* Posts by croc

208 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2009


Snowden's secure email provider Lavabit shuts down under gag order


RE: "Osamba"

Yeah... I quit that '$' shit 'cause I can't find a lower case $ sign...

The hammer falls: Feds propose drastic controls on Apple's iTunes Store


I WANT that JOB!!!!!!!

Geneticists resolve human dilemma of Adam's boy-toy status


Archeologically established point???

"Y chromosomes change relatively little over the millennia, and the team was able to used an archeologically established point – humanity reaching the Americas around 15,000 years ago – by comparing the genetic data from the two populations. This was used to establish a "molecular clock" of genetic change in the Y chromosome."

Given that there are many sites in the americas that make this date somewhat controversial, how can this population be used as the basis for any kind of clock? (And what do molecules have to do with gene sequences?)

Maybe they should have used the aboriginal population of Australia as their stable sample. I mean, there at least you have a relatively unchanged set of gene sequences going back some 50k years.

Burger-rage horse dumps on McDonald's: Rider saddled with fat fine


Re: Does anyone know

Uh... No thanks. I've seen how that 'special sauce' is made.

SkyDrive on par with C: Drive in Windows 8.1


These are all very good features... IFF you have very fast, cheap internet and IFF what you are storing is something that you'd not mind your mother seeing.

For all the others, these are TERRIBLE features... I DO have to pay for bandwidth, and quite a bit of what I 'store' is commercial-in-confidence type of stuff. I'd not like it if some bloke at the NSA thought that some 'Merkan company needed my ideas more than I did. So Thanks, Microsoft, but No Thanks from me. I'll use an OS that lets me store my stuff locally, on an encrypted drive...

Snowden: US and Israel did create Stuxnet attack code


Re: "most trusted services in the world if they actually desire to do so."

Your numbers seem a bit off.... Lightning strike death odds in US, about 500,000 to 700,000 to 1. Odds of terrorism death in US, about 20,000,000 to 1.

Cost to US of POSSIBLY saving all lives if all plots intercepted had succeeded, about $200,000,000 per life saved.


Cost of freedoms lost? Priceless....

The perfect gift for the pistol-packing 'Merkin: a handgun iPhone case


Re: Stupid is as stupid does...

"I'm not sure what loose humanity is"

The kind that does drugs, ho's and prons...

Former Microsoft Windows chief: I was right to kill the Start button


Re: Disruptive

Good for rats, bad for dinosaurs... Cockroaches don't even notice.

Google gives vendors seven-day bug disclosure deadline


Re: Protect users

"snip> If your mission-critical in-house app requires some plug-in that has only ever been released for Firefox jumping ship to IE for a week or two simply isn't on the radar. Nor is it if you have the simple issue of managing a roll out across an entire estate of thousands of users and machines.

Seriously, I'm beginning to wonder how many commentards here have real world commercial experience."

Seriously? You'd build a business-critical application based on some rather untested features on a browser that might change versions without warning, and leave it connected to the internet knowing that it had been exploited... and you wonder how many of US have real-world commercial experience?

Forget tax bills, here's how Google is really taking us all for a ride


"Imagine two Gmails. One remains free and advertising-supported, the other is available to you for 25p a year via your ISP. The designers of the latter system, let's call it "RealMoneyMail", wouldn't need to show advertisements, obviously. They would need to invest in carrying your emails efficiently rather than in a vast behaviour-processing server farm. They wouldn't need to pry. 25p isn't a lot per person, but spread over millions of users, it would be enough to run a business. And the "RealMoneyMail" team would be acutely aware that if they did a lousy job, consumers would walk: the market would shun their product. So their incentive is to make it a great one."

HHHHhhaaaahhhhhhaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaa..... Oh Boy! That was a REAL good 'un. Now, I have to go pay my cable TV bill, BRB.

Last time CO2 was this high, the world was underwater? No actually


And we're worried about SEA LEVELS?

