* Posts by ad47uk

187 publicly visible posts • joined 19 May 2007


Uber explains itself after 'moving the goalposts' on its new bug bounties


I am so glad we do not Uber in where i live, local taxi drivers can stay in business.

Yahoo! launches! password-free! push! logins! for! mobes!


Re: Brilliant

Yahoo are not the only ones that been asking for your number, Microsoft for their MS account, Google does, facebook does and so do other services.

I hate this two pass system or what ever they call it, my mobile phone provider have started it now and they have made it compulsory, the problem is they already got my phone number, so not a lot i can do about that until my contract runs out and I change provider.

Microsoft introduces yet another Skype for Windows 10


The problem with the versions in Windows 10 is that you need a MS account to use them,. I still have my old Skype name soi I would always use the desktop version anyway even if I used Windows 10.

Google to unleash Android Pay on UK shoppers within 'months'


i swapped my contactless card for a normal card, so the chance of me having this app on my phone is zero.

Who hit you, HP Inc? 'Windows 10! It's all Windows 10's fault'


Re: "(normally people buy a new machine to get a new Microsoft OS)"

The problem is hardware is not really worth replacing these days unless you have to. A 5 years old computer will still do the job fine unless you are into games you may get a small boost via a better video card.

CPU technology have been flat for a while, AMD not really done anything and Intel is just plodding along and putting out chips that really do very little more than what the last one did.

People do not buy a computer because MS decided to bring out a new OS.

Sir Clive Sinclair in tech tin-rattle triumph


But the Amiga is from a different generation, the speccy would be compared to the Oric 1/atmos or Amstrad, . The Amiga was competing against the Atari ST, Sadly Sinclair was almost forgotten about by then.

The ZX81 is what got me into computers, then the speccy after.

Toshiba denies it will exit the PC market


Re: If not Tosh laptops then who's?

Not that I am a lover of laptops, Acer is fine, I have a old Acer and still works fine, slow by todays standards, but ok. a mate of mine have a Toshiba laptop, years old it is but still great for what it is.

They're alive! Galileo sats 9 and 10 sending valid signals


So Galileo may be up and running in the next 50 years, but by that time the first satellites will be out dated and nearing the end of their time. i will be dead by the time this system is launched and thenh the new devices have to be set up to deal with it.

Not that I use GPS, the GPS on my phone is disabled..

TalkTalk admits losing £60m and 101,000 customers after THAT hack


Re: £60m

i am with plusnet, not sure if it was a good idea at the time as I was with a local Wireless company, but they seem ok so far, been with them for 11 months and to be honest that is the closest I want to get to BT. At least the call centre is in the UK.


Re: Do. no. want.

I have had nothing from Talk Talk for months, even before the hack I would not touch Talk Talk with a barge pole, so nothing they say or do will make any difference.

Research: By 2017, a third of home Wi-Fi routers will power passers-by


Re: Non-starter, at least here in the US

BT been doing it for years here, it used to be opt in, now it is opt out bu8t to do so you have to go into your account on their website to disable it as there is no way on the router as far as I can see to disable it.

thankfully I am not with BT and that the router i use is my own.

Does anyone know what their broadband costs? The ASA hopes to change that


Re: "Does anyone know what their broadband costs?"

I am glad you find it easy and no doubt most people replying on this site will find it easy, but there are people out there that do not understand the pay structure of broadband.

I do think it is about time the market was cracked down on and that prices are made easier to understand.

BT and Talk Talk are the worse, Talk Talk as to get fibre you have to get Simply broadband, then their line rental and then pay for Fibre on top, Bt because they have too many broadband packages.

I am so glad you can separate your broadband from your line rental, but not many large providers do that, Plusnet does, but you pay a bit more for your broadband. It is normally smaller suppliers that allow you to have broadband while you paying someone else for line rental, but you pay a price in that the smaller supplier is more expensive.

To be honest, Ik would like it if all providers offered just broadband and allowed us to get line rental separately.

