Re: The Name
"For one dreadful moment Boots the Chemist and time of the month images were swirling around."
17 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Dec 2009
"as they have PUBLICLY STATED that they are considering merging the OS with Windows Phone.... Stay away, stay FAR away."
Yes more merging is likely to come, and that may involve the kind of treatment the WP7 owners, and developers, experienced when WP8 was introduced. On the other hand, if the LTE Nokia 2520 gets me what I want now, I might as well pay up. Tablets and phones are consumables.
1. Wow I'm I glad I didn't buy the Note 3
2. This is probably the first time in a long while I get emotionally involved in tech news.
3. I hope the EU, which is trying to root out roaming fees, finds a way to slam Samsung so hard it hurts a billion ways.
4. This has turned me off Samsung really, really badly. I'm not surprised, though since Samsung's coming from Korean Chaebol society i.e. where rigging of markets and procurement is the whole understanding of how it should work. This is the kind of thing the US is officially banning in so called anti-trust lawsuits, and so does EU. Samsung found a way to fool the consumer. Great. They'll get the pay back. At least I'm not buying another Samsung phone. F*** Samsung.
Battery life may be a nice feature, but these days at least I'm used to charging my gear daily. So while it's nice I won't have to charge daily with the Toq, I find the big ticket item is the screen being visible in sunlight. Having used the the analog SonyEricsson Fossil made BT watch, the MBW-150, which was an addictive tool, and reasonably stylish, its OLED screen was totally invisible in direct sunlight, and very hard to read in daylight. While the Toq is an all digital, I find the big ticket item is its screen is always on, and visible outdoors, and even in the sun. The other features, such as a carrying case for the BT headset that also doubles as a wireless charging station is appealingly creative. Impressive for a first product of this type from Qualcomm.
Good piece and comparison, Tony.
I used a couple of SonyEricsson MBW-150s (developed by parts of the MetaWatch team). Vibrating alerts, and discreetly checking incoming were addictive features.
The MBW-150 had one distinct advantage over any of the current crop - it looked like a normal analog watch. The other watch I had, a $1500 piece, was left unused because of it. I would still be using the MBW-150 if the OLED screen hadn't been designed toe expire within a certain time period after production date. Although I respect both the Metawatch and the Pebble teams, out of the current "all digital and plastic" range the Agent is the only device I could even remotely be seen with. Of course Apple might change all that.
Canalys 5 million Smartwatches next year does seem a bit optimistic unless they count on Apple launching their rumored device very soon.
"During what I call the "years of madness" - sweeping from Nokia's peak in 2007* to the Elopocalypse - good reviews were rare. "
What does rare mean? What is a good review? The Nokia N900 received with very, very favorable reviews. Complaints were about it not being launched by Nokia in the UK, US etc. There were even a gray imports for the N900. It's swipe interface received a lot of positive attention, as did it's one piece, machined shell.
Nokia, the most profitable company ever!! €74bn earnings on a €50.7bn turnover in 2008. Now, that's impressive! It would yield a 146% Return on Sales... No wonder Apple wanted to get in on this market. In fact the US government would prefer to start selling mobile phones than printing money.
Where did you find these numbers?? In fact Nokia's turnover was down by 1% and profit down by 38% compared to 2007.
I agree about the voice dialing. Certainly with a pocketable computer. Leave it in the pocket and work through the headset.
I thought Nokia could just port the stuff from Symbian, but apparently it's not as easy as that, or they would have done it alreay. Hopefully it'll be there in a year's time or so (by the time more consumer oriented Maemo6 devices start shipping). It is noteworthy that some recent top of the line Windows Mobile phones from HTC doesn't have this feature working either, not even with Microsoft's own voice command software.
The N900 does better than video phone calling via the network, it does video chatting/and or video calling via the internet, either through a 3.5g line or over Wifi, although it doesn't work flawlessly yet. See this thread at