In my lifetime the total population has gone from a mere 2.5 billion people to almost 7 billion people...

Acorn founder: SIXTH WAVE of tech will wash away Apple, Intel


It's all about the Genes,,,

I mean, those selfish genome type of Genes, not the other things that happen to get called Gene, like Gene Kelly.... But I digress. The Selfish Genes will win, no matter the wave. And the humans had better, by Gene, let them win, help them win, cheat for them to win even, if those poor lowly humans hope to have any chance of surviving. Because if the Selfish Genes DON"T win, they'll just take their balls and go home.

Where's the Icon with the slobbery tongue-thingy when you need it?

All aboard the patch wagon! Next stop: Microsoft, Adobe, Mozilla


Office 2007 not getting auto-updates for security patches

At least that has been my experience. I understand not getting program updates after going into extended support, but no security updates? MS is REALLY starting to creep me out...

United Nations: 'Overpopulated Earth? Time to EAT BUGS'


How in hell did the earth ever get by without humans to guide it by the hand? (Or more importantly, I think, when will the earth get pissed off enough at we humans to do a re-balancing act?)

The IT Crowd returns to Channel 4 for a final episode



cow orkers.

Coke? Windows 8 is Microsoft's 'Vista moment'. Again


An interesting use of 'telemetrics' that I am sure will someday be included in some textbook as an example of how NOT to gather statistics. Sinofsky's FIRST error was only using a data set derived from telemetric data, instead of actual observation. (A sort of self-selecting data set of rather strange people...) His SECOND error was assuming that the set of data derived from people using searches was somehow meaningful.

CURSE you, EINSTEIN! Humanity still chained in relativistic PRISON


Re: Stupid question


Stupid question

I'm posting this anonymously as I'm sure there's a really, really, really easy answer to this thought experiment but I'm too thick to know it.

If I had a metal rod 100 million miles long sitting in a frictionless universe, and I push one end of the rod, surely the other end moves immediately, rather than taking however long light takes to travel 100 million miles. Which means that this violates the speed of light as nowt can travel faster than that, even information. I have heard about Quantum Entanglements and homeopathic medicine but assume this is not at all related as I have no idea what a quantum is except it's probably smaller than a peanut and am not sure what memory water really has.

Now I'm 100% positive that Einstein was brighter than me, indeed suspect the vast proportion of the world will fit that large set, but nobody has explained to me why my thought experiment is wrong.

Any takers who can write in crayon and use very, very small words? Please?"

You really need to substitute in a hydraulic cylinder for your rod...

Star Trek phaser sells for a STUNNING $231,000


Re: Just goes to show, if you have enough money..

Melinda bought it, for Bill.. He's such a closet trekkie, y'know.

Are the PCs all getting a bit old at your office? You're not alone


Tablet-Top Publishing?

Would someone please ask IDC how many of its reports detailing the demise of the desktop PC were written on a tablet? Or how much of the data that was crunched to make these reports was crunched on a smartphone?

My bold prediction: Businesses will like BYOD, flexi-scheduling, work-from-home right up to the point in time when they don't like it. Business tends to not be really innovative in

Japan's rare earth discovery bad news for China's monopoly plans


Not me... I have a ute.

Researcher sets up illegal 420,000 node botnet for IPv4 internet map


Re: This guy a Yank?

I'm not prejudiced... Some of my best friends are 'Mercans!


Re: Prosecution would be proof of idiocy..

There are 'white hats', 'gray hats' 'black hats' and ass hats... An ass hat is someone so naive as to believe that they are breaking no laws in their squeaky-clean lives. This gives them the moral authority to proclaim from behind their anonymous coward masks that indeed THE REASON FOR WHICH YOU BROKE THE LAW MATTER ONLY INSOFAR THAT THEY CAN AFFECT THE FINE WHEN CAUGHT - THEY DO NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT YOU COMMITTED A CRIME.

Well, let me tell you, ass hat... that laundry you are wearing isn't as clean as you think it is...

