You don't, I am not going to bother, don't see the need for MS tiled interface and ribbon menu system.
I updated pretty quick to window 7 even using the beta for months, but not to with windows 8
187 publicly visible posts • joined 19 May 2007
Then they will close simple as that, the amount of Indian and other foreign takeaways, restaurants and shops that have opened around here in the last 12 months is beyond it, they all can't be making money, so my money is that they are a tax dodge or a way to get people over here.
Also a few of the Easton European food shops around here have been raided by police for illegal tobacco.
Most people don't even know Chrome is updated because it is a silent update, also add ons normally work from one version to another, something Firefox seems to have problems with.
i don't use Chrome myself, I use Iron, so I got to download the updates and install them myself. I think I am still using 2 versions below what is available.
I liked firefox, it is not the updates that is the problem for me, it is the fact that it don't improve, in fact Firefox seems to get worse with each so called update.
I may try 9 beta and see if that is any better, but no doubt it will take a age to start up
NFC may come, but I can't see how it can be forced onto people, no doubt there is a way to set the amount of times the card can be used before a pin is needed, I would set mine to zero, so a pin is needed all the time.
Thankfully my debit card is not a NFC one, or it was not when I lost it on Monday, just waiting for a new one, I doubt it will be NFC either.
I have shivers thinking about how easy it could be for someone to have used my card if it was NFC.
First utility do smart meters, their smart meter tarrif is more expensive than their normal tarrif, so do that mean prices will go up even more once these new meters are installed?
thankfully I am not with British gas and my supplier have no plans at the moment to install these spy meters.
I am so glad I am not the only person that got no interest in this, thankfully my bank have not started to give the cards out around here.
i know you can change or suppose to be able to change the amount of times it can be used without a pin, so if I am forced to have one it will be set to zero.
Well not for a fair few years. i do a fair bit of video editing, how am I goiong to work on Hi-Def video clips if they are stored on the cloud and how long will it take to upload a 2gb or more clip onto the cloud at my 3megabits connection speed?
Spinning disk drives are coming to the end now, but again it will be a good 2 to 3 years before they vanish, because solid state drives are still expensive and still too low a capacity
there are also people who will never trust the cloud be it Icloud or another other with their data.
Maybe in the next 10 years or so, people may start using services like Icloud more, I use drop box for some stuff, but only stuff that is not that important.
Here we go again, lack of choice, I not that fond of seagate and Weston digital is not that great,. also with less competition prices will rise. so we are going to be in the same boat as we are with graphic chips, only two Nvidia and AMD/ATI.
Never rely on the cloud, it is fine for small amount of data, but without super fast internet connections, it is useless for larger amounts and then what about security?
ATi is well known, anyone I talk to who is into computer hardware know that there is Nvidia and ATi. It will be a shame to see the ATI name go.
Hardware wise ATi is great, but their driver let them down, building a new computer at the end of the year, deciding weather to stay with Nvidia, which have been rock steady, or go for ATi/AMD Graphics card.
I will go for another AMD CPU, I hate Intel, but not sure about their video cards, because of their drivers./
i don't have these problems, I got a simple phone that allows me to make and receive calls,, send and receive text, the only branding Vodofone got on it is their name on the front and that is because it is their brand of phone.
£10 a month gives me 300mins and unlimited text, no hassle about Vodafone updating the phone and putting anything on there I don't want, as it can't be updated.
All these smart phones are just more hassle
I think Mozilla have lost the plot these days, even the new beta version 4 is no better. It is a shame as I started to use Netscape and then changed to Firefox when Netscape was dropped. I now using Iron, which is a chrome clone, but without the Google spying bits, much faster than Firefox in start up and displaying pages.
Add ons are not as good, but I found some that does what I want.
Sorry Mozilla, but your browsers are now history on my computers, in fact I had Opera, safari, Firefox 3.6 and 4on my computer as well as Internet Exploder and I have now just got one browser installed and that is Iron.
Ok I know that Internet Exploder is still there and it is hidden.
this will not be good, great it may speed up the net, but if Google jhave anything to do with it they will be able to spy on what ever website you visit.
at least the moment I can stop cokies , web bugs and other ways of spying, but if Google does this, how will we stop[ them?
Be just like Phorm that wanted to grab our traffic in the U.K
Google have got too big and too much in peoples face.
I use delicious and also roboform, both of with I would be lst without, nothing like it with Chrome.
The other problem that puts me off chrome is that it is Google, it spies on you and also it got Google Gears, something which I keep well clear off.
Google is just a bit to much in your life these days.
Yep, Bt will boost your speed or try anyway, but you have to sign up for another 12 months. I think I will leave well alone.
Only 7 months left until the end of my contract, I am not willing to sacrifice my freedom for something that may or may not give me faster speeds./
I have never used Ebay or paypal and don't attend to. I wonder how long it will be before they do the same in the uk, stopping people using Cheques. I know less people are using them and a lot of stores will not accept them anymore, but then Stores don't have their own payment system, well most don't anyway,.
