* Posts by sarahemmm

6 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Dec 2009

BOFH: We know where the bodies are buried


And in the wonderful new world of GDPR

.. this will be reality ;)

UK computing museum starts reboot of 65-year-old EDSAC


Oh boy! I remember those selectors!

I spent several years wiring them for lift controllers in late 70s to early 80s. The had 25 selectors, so there was some clever design to link them for US lifts, which were allowed to go 40 floors...

Look, pal, it’s YOUR password so it’s YOUR fault that it's gone AWOL


Maybe I'm thick, but

when I log in to my work pc, if I get my password wrong 3 times in a row, I'm locked out. Surely, unless a password is so ridiculous that you can guess it in 3 goes, the same system should prevent all these dictionary hacks??

Phones for the elderly: Testers wanted for senior service


Re: Thinking of an elderly neighbour ...

"Red Buttons" are already available nationwide - my mother has one. It costs about £4/month and if she presses it, a speaker phone call is made to the answering service, who will call an ambulance or other assistance. Only available within the home, though, so I see this service as a useful extension.

My mother (84) can cope with a mobile phone, but I have asked her if she would be interested in trialling the new service.

Boffin road trip! The Reg presents Geek's Guide to Britain


Re: Adastral Park ... call it by it's proper name BT Labs

Spent a summer there in 91 - fond recollections of the onsite bank and fire engines, as well as 'the floor that doesn't exist' even though you can see it perfectly well from miles away!

Google moves tanks onto property market's lawns


What's not to like?

Use StreetView to walk around your favoured area, checking which houses are on sale - what's not to like?