AMD accuses Intel of VW-like results fudging


I like AMD stuff and I have been using their CPUs more or less since I started with PCs around 1996, I had a Cyrix on my first PC, Amigas before that.

I know that it seems to be the fashion to blow off AMD and suck up to Intel and I am not going to deny that Intel chips are better, because they have improved their chips over the years and sadly AMD seems to have come to a stop.

My AMD FX 8350 eight core chip which I got last year is old technology, I know that and the chipset my board uses is at least 5 years old, but the machine still works well and for video editing using all eight cores and the GPU it flies.

I would love AMD to update their chips and their chipsets and not just the APUs.

I will stick with AMD as to be honest of all the years I have been using them I only had one failure and that was my own fault, I did not make sure the heatsink was on correctly and even then AMD said they would replace the chip.

Group rattles tin in bid to snatch TfL licence from Uber's paw


I don't live in London, but if I did I would use the Black cabs and not Uber, If I visited London, I would use black cabs.

I would never use Uber if it came here, which it won't, I stick to the taxi company I normally use. Uber is a gimmick and at least with a taxi company you know where they operate from.

UK energy minister rejects 'waste of money' smart meters claim


While we can refuse these meters, we are still going to pay for them via our bills, just like we are paying for people to stick solar panels up on their roofs.

I do not think smart meters will make much difference to how most people use their energy, we still need to make tea/coffee, we still need heating, lighting, we still need to cook, using washing machines and need hot water.

I may make some people think twice before they use their dish washers or tumble dryer, but I very much doubt it.

I know a few households that have smart meters and out of them all only one still look at the display, My next door neighbour chucked their display in a cupboard.

I think they could be dangerous in the fact that older people may look at them and see how much money their heating is using and turn it off, so freezing to death.

Someone on here say they use the power lines, that is not true, to send data they use the mobile phone network, so they use a sim card. A mate of mine lives in the sticks and when British gas was going to p;ut a smart meter in they tested for a signal via different networks and could nto get one so no smart meter for my mate.

The provider i am with do not seem in a rush to install one, which is fine by me.

Launch embiggens Galileo satnav fleet


Re: Turning off GPS is reasonable

100% correct.

Only joking by the way, GPS is switched off to save battery and the fact is I do not really need it as I know where I am.


So we can be spied on by the E.U as well as the Americans, oh what fun. so glad GPS is turned off on my phone.

TalkTalk website STILL down on day TWO


I have been using one and one to host my email for over 8 years and have had no problems what so ever. In this day and age I thought people would have gone beyond using ISP based email services.

El Reg Redesign - leave your comment here.


copying others

It seems like the type of design you have gone for is the norm these days, digital spy is almost the same, our local paper site is about the same. i think web designers seems to come out of the same mould these days. I hate these stupid menus at the top that seems to be on almost every site now.

Takeaway order spewer Just Eat plans to raise £100m in IPO


No British food

Just had a look to see what is around here and it all seems to be Pizzas, indian and other foreign food. I think I give it a miss.

US megalocorp AT&T: We're NOT swallowing Blighty's Vodafone


thank goodness for that

From what I have been told about AT & T we don't need them over here, we got enough problems with companies as it is.

Not that I am planning to stay with vodafone much longer,

Connecting Gmail to Google+ is SENSELESS, says Digg founder


Re: Google is freakin terrible

What about Mobile phones? My mobile phone is Android based, which is Google, i got it because it was a good price and a better Os than windows based phone and cheaper than a Iphone.

If someone came out with a good phone Os that is open source and no spying aat a decent price then i may look at it, so far there is none.

firefox Os is still not that good.


No forcing google+

I have a Gmail account, not that I use it a lot, but I don't have a Google+ account. i don't understand why people have a problem with this as Google is not forcing you to get a Google+ account, it is just if you do have one then it will be linked with Gmail and even then you can set it up so no one from google+ can send you a message via Gmail.