Ebay have got too big, but then it is like a lot of American internet companies, it gets too big and think they can take over the world.
I been with lovefilm for a while now, when Sainsburys decided to drop their rental service, it was run by lovefilm anyway.
I have had no problems if any disks was faulty they would send another one right away. I did have the 3 disks at a time option, but now dropped it to 1 disk at once and 2 disks per month, not because lovefilm is not good, but because I need to cut down on my spending.
How can anyone compare MS office with openoffice.org? they are not in the same market. For 99% of home users openoffice.org is more than ample. MS office tries too hard, I remember when a word processor was a word processor and that was it. If you want to do newsletters then you used a Desktop publishing software.
I got office 2007, but only because a mate had a spare license. I would otherwise use Openoffice.org.
A mate of mine who have more money than sense decided to get a Iphone and to be honest it is nice to use, if you are indoors. but the blasted thing is useless in picking up weak signals. I have a Samsung s500I on 02 and it works very well at my mates place, but he had to go and stand by a window to get a signal on the Iphone.
No MMS is a pain and it is not a 3G only service as someone else said, I don't use 3G and yet I can send MMS on my Samsung.
Using the Iphone for internet browsing was extremely slow, without 3G or even Edge, it was painful to use, but the interface is great and I like the way Apple have done the interface, according to my mate even using Edge do not make a lot of difference.
the touch interface for getting your music and video is nice, but I found it difficult to see even in our dull daylight we have at the moment. Mate found it ok to see, but then he have better eyes than me, but he still thought a proper keypad would be better.
Anyway due to the fact that he could not get a very good signal on it even the replacement was not better, 02 decided to give him a refund and agreed to change his contract as he have been with 02 for years.
the Iphone could have been a great phone, but yesterdays technology that is over priced, certainly out of my price range, even if I was after a contract phone.
To be honest unless you are in business or just like showing off then a phone like the Iphone is not really needed. I find it difficult to see most mobile phone screens in daylight anyway, so having a phone where even the keys are on screen is not ideal.
I have a 18 month old Samsung and to be honest it makes and receives calls and that is all I want, yes so it have a Camera and a MP3 player built in, but they are never used.
I like Apple Macs, but I have never rated the Ipod that high and to be honest this Iphone is just another high priced gimmick, with more things to go wrong, including a battery that can not be removed.
People who buy one of these phones, either have plenty of money or is totle nut case and being stuck on a 18 month contract is stupid, 12 months is too long if things are not going right.
Just to make it clear, I am on the O2 network and I think the service is good, but surly Apple could have found a better supplier than Crapphone whorehouse.
To be honest I would not touch any High Def DVD system at the moment, no matter what the cost. What is the use of getting one version if only some films come out in that format? A mate of mine got himself a DVD-Hd system 12 months ago and find out that there are some films that he likes have come out on Blu-ray only , it would have been no different if he got a Blu-ray.
Is it not about time these big manufactures come to some agreement to produce a standard, they did it with normal DVD and with Cd, so why the hell can't they do it with Hi-def?
Just a way of getting people to buy and then buy again.
I am pleased that the Wii is catching up with the X-box 360, considering that the X-box have been around for longer, I think Nintendo should be pleased.
I have a Wii, I got it because it was different and it was the sort of thing I have been after for years. I am not a gamer, but syaing that I have now got 4 Wii games, as well as Wii sports.
I am not taking anything away from the X-box or the Playstation 3, they are both good machines and more advance than the Wii, but they are the type of consoles which appeal to the gamers.
The one thing that is missing from the Wii is online gaming, I think Nintendo should have put more thought into that, just imagine if the games that came with it was able to be played online, that would be good. Still at least the future looks better.
Well done Nintendo, it is about time they got up there with the big boys, since the game cube did not really do much good.
The Iplayer is not the only service that use P2P, Sky and others do as well, to be honest I don't blame BT or any other ISP getting a bit upset about this. After all why should an ISp help the BBc, Sky or any other service make money?
I never agreed withhe BBc starting this IPlayer in the first place, they are wasting my money on something I will not use, I think I should have a reduction in my license fee.
Instead of wasting money on this the BBc should think about not having so many repeats.
If I ran an ISP, I would block anything that came though Kservice if it was possible.
I also understand that BT, Tiscali and any other ISp that is doing a TVoIP service is also a bit worried about their own service. TBH, TVoIp in this country is a watse of time, the system is not up to it.
I can't see the point of this TVIP, for a start as have been said the bandwidth is not there and in the U.K, we either get shaped or capped. The artical says something about reliability and that is another problem, I have more problems with my Internet in the 9 years I have been using it than I have had in the 40 years of watching T.V, mind you that could change once we turn to digital T.V
Also most IPTV stuff is a load of repeats, I already see enough repeats on Freeview, so why on earth would I want to go though the hassle of IPTv just to watch more repeats?
I am interested in the technology, but that is about ti, I would not bother with it here and certainly not with the ISP I am with at the moment.