Re: Patents?
SGI's original NUMA directory stuff dates from the mid 90s - though they've continued to file patent apps on the subject as recently as 2013, its not clear whether they are just fluff or not.
124 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Nov 2009
As I understand it, Oracle own MySQL so they can license it how they like - it does not HAVE to be FOSS. If they adopt MariaDB code under the GPL, then they will no longer be able to license it in they way they choose and all downstream versions would be GPL.
Given that, they may as well just offer commercial support for MariaDB, and and retain ownership of the increasingly unpopular MySQL.
"If you REALLY have something to hide from the NSA et al, you probably shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
That joint, hooker, tax dodge, transference of speeding ticket to spouse, or particularly distasteful porn - yes the one with the horse - probably isn't that much interest to the spooks - it would look really bad on them if they started sending that shit to the fuzz. OTOH, it might come in useful later so lets not be too hasty to delete it.
The reason this kind of thing is scary, is that if "The Government" knows more about you, than you know about them, your ability - everyone's ability - to enact democratic process is reduced - the material they have on file about you suddenly becomes useful for political reasons.
"he West Coast Main Line could add 20% more capacity by the simple, cheap, and immediate measure of ripping out the first class Pendelino interiors and fitting all carriages out as standard class"
Yes, but the lack of 10 people being gouged for 300 quid in 1st would collapse the words economy.
If using drones means 1000 enemy dies for every trooper you lose, thats a winning situation.
If using drones means 1000 enemy dies, well presumably enemy - we couldn't really tell on the monitor - they had trucks and stuff, which is usually a good enough sign - for every trooper, thats a winning situation. I mean if they weren't enemy before, they sure are now!
You write:
"Clearly releasing these details about drone attacks could compromise the safety of the people on the ground who also might be involved."
I am not suggesting information should be released that would compromise the safety of personnel. However; the article writes;
"But the MoD refused to answer two questions which asked for the exact date and location of each drone attack, as well as details of whether how many times the Reaper drones fired weapons during both unplanned, reactive combat and scheduled operations."
i.e. historic detail. Presumably the enemy combatants involved already know if a drone strike hit them, its you and I, the funders of the the clone army, that are ignorant of the details.
"It'll compromise XYZ safetly" is a defense all too readily available to the military when it simply doesn't want to be held accountable and allow the true picture of a war to emerge.
"But Lars, the SGI server with 512 cpus or more, and Linux SGI Altix servers with 2048-8192 cores, are all clusters. They are running a software hypervisor tricking Linux into running single image. They are clusters, not a single fat SMP server."
SGI have been doing large SMP for years .
Note the SMP == Shared Memory == ccNUMA
"In both the US and the UK the laws are set by democratically elected officials except for those passed down by the unelected EU and UN beureaucrats"
But those laws often contain clauses exempting "national security". Thats the problem.
Right to Privacy:
There shall be no interference by a public authority with the
exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the
law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of
national security,
We wont spy on you unless we do.
"This is why the rope-and-counterweight system was invented in the first place - the counterweight means that the only force that has to be overcome is the inertia of"
Yeah - but the irrelevence of the lift comapred to the cable is the point of TFA. All you're really looking for is a handy way to store your potential energy for recycling to recover this.
The Top500 has always been an eronious metric of anything, but the latest sets have really taken the biscuit. The overwhelming majority of consumed cycles can't exploit either phi or gpu with anywhere near the efficiency needed to justify their inclusion in a system, and yet here we have the largest systems built out of them. They really are in the territory where people should be building small dev clusters, with the odd single application shop thats already completely ported building large dedicated machines. This batch will be decommisioned before the software catches up.
Oh well we now know that the Chinese can piss higher - I wonder what money changed hands for the phi's. :)
TFA says Haswell is Intels 4th Gen "core" architecture.... Core, Core 2, Nehalem, Sandy, .... ????
Then "The first Ultrabooks were based on Intel's 2nd Generation Core processors, aka "Sandy Bridge"; the next wave were powered by the 3rd Generation "Ivy Bridge"
Sandy and Ivy are different generations? I thought one was a die shrink...