We're not making this up: Apple trademarks the SHOP


Microsoft store?

(Blink - Blink) Microsoft Store? They have some? Where...? (checks Sydney CBD... Nope, not there... Lifts Melbourne's skirts... Nada. Here little store...)

Samsung mocks Apple lawsuit in SuperBowl teaser ad

Paris Hilton

Apple owner? Sucks to be you....

Having all your friends laugh at you for your screwed-up maps, your lack-of-bonkiness... Even worse, you'll have to spend big time bikkies to once again be part of the new hipster group.

But you had your day in the sun, eh? Struttin' your stuff, waving that fruit bar all over everyone's face. Maybe you should grow a mullet... Yeah, that's the ticket!

<-- 'Cause she knows the price of becoming outmoded...


How to tell if an ad was worth the money spent...

Watch the ad. Ten minutes later, see if you can remember the ad. Now see if you can remember who the ad was for.

Zuck on it, Google: 'Public' Facebook events are dead to you

Paris Hilton

Re: Facebook are doing lots of other things - like claiming to delete accounts and data

Is "I'm on facebook for family reasons' the new "I get Playboy for the articles"??? If so, what a sad lot we humans are becoming...

<-- Paris, 'cause she understands me.

Kim Dotcom's locker may be full, but the cupboard is bare

Paris Hilton

Mega is providing a product, called 'Security'...

...And as an added bonus, you get storage for your 'security' absolutely free! And you can access your 'security' from anywhere in the world that doesn't totally firewall off your 'security' just because you won't give them a look-see. It's your 'security'. Not theirs, and they are going to be hopping pissed off mad about that, let me be the first to tell you!

Now, what are 'they' going to do about it? That's where this whole saga gets interesting, and I don't think a box of popcorn will last long enough to see the end of this tale.

<--- Paris wishes she had some 'security'.

Engineers are cold and dead inside, research shows


Re: Doctors caring & empathetic?

Do you ever remember having sex?

Anger grows over the death of Aaron Swartz


Re: Comparing Turing to Swartz? Complete FAIL!

Sometimes you do tend to come off as a complete ass. This is one of those times. You should have just stayed in bed this morning, done us all a favor. Speaking of favors...

Where's my middle finger icon when it is needed?

Craptastic analysis turns 2.8 zettabytes of Big Data into 2.8 ZB of FAIL


Encyclopedia Brittanica

I have this vision of monkeys, keyboards, and big data crunching machines -

Little spider makes big-spider-puppet CLONE of itself out of dirt

Paris Hilton

I just don't understand... I thought that the purpose of a spider web was to catch prey, not to scare it off. Or maybe the spider knows that flies really don't know what a spider looks like (having always been eaten before they could talk...) and also knowing that big, lumbering humans will just blindly walk through their webs, (given several hundred thousand years of observation) causing them hours of hungry painful labour-intensive rebuilding of said web, and also knowing that said humans are 50 / 50 afraid of spiders, so build an image that will alert the big-lumbering lummox to the fact that he (or she) is about to have a close encounter of a spidery kind. In short, a true genius of an inventor, worthy of even more praise than its lowly engineering bretheren, for inventing a device that will save spider-dom countless hours of frustrating, painstaking, labourious web-building.

On another note, wonder what a spider looks like seen through a spider's eight eyes?

< the .50 referred to above...

Apple loses iPhone patent lawsuit


Re: That call rejection patent...

After Ogg invented the wheel, Magog protested that Ogg's idea was obvious...

Goldman Sachs: Windows' true market share is just 20%


For some reason, I just can't trust anything that comes forth from the orifices of Goldman Sachs.

Australian Police say don't use Apple's iOS 6 Maps


Apple Accounting

How much does it cost to fix maps? X.

How much will it cost to NOT fix maps if someone dies? Y.

If X > Y do not fix maps.

If X = Y do not fix maps, but issue press release blaming customers.

If Y > X, pay off Y but get signed NDA. Do not fix maps.

