Still Cheaper and who cares?
Justin, I pay $39.95 a year for a 3 user license to protect my Windows machines. Still way cheaper than a MAC. But in case everyone hasn't noticed, most of the infected machines are ones running pirate copies of XP in places like China. These machines don't pass Windows Genuine Advantage scrutiny and thus the needed patch won't install. Conficker for the most part didn't infect the large numbers of PC's in North America and Western Europe that its authors had hoped for. With the patch widely deployed and anti-virus companies hot on Conficker's ass I doubt that it will spread much more in the regions just mentioned. So if Conficker's masters want to infect Chinese, Indian, and Russian computers running non-genuine copies of XP with a English version of the rogue SpywareProtect2009 who cares? Have fun with that guys.