* Posts by Liebour Hunter

3 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Dec 2009

Judge hits police with massive bill over false Operation Ore charges

Liebour Hunter
Big Brother


Can someone please explain why we fund ACPO? IF I understand their aims they look after and promote the views of the top-cops as in Association of Chief Police Officers. Why should tax-payers fund their jaunts and drinking sessions?

Muso turfed off train for 'suspicious' set list

Liebour Hunter
Big Brother

Turned into Fascist state

What a right couple of "winkers" they must be!! What would the "highly visible" patrol done if he had refused to leave the train; probably turf him off and call the local coppers to give him a real going over for disturbing their tea-break!

As for a that dick-head Steven Stewart, Director of Corporate Communications of the Stagecoach Group. The story as Stagecoach would like us to believe - not the passengers recollection if your article bears any resemblance to his version of the truth.

For Steve Evans - Mussolini was the leader of the Italian Fascist party so I think that would make them Fascists - just like most cops and government or council officials in the UK today.

Seems like Mr Bliar and Broon & NuLiebor have turned the UK into the sort of state that the generation who fought and died fighting Fascism against in 1939 - 45 fought against. A sorry state of affairs.

UK mulls extension of McKinnon judicial review period

Liebour Hunter
Big Brother

Spineless twunks

Baroness Scotland, she of the hanging onto my gravy ilk, has reportedly said that it's OK to extradite McKinnon because NuLiebor don't want to create waves with Uncle Sam! The faceless individuals who formulated this treaty and allowed it's implementation without any reciprocation from USA give are more than spineless they are merely slime.

When will the government stop taking away our rights.