Re: Sci-fi series withdrawal
Person of Interest
12 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Dec 2009
"Having used a Samsung Windows 8 tablet for a few months, I have a theory as to why: you think you want a full desktop computer on your tablet - I certainly did -- but you don't. It simply doesn't work."
Then why does nearly everyone agree that the opposite is true - that I want a tablet OS on my desktop? This idiotic trend has ruined just about every linux distro, and now Windows ...
I fairly surprised at the article title, then to learn that it was about public facing web servers, which is not what the title "Ubuntu rockets up at enterprises" suggests. Does anyone really care about public facing web servers? Now, as much as I wish it were true (it is a better distro than RHEL) the support just isn't there. There are hardly any applications for Ubuntu, all the enterprise apps are for RHEL and it seems most hardware vendors have never even heard of it.
If Shuttleworth wants enterprise traction, he needs to stop spending his time breaking the desktop and start courting hardware and software vendors.
I love how all these business types first have to rationalize an idea as "good business sense" for it to be acceptable to them. I almost get the feeling that the only reason they also don't do things like eat children, engage in wanton murder and rape is because it's 'good business sense" not to.