Now You Tube was a different matter as google did force people to have a Google+ page if they wanted to write comments and if you have a new channel, you got to have a google+ page, which you can lock down with no problem at all.

I did set up a page to have a look, but now got rid of it as I don't comment on videos.

if google force people with Gmail to have a google+ profile then that is another thing, but so far they are not, you can even delete the profile when you set up a Google account.

Wait, that's no moon 21.5-inch monitor, it's an all-in-one LG Chromebase PC


Too Limited

chrome Os is too limited, while it may be secure even if you do get spied on by google, you are more or less stuck in a browser.

If a secure Os is required then a Linux distro is the best way to go, maybe if there was a all in one with Linux, it may be a better buy.

Analogue radio will CONTINUE in Blighty as Minister of Fun dodges D-Day death sentence


Re: Yes, make Radio 1 DAB

Classic FM is on Fm and the quality is far better than on Dab, even if Classic Fm do have a better bitrate on DAb than other stations. I listen to classic FM on FM, only tried it on DAB once and that was enough.

As for Radio one going to DAb, would we notice? the last time i tuned to Radio one it was full of junk and the sound quality was awful as everything is over compressed, sound wise.

Freeradio is the same and have been for years, even when it was Wyebother, I mean Wyevern.

Localy I like sunshine radio, but again I will listen to it via FM, not DAB.

sorry, but DAb is a waste of space for music, fine for chat,

Check out The Register's Google+ page


Re: FaceBook?

Never got into Twitter to be honest, hard to follow.

NO! Radio broadcasters snub 'end of FM' DAB radio changeover


Re: Things that need to happen

Internet radio is better? I don't agree with that, the internet is not 100% reliable and what happens if you don't have the internet?

BBC announces plans to spend your cash on digital goodies


they are not using my money

i don't have a Tv licence, so they are not using my money to pay for this stuff. i am so glad I am not paying for a useless +1 channels or for a new Iplayer.

Cognitive Networks to bring creepy awareness to LG's smart TVs


i am glad I don't have a smart Tv and if I did it would not be connected to the net. My next Tv will also not be smart or 3D

UK gov's smart meter dream unplugged: A 'colossal waste of cash'


Next door neighbour had smart meters a few months back, the display just ended up in a drawer, not ever been plugged in, so what is the point?

Google pools cloud storage


so what happens to the storage if you are not registered for Google+? I don't really use Google stuff much anyway, just the contacts in Gmail to sync to my phone and the calender and that is it. I don't really use cloud storage, got a couple of documents stored in Dropbox that are a few KB.

Yahoo! Axes! Yet! More! Products!

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know new email service for me

I noticed that Yahoo is getting rid of their classic email service,which for me is good bye to Yahoo. i don't use their email service that much these days anyway, so not much of a problem.

Classic email don't get spied on like the new mail service, which they now use to track keywords and throw adverts with those keywords back at us.

I have already started to move the couple of auto emails to GMX or even my own domain.

Nowhere to hide for Google users as Play is given Plus treatment


May have a look at the new Blackberry next year when I can renew my contract or I may just go back to a normal mobile.

Less hassle


I have not left any reviews yet, now I know I never will. I don't have Google+ and got no need for Google+. i know that Google want more people to use Google+, but the way they are going about it may get less people using other services.

The only reason i have a Gmail account is so I can sync my contacts to my phone, but if I go for a different Os in my phone next year I will cancel all my google accounts.

Not sure what you mean about you tube mind you, I use You Tube and got a you tube account, but I still don't have a google+ account.

TalkTalk to Ofcom: 'Talented, lovely monopolist' BT must be reeled in


Both companies as bad as each other to be honest. i am glad I am away from Bt and Talk Talk.

Yahoo! will! ignore! 'Do! Not! Track!' from! IE10!


or Do not track plus from Abine. The good thing about DNT+ is that it just makes cookies up with the opt out set, so the ad companies like google can see that you don't want to be tracked.

