* Posts by SC Handle

17 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Nov 2009

Apple plan to rate shops etc by number of iPhones visiting

SC Handle

In the US yes

I'm surprid that someone hasn't patented going to the toilet yet. I the US you can patent just about anything. Hell they were going to allow patenting of the human genome and specific genetics a while back. Prior art and information in the public domain mean nothing over there until it is challenged in court. Hence apple have a patent for a tblet that look very much like tablets more than 5 years before the ipad launche - don't tell the Mac fanboys though, they may not like it. In case no one knows what I mean try looking at the HP tc1100 and the Samsung Q1 - apparently not similar enough to invalidate a patent for something that is basically thinner and a slightly different frontal area, how different for the tc1100 beats me but not by much.

Anyway I plan to patent the human in the US one day, see if they allow it.

SC Handle

very funny

If you track someones location then you can track where they live, work, go to school, etc. If you think that isn't personally identifiable then I really don't know what the hell might be but never mind.

Samsung outs MacBook Pro lookalike laptop

SC Handle

Only one picture?

Only picture (Of the comparisons) was a like for like for like shot. Not the best way to make a point.

Samsung, Dixons herald huge tablet sales

SC Handle
Thumb Down

Are you all Apple fanboys?

Samsung said they will have sold over 1m Galaxy Tabs by years end. They didn't say they don't expect to sell more. It's also a slightly different class of device to the iPad so stop directly comparing it. I've owned both I should bloody know.

Also Samsung have sold 600,000 in 3.5 weeks. Apple sold 1m in 4 weeks with a much larger marketing push, much more hyped build up, much more powerful brand identity and name, etc. Wow I'm sure Samsung are gutted... Get a grip reg. There isn't only one company out there nor is only one company leading things.

In the mean time your articles have finally driven me off your site. Bye.

Tablet vendors 'quake in fear' over iPad 2

SC Handle

Yeah right

And who is going to be worried? Microsoft created the market, Apple made it popular, everyone wins. It's like there is only one manufacturer who can make products work. You guys need to keep off the Apple kool-aid.

Open your eyes a little and stop comparing everything to Apple and stop thinking that Apple make amazing hardware. In general they don't. They, usually, use outdated and proven technology rather than leading edge hw.

Samsung Galaxy Tab Android tablet

SC Handle
IT Angle

Not quite right

The Galaxy Tab doesn't have 5 home screens. It has between 1 and 9. If you care to use the device for a bit before commenting on it you would realise that you can zoom out (Pinch to zoom style) and then add/delete home pages. This allows you more flexibility.

In case you hadn't come across it you can also zoom out on the actual app pages.

Incidentally I sold my iPad after getting one of these because I prefer the SGT. It's a more usable size and a rather brilliant piece of kit. Evidenced by the fact that 2 weeks later I'm still using it unlike the iPad. Now let the flames begin just because I sold an apple product...

Stay at home and watch telly, trade bodies urge Brits

SC Handle

I might

If they were to provide the content I wanted in the manner I wanted. I don't want a new TV or anything like that. I want it streamed on demand to my computer, my phone and my laptop. Plus to my soon to be coming my way Android slate tablet.

They are sorely mistaken if they think I am going to pay a lot of money for yet another TV within 3 years of buying the last one.

LG holds back Android tablet for Gingerbread

SC Handle


Google and other's (Notably Samsung at IDF) have already all but said that the real tablet version of Android will be Honeycomb. Gingerbread may add new resolutions thereby helping get the market on tablets but it isn't a real attempt at a tablet version of Android.

Samsung Galaxy S

SC Handle

Switch it off then

Well then switch it off or uninstall it. The hardware on this phone is nicer than any Sense UI phone, and that Super AMOLED screen looks sooo tasty....

SC Handle

How it compares

Well Sense is nicer and works faster despite Samsungs efforts. Having said that if you flash a nicer ROM onto it this will be faster due to the PowerVR graphics. If you want it plain out of the box get the Desire, if you plan on rooting and using it for the love of vanilla Droidness then the hardware in this is superior.

Hope that helps.

Google risks OEM wrath for unified Android UI plan

SC Handle


Google improving the Android UI was inevitable once they made their own device.

If they improve the quality of the basic UI they can potentially do it in such a way to to make it easier for other companies to skin if they so choose actually helping to reduce fragmentation.

At the end of the day no-one is forcing anyone to use Android, its just a bloody good platform. And many companies out there that are competitive with Android would not be without. Palm have already proved that the smartphone OS market is quite crowded enough without every man and his dog trying to make their own OS.

Apple boss gets $22m bonus

SC Handle

Fair enough?

@James Micallef

Not when a lot of customers are racking up debt to buy those products. They didn't build up that debt with Apple, its at a bank. Whether a company produces a physical product or a service is irrelevant to profit and therefore should be irrelevant to compensation. Sorry you cannot see that. Apparently you believe that bankers are THE PROBLEM. They are not and never were. The progressive removal and dilution of legislation linked to the incompetence of the overseeing bodies is and was a far bigger problem and is what allowed banks to do what they did.

