Re: Instead of piecemeal legislation
I hear that the south of France is nice this time of year....Not part of Five Eyes, either. Nice. The town, that is....
208 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2009
A group of scientists built a box with four ways out, differing complexity, to test the intelligence of gorillas. The first gorilla promptly bashed his way through the box, using none of the designed ways.
As to the whole 'cloud' bit... If you don't own the infrastructure that you make money from, then you deserve what you get. Just ask Mr. Dotcom's clients.
"Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don't know why.
Zuck: They "trust me"
Zuck: Dumb fucks
Instant messages sent by Zuckerberg during Facebook's early days, reported by Business Insider (May 13, 2010)"
A timely reminder...
If I remember correctly, there is an article in the US Constitution that seems , on its face, to be about revolution. I think that it is the Second Amendment, the Amendment that is also responsible for the fact that there are more weapons in the US than people to fire them....
Now, I am not (and would never) advocating a new Revolution. And I do not live in the US.
However, you all know what you should do.....
I ran a search for the word 'snowden' in the comments and did not run out of fingers....
As to all of the folks getting all nationalistic, philosophical, or just playing devil's advocate... When it comes to humankind there are no truths, there are no facts, so just get over yourselves. Better and worse are just two words made up in the human mind.
Nice article, and a fair number of well-reasoned comments. Kudos to David 123 for his '"Personal" computer no more ' comment.
That said, I keep seeing all of these comments about MS' 'telemetry'. I've worried some over this, enough to run Wireshark for some fair few hours, and I canot see much of this actually happening 'in the wild' as it were. Can someone with more packet analysis experience than I please chime in regarding all of this telemetry that I am not seeing?
Idiots... They tried to 'go for gold' in one huge grab, generating several huge headlines along the way. They should have learned from Facebook ("They trust me. Dumb fucks.") and only made small grabs to eventually reach their goal. But since they didn't (and have now telegraphed their whole future agenda to the world at large, WRIT LARGE) they will now have to pull their horns back in for a few months - at least. THEN they can go the timeless proven way to acheiving their privacy-busting goals, one small step at a time.
Hire some better psychanalytical types this time, OK?
"Since subscribing I have not bought a single album so saved money each month. I have also discovered a load of artists I would never have done and developed an interest in Folk Music that I never listened to before.
Worth every penny that I (DON"T) spend on it." Fixed your statement to clarify its meaning....
Too bad about those new artists, eh. Guess that they can get along just fine without you, yeah...
I once had a new manager bring in a coffee cup that had printed on it: "Me Boss. You Not." I soon had another new manager...
Sadly, Apple cannot be swept under the rug quite as easily as that for having a BAD ATTITUDE! It is interesting when people of the calibre of Swift do rub Apple's nose in it. Apple, we all know that you ARE the 900 pound gorillla... You don't have to act like it. Its not like paying people fairly for their labour is going to bankrupt you.
"A result of this is that the usual estimate is that 80 per cent of the women who have ever lived had children while only 40 per cent of the men did. We see echoes of this in even modern populations when they're put under stress: the ratio of boys born to girls falls. In famine, for example, a child is likely to be undersized as a result: but it's going to be easier for an undersized woman to have those desired grandchildren than a runt of a boy."
I think that the author and I live in different universes... In MY universe, the number of (human) males that have ever conceived children is something Very Close to 0%, where in the author's universe it seems to be about 40%. And in MY universe that percentage does not vary much, if at all, even if the foetus is under-sized... Males conceiving and carrying even runts to full term is still Pretty Close to 0%.
Not that it matters, but I was born in the US. So I am an American. I have not lived there in about two decades, so there it is.
I have a Huawei router. It MIGHT have a backdoor built in, to the Chinese spy agency du jour. However, since I live in a 5 eyes nation, I can be pretty sure that the NSA has a 'tap' into my chosen ISP, or rather ANY ISP as they have tapped one end or the other of the Southern Cross cable. (My best guess is somewhere in Hawaii.) So why would I be worried about the Chinese? I also use Kaspersky AV. So why would I be worried about the Russians? Are the Chinese or Russians going to 'disappear' me? Can't really imagine. Are any of the US three-letter agencies likely to? Percentage-wise, I'd say that the chances of that happening are 1000% better... And, it would be LEGAL! Now, if I were Chinese or Russian I might feel differently. But frankly, I REALLY DON"T have anything to hide from either the Chinks or the Rooskies. As well, I have nothing to hide from the Yanks, either, but I still worry more when I cross the US border than the Chinese or Russian borders. Isn't that a shame?
""Quite the opposite, ALL civil rights are granted by government."
Correct. It galls me when heated discussions about the most "basic" rights (right to live, right to freedom ect) almost always end up with someone using the phrase "God-given""
I'd make the point that 'rights' as such do not even exist until someone tries to limit them. Much like air, everybody used it but no one ever questioned it for many thousands of years. Therefore, it did not really exist, it was just there. So too with, say, 'Freedom of Speech'. Gog and Magog went around 'f this' and f that' and Gung (the tribal leader) finally had a gut's full and said 'Gog, Magog, I hereby forbid you to express the 'f' word. Thus began expression, by the limiting of it.
"It's worth noting that controversial investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions aren't mentioned at all in the report to leaders, perhaps indicating that these provisions have been signed off by the 12 countries involved in the TPP negotiations. ®" I propose replacing 'dispute settlement' with 'inequality settlement for most of the world, or 'inequality leverage' for Obama and Key...
I'm confused... What does an encrypted device have to do with legal interception? AND if I want to encrypt MY communications, until it is made illegal, who is Comey to tell me not to? If I want to encrypt MY data, good luck with getting me to de-crypt it UNLESS you have a valid warrant from a court I deem to be valid. None of this FISA secret court BS, nor any of your 'National Security' BS.
Last I heard, the rule of law in the USA was that it was up to the accuser to prove guilt, NOT for the innocent to prove their innocence. Chock off, Comey.
"I've since moved most of my content to Vimeo -- no anal-retentive music police, no pop-up or pre-roll ads, no "recommended" video links, no wading through endless footage of twerking and ice-bucket dumping and cats falling off of tabletops and plane-crash porn and schlocky music videos and people throwing dry ice into swimming pools just to find some interesting and challenging content."
Ah... The peppered moth (Birmingham moth) rears its ugly head again. It is a clear example of natural selection, not evolution.
Some would say that ADD and ADHD are also examples of natural selection, but I fail to see what the selection process is that chooses what seems to be a deliterious mental state as 'better'... Or are we just better at observing and naming (and possibly over-treating?) a trait that has been around forever? When I was a young'n, there was no such thing as ADD or ADHD. So, (obviously) there was no treatment for these non-existing conditions. Now, it seems that in certain countries these conditions are rampant. In others, not so much. (Iceland, Sweden, Italy and Australia seem to have much lower rates of ADHD compared to the USA.) What does seem to be a factor is that the US has studied (and treated) these conditions for about forty years. They have commonly been referred to as American conditions. It will be interesting to observe the outcome of this particular social experiment, however I am relatively sure I will not be around to see the conclusions reached.
Well, from Comer's point of view, to paraphrase Tricky Dickey..."I guess you could say that if the (insert 3 letter org. here) does it, it is not illegal." So, to have those pesky US - Global entities Apple and Google go ahead and put themselves in the position of not being able to be summonsed, well! That JUST WON"T DO!!!! THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW!!!!
You need to get some radar absorbing ablative from most any small air to ground missile produced since the early '70's. About US $350 for two litres. Won't do a damned bit of good against laser guns though. Maybe this will. Hmm... Ablative painted over with this material...