a copper one for lurking on the site for a long time ?

Certain people rejoice! AC/DC finally available on iTunes

Isendel Steel

Re: Disappointed...?

wonder if they'll have a Big Ball(s) to launch it ?

Author of '80s classic The Hobbit didn't know game was a hit

Isendel Steel

Re: Getting drunk

Thanks - I have just had a LOL moment with that - never tried that on my C64 version..

you owe me a new keyboard....

Bond fans: Test your 007 trivia, now!

Isendel Steel


Considering I haven't watched the cannon for a while....

Dry martini, shaken not stirred: Cracking the physics of Bond's martini

Isendel Steel

Re: Oh, you, silly

And a decent "proof"/vol from the freezer

("red" gives you ice chips "blue / black" a nice syrupy consistency)

Google data center spies on ITSELF: 'Like a boring version of Doom'

Isendel Steel

Re: Is that C3P0 really small.....

Shame on you - it's an R2D2

Slideshow: A History of James Bond in 20 Games

Isendel Steel

007 Racing

I had to look twice - I thought that was a sofa the car was avoiding (shades of Ford and Arthur) - then realised it was a tank....hence the need for missiles.

'Hypersensitive' Wi-Fi hater loses case against fiendish DEVICES

Isendel Steel

Re: Inquiring minds...

I guess the Joo-Janta 2000 Peril Sensitive Sunglasses would prove the point. Would stop you seeing the wireless effect.

Boffins baffled: HUGE EYEBALL washes up on Florida beach

Isendel Steel

Re: Or it could be ...

upvote - but I believe it was "Eyeballs"

Isendel Steel

Re: Obvious really...

upvote for The Watchmen reference..

Serenading mice can sing along if you hum a few bars

Isendel Steel


Stuart Little would have been more appropriate (rather than Remy)

WoW cities wiped out by 'exploit'

Isendel Steel
Black Helicopters

Was it...

anything to do with http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/10/05/world_of_warcraft_colleen_lachowicz_attacked_by_republicans/ ?

Perth porkfest crowned ULTIMATE BACON SARNIE

Isendel Steel

Oh Noes Another Church ??

Will it co-exist peacefully with the Pastafarians

Drinking too much coffee can MAKE YOU BLIND

Isendel Steel

Who said that ?

Zaphod Beeblebrox (the 3rd) from the afterlife.

Apple: Blue-shirts can fix iOS Maps in their spare time

Isendel Steel

Re: Spock & McCoy

Because they would be logical and give a damn ?

The red shirts are just disposable - probably being used to hold back the tide of disappointed customers..

Vote now for the ultimate bacon sandwich

Isendel Steel

Re: Voting

No Problem - it's Fryday (sic)

Isendel Steel


and the buttons are where ?

UK air traffic controller lands 6,000-seater VDI on flashy Violin arrays

Isendel Steel

Clouds and Air Traffic

Shouldn't be a problem ..... as long as the radar / auto guidance for poor visibility holds up.

iPhone queue ‘superficial and pretentious’ says queuing fangirl

Isendel Steel

There' s no I in team...

...but there is a ME

Worker dumps council staff's private data in supermarket skip

Isendel Steel

GS - obviously (a sack of cash and documents)