The other good thing is that it works with Chrome or chrome clones, where Ghostery as good as it is on Firefox is not so good.

Abine is http://www.abine.com/dntdetail.php

Thank Freeview for UK 4G by mid-2013 - NOT the iPhone 5 nor EE


Re: Wait!

3G is fine for most people with mobile phones, Maybe people who got pads or use dongles may need a bit more speed, but most phones and services work fine with 3G.

i like my analogue radio, so why should I give that up just so people can get faster speed that they don't need?

Mozilla's Persona single sign-on service enters beta

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been tried time and time again

and more or less failed. how many people uses these sort of service? OpenId was suppose to be the only one thing we needed to sign in and yet even after all these years very few websites uses it.

i don't use firefox any more, but if I did, I would still carry on using the way I normally use to sign into websites.

Bonking payment by NFC doubled by Olympics splash


Re: I've done my best to disable mine

Can you not change the amount of times you can use the card without it asking for your pin to 0, or one, in that way you should then always be asked to enter your pin when you use it.

A mate of mine got a cerdit card with NFC and his bank refused to change it, so he had it changed so that it could never be used without it asking fro his pin.

Bank was not happy about it, but they allowed him to do that.


The banks don't seem to be giving NFC cards out anyway, i have not been given one, not that I want one to be honest.

Google+ claims 100 million 'active' users


Not for me

i got Gmail because it is a easy way to sync contacts on my mobile phone, that is the only reason I got a Gmail account, i signed up before google started pushing people into having a google+ account.

I got a facebook account and that does me, never seen the need for a Google+ account.

UK's pay-by-bonk mobile network threesome wins EU approval


thankfully i don't think my phone is able to do this pay by bonk stuff, i want to stay as far away from it and NFC for that matter as I can.

Vodafone: Do you take Visa?


NFC is a security risk, will not touch it with a bargepole, thankfully my phone will never be able to cope with NFC as it is a cheap HTC wildfire.

Microsoft mum on leaked Phone OS plans

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I am happy with my android phone, it may not be the fastest, but it does what I want and any phone that got NFC i will stay well clear of.

Seagate sucks hard disk biz from Samsung

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So Seagate now got Samsung, Weston digital getting hold of Hitachi, that is really going to be good for the consumer.

Lack of choice, just like there is in the CPU and Graphics card market.

I hate Seagate drives, I used to like Maxtor until seagate got their grubby hands on them

Microsoft copies Google with silent browser updates


Use Iron

Use Iron, it is chrome but without Google spyware, do a search for Iron browser. I disabled IE on my computer or was far as Microsoft will allow you to disable it. Use Iron all the time now

BT fibre rollout reaches Scotland, Wales


Hereford is on the list, which shocked me, Ludlow is pretty small to be honest, so Bt have to be sure it is worth while.

i am surprised that Ludlow is still up to ADSL2 yet. Be careful changing to Talk Talk, if you want to change back to BT or any other service, it can cost.

Seagate embiggens hybrid drive, won't say how...

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I got the older 500Gb version and yes it is certainly faster than a normal drive on some things, I also found it unreliable. My computer would just freeze or other software just played up. It was due to a problem with the drive going into sleep mode.

I did update the firmware on it, but it made no difference, which is why I went and got myself a SDD and now the seagate is the second drive and it is fine as that

WD cleared to gobble Hitachi GST

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So even less competition in the hard drive market, with Seagate trying to snap up Samsung drive business, we will be left with two, Seagate rubbish and WD. as bad as the video card market and the CPU market.

Microsoft to offer dual upgrade path for Windows 8

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I only just built my Desktop, so are you saying that when windows 8 comes out next year I should build another one?

I don't want to do a fresh install for a few years, my system is backed up using Acronis true image, so if my hard drive goes belly up I can just put the image back on.

All the software i got with plug ins galore makes it a pain in the neck to do a fresh install, sop if I was going to update to Windows 8, which I am not, then a upgrqde that keeps my settings and software is the best way to go, if it works.