@Anthony Hulse

Actually bankers mainly got big bonuses during the good years and were therefore rewarded for success, but feel free to remain ignorant of that little fact. Or would you be slamming Tim Cook if Apple's share price tumbled and the profits fell? I think it more likely you would blame good competition.

I do love how people pick on bankers. Maybe they deserve it, but people didn't make the same level of fuss about all sorts of other government sponsored bail outs in the past or even other government aid.

Lets see here, taking Europe as an example, Airbus get massive state aid, British steel got state aid, BT still gets the state aid of owning the local area loop, farming subsidies, oh it goes on and on... Where are your complaints about all that??? I don't hear them...

Come on lets here you bitch about that state aid too...

Apple turns the flamethrower on Android

SC Handle
Jobs Horns


Blatant posturing to try and force money out of HTC or HTC out of the market. Winning this case would just destroy Apple. If Apple win then in order to enforce the win they would need to pursue all the other phone vendors. Not only that from the look of the patents they would also need to pursue other companies in other fields. This could easily end up with Maemo being a target in which case you're right back at Nokia invented GSM and Apple never licensed it. Say bye bye to the jesus phone. Knowingly infringed with triple damages and that cash pile Apple is say on will start to reduce fast.

Add in Google, Motorola, Microsoft, Nokia, IBM, Palm, Oracle (Sun), Xerox (Who invented the GUI), HP, Dell, Sony, etc. Who exactly do Apple think they are going to sue and where do they expect it to end. This is a massive losers move of a case where Apple are hoping that HTC fold under pressure. Given that Formosa plastics own HTC I cannot see that happening too fast. Even if it does expect none of the Asian countries to obey the rulings. I would be amazed if Europe upholds this nonsense.

Expect this to be no more than news for the sake of news. It will go no-where. Best case scenario - all Apple patents are thrown out. Hilariously this would leave Apple well in the firing line of Nokia, Palm and RIM. Apple are betting a lot on HTC backing off.

Plea to Formosa plastics:

Stand up to Apple and their crap. Make this Apple's greatest folly and show that their patents aren't worth anything. Not only will we gain more innovation from it, but companies and entrepreneurs will feel free to innovate again.

Apple's iPad - fat iPhone without the phone

SC Handle


A lot of European users can actually tell the difference between a piece of paper and an electronic device. I admit some might struggle, but not that many

UK jails schizophrenic for refusal to decrypt files

SC Handle


RDX has 50% more explosive power than TNT. 9ng is nothing to worry about and could easily be transmitted in myriad ways.

Unless you have factual information to add in some meaningful manner shut up.

Also it may have escaped you but we used to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. It is not hard for the authorities to decrypt the files that Mr. JFL had on his computer. Maybe that would have been a better avenue of investigation. But no lets all be totally stupid and follow a crack pot government in believing that everyone is a terrorist. Not sure about you but the worst terrorist attacks in the UK I ever saw on TV were committed by the IRA not Alqueda. We didn't need these stupid laws then and we don't need them now. A, presumably given the lack of evidence to suggest otherwise, innocent person being sent to jail should bear this out to the likes of you. But you unfortunately seem to lack the where-with-all to have noticed.

The real fail is on your part.

SC Handle
Thumb Down


Then put your name next to your comment.

What if he was in hospital during his bail appearances?

What if he wanted to visit his dying mother in France so needed a passport?

What if he had sensitive medical records he didn't want exposed in those encrypted files?

What if he had just been handling a fireworks rocket that contained small amounts of RDX?

Its just the same what iffing that the police played with the child porn and terrorism but flipped round.

The guy is innocent until proven guilty - well was once - and there is no evidence against him. By the same token that you agree with him going to jail you should be in jail.

I hope you encounter similar circumstances one day and that no-one cares about how your rights have been trampled on.

Its funny how terrorists cannot take our freedoms, but our government can and has and that you support them doing so. I'll laugh once I have left this country. Laugh that you are still here.

SC Handle

Yeah right

I am so glad you made that point.

You have proved that barring chastising your point you are not worth responding to.

I have the right to hold any legal data I wish on my computer howeverso desired. If I choose to encrypt and encrypted file that is not illegal nor should it ever be.

If the authorities thought Mr. JFL a threat they would have broken all of his encryptions in a matter of hours, a few days at most. They full well knew there was no point and so they didn't. Rather send an innocent person to jail for exercising a basic human right that we are now denied in the UK.

From my own personal point of view Simon B you can take your opinion and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

Nothing the guy did other than remain silent is illegal and if you feel that silence is illegal then you should be sectioned IMO.

I am disturbed to see that anyone could side against a guy for remaining silent. Also the fact that the only person ever to be prosecuted under RIPA section 53 wasn't a terrorist shows how poor the legislation was, as many feared at the time, and how it has now been abused.

What can I say but I am totally unsurprised that our government has once again turned on its own citizens. So glad I never voted for any of these bastards in parliament. Shame you can't recall them and remove civil servants. Between the two they are the problem, not terrorists or the British public.