Re: This is a serious issue
"I'm pretty sick and tired of paying 50% more than the US price for many Steam games simply because of publisher greed and their "Watcha gonna do about it?!?" attitude. it's not like NZ/AU incomes are comparatively higher."
\start rant\
Games? <font size="4">GAMES?</font> You Provencial Putz! I'm sick and tired of getting screwed for region-priced software that I DOWNLOAD FROM THE SAME SERVER AS YOU! I am sick and tired of not being able to send a mate overseas a DVD because of REGION CODING! I am sick and tired of not being able to PAY TO SEE A NEW MOVIE THE SAME DAY (MONTH?) THAT IT IS RELEASED (usually) IN THE USA! I am sick and tired of getting screwed on hardware pricing BECAUSE OF REGION PRICING! I SICK AND TIRED OF COMPANIES CRYING "<font size="6"> GLOBALIZATION!!!!</font> ALL OVER THE PLACE UNTIL IT COMES TO THEIR BOTTOM LINE, THEN WHISPERING <font size="1">regional...</font> \end rant\