'Mount Doom' rumbling ominously

Paris Hilton

Re: Theories about why this is happening

And, he saw all that beautiful scenery while running... On unmarked trails... In foliage so dense in spots that even on marked trails, if one leaves the trail for more than a meter one can get very lost. Hope his trip goes well, just also hope that he doesn't repeat that story to the locals.

<------- Paris, because she's gullible. In fact, she's been on Gullible's Travels. Just ask her.

Lawyer sues Microsoft rather than slot an SD card into his Surface

Paris Hilton

I did a quick check on MS website selling Surface. Nowhere that I could find was any mention made of how much 'usable' space was left to the consumer, leaving me with the impression that storage meant just that - space available to the user. They did go to some pains to explain that a GB was one billion bytes, but no where was there any information about how many billion bytes were left over for the consumer. Guy has a point. Shirley there's enough room on a 32 GB storage media for my 24 GB photo / music collection, right?

Paris, because, well, she's always a bit confused...

Bond's Walther PPK goes digital: A civilized gun updated


Re: @AC: 11:09 (was: The wife's primary pistol of choice ...)

The problem with tools.... If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

Office for Android, Apple iOS: 'REALLY REAL this time' - report


Re: Word for Android and iOS?

Just checked in Word 2007 - and no, it doesn't catch that wee grammatical error. It did, though, suggest that you use a few less commas.

<--- Where is my tonguey-sticky-outty-thingy, eh?

Samsung adds iPhone 5 to patent battle v Apple


Re: To wit

First to file, matey... I'm off to the USPTO!

Apple weighs in on AntiSec's alleged FBI hack

Paris Hilton


Apple says 'not me'. The FBI says 'not me'. So, are the UDID's on the list real or fakes? If real, then somebody's not quite telling the real truth (as opposed to the fake truth).

<<<< Paris, because she's more clueless than me...

Qubes OS bakes in virty system-level security


Re: This existed in 2001

Not quite, that was only oriented towards browsers, where this is more like an OS that is a collection of VM's, some of which may or may not include browsers.

Were I to want something like GreenBorder today, I'd go with BitBox.

I might configure up a Qubes OS on a micro-drive for use at internet cafe's, that could be interesting.

Cook's 'values' memo shows Apple has lost its soul

Big Brother

Re: Apple are evil. I've said it for years.

@ Jonathan White:

Could you please name a few? I mean a few worse personages than Jobs. I tried, but gave up when I realized that Genghis Khan was only worse in scale, not in kind.

US will fight ITU members for internet domination


Re: It sounds great in principle


So much for your spam-free idea.... Now let's discuss spying on gov'ts, businesses and the NSA, eh?

Apple demands Samsung flogged for 'unethical' court doc leak


Who's Smarter...


You or a cockroach?

Techie accused of snooping wife's email cleared of wrongdoing


Re: A friend of mine...

It's WireShark, m8... Hasn't been Ethereal for donkey's.

Dutch payment-by-bonkers bonk payments on the head


Japan's been doing something similar for years...

...So maybe someone could ask them for advice?

'Sacrifice another goat!: iCloud is Apple's biggest failure before Google


Let's talk 'cloud' stuff when all and sundry have FTTN / uncapped data. At reasonable prices, please... Until then it is just too costly to use a 'free' cloud service.

Then there is the 'megaupload' aspect of cloud services. What happens when the MPAA decides that what you've stored might infringe something of theirs? Who cares where you live, mate... Or maybe you've got stuff stored there, and 'there' disappears due to an FBI takedown notice? Fat chance of recovery, mate. Others see clouds, all I see is ISP's and lawyers chasing the silver linings.

How to fix the broken internet economy: START HERE


Problem solved...

Make it simple to use, on any device I wish, and charge me a reasonable fee, OK? Good now? Off you go, then.

Disable Gadgets NOW says Redmond


Re: Kill off the crap

Commonize? COMMONIZE?? Damned marketing droids...
