* Posts by Chris 127

9 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Nov 2009

Netflix original TV shows gamble pays off... to the tune of 10m new viewers

Chris 127

Re: We are considering cancelling cable

I don't think it is particularly about broadcast rules, as far as I know HBO get away with the same thing. The reason that they can get away with more is the subscription model; they are not trying to keep advertisers happy.

This is from the HBO wiki page:

"HBO does not carry "normal" commercials; instead the network runs promotions for upcoming HBO programs and behind-the-scenes featurettes between programs. This relieves HBO from some pressures to tone down controversial aspects of its programs, and allows for explicit content to air, such as graphic violence, sexual situations and profanity."

El Reg seeks new mobile, wireless tech writer - could it be YOU?

Chris 127

I will be very dissapointed if Eadon is not interviewed for this post

Facebook stock-spaffers officially LOSERS: Stock hits all-time high of $45

Chris 127

Re: How the hell

Google has been worth $100bn or more since about 2005, it is currently worth $300bn. In 2005 was Google much more than "a single website, with some adverts and a few servers"?

It seems they both will become the central online advertising platforms, one to target people who are looking for something specific (search based ads) and one to target demographics (which is all advertisers have ever wanted to target up to now by focusing on specific TV shows/publications/whatever). If they do end up with this duopoly status then I think they easily justify the valuation.

Imagine if ITV controlled all TV advertising for a channel that had a global audience of 1bn for an hour a day, and where an advertiser could place a different ad in front of each viewer based on their demographic/interests. How much would that be worth?

British government ignores MS browser fears

Chris 127

RE: Er,

I don't think he was talking about Open Source. Simply that whatever web applications were built for government departments should render the same on any browser (or even render at all on any browser) which isn't that difficult to achieve as you see it everywhere and almost always this is because open standards were followed in development. Right?

Fujitsu staff begin walkouts over pay, job cuts

Chris 127

Are you serious?

Of course a company will pay you as little as they can get away with. Just like you will only work for as much as you think you are worth. That is capitalism my friend and is in fact the definition of the market rate. A 'fair rate' is something which only exists in communism. If you are worth more you will be elsewhere getting paid it!

Wireless e-car recharge tech within range?

Chris 127


Blimey mate that's one hell of a rant. I assume OP wasn't talking about a retrofitted solution for existing electric cars but something more along the lines of this PAYG setup:


described here:


Google to flog unlocked phones in January

Chris 127

Dev Phone

Does anyone else think this kerfuffle is just about Google upgrading the Android dev phone to newer hardware? Up to now the dev phone has been a sim-unlocked, Google branded, HTC G1/Dream (http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/device.html#dev-phone-1).

Presumably the G1 is going to start to struggle with Android >2.0 thus they are updating it to the next HTC phone in the pipeline (which looks quite similar to the recently leaked Bravo, supposedly their 'performance' offering).

Thus the January release date and contract-free nature of the phone aren't really news? Especially as it looks like it will still be offered on contract, for those who want it, as the original dev-phone was?

Googlephone facing 10m more Jobsian challengers?

Chris 127


I'm glad I'm not the only one whose tits that was getting on

Why can't Google be more like Microsoft?

Chris 127

local apps

"we can only assume they will merge in a way that freezes out local apps entirely."

Why can we only assume that? Why is it not a more obvious outcome that the Android Market migrates to the new hybrid platform as it matures?

It might not be a revenue source on the scale of advertising but it is a revenue source (not to mention all the free apps that pipe google ads in too).