NoSQL solves a different problem than RDBMS
That's exactly what I came to say. NoSQL DBs aren't meant to replace relational databases, they're trying to solve a completely different problem. Relational databases with their ACID are meant for keeping rigid, highly structured data consistent. NoSQL databases are for storing data where size, speed and scalability are far more important than consistency.
Google, for example, uses their BigTable for matching ads with your surfing behaviour -- if it messes up every once in a while, nobody will even notice, let alone care. But for their paying adword customers, you can bet they're using a relational database. There, accuracy and consistency is far more important. It's the difference in scaling requirements between tracking billions of internet users, and tracking maybe millions of paying advertisers.
Few small companies are likely to have to worry about such Google-scale issues, so for them RDBMSs are fine.