* Posts by Udi

1 publicly visible post • joined 26 Nov 2009

Why can't Google be more like Microsoft?


Who needs native apps?

Man, you are stuck in the 90s.

Skype? IM clients? who needs those? You can get everything in the browser. from everywhere, not installation needed.

Multimedia players? You've got to check this site: youtube.com and you don't need to download codecs!!! :-)

The only 2 reasons I see for continuing with native apps are:

- To support malware and virus writers. (comon, show some mercy! you are actually killing the whole business model for those people)

- To support Apple and MS. Somebody NEEDS to buy windows 7/8/9/10 OS X/XI/XII/XIII - there are so many terrific features in those OSs! (But you still need to download the codecs)

And I think you miss read the map - there is a WAR, a war on your desktop, on your OS - MS and Apple are fighting and fighting. Google has to do something to protect their investments - releasing stuff after substantial development and testing is a proven tactic to succeed in the software industry - pushing out versions with bugs drives away people. Letting Apple and MS mock you for a bad OS will lead you nowhere.
