2) But a strange liquid requires a lot of usd quarks. It is also more stable than predicted? Yes indeed. And its stability also surprised physicists. It was the 2nd warning to mankind of the organic universe. At RHIC physicists made a strange liquid. It was not a gas, which was what the lineal equations of the 'ancient' physicists of the past millennium, using lineal equations have expected. Instead they found a cyclical, far from equilibrium system, a liquid mass-vortex superfluid of quarks and gluons, perfectly ordered. 'It should have behaved like a gas, hopefully with more energy it will behave rightly' said somewhat 'sanguine' reported scientific American, the ancient physicists, clueless of what was happening, unable to model it with their simplistic lineal equations, the kind of obsolete equations Higgs, Hawking and Ellis use NOT to understand mass. Yet the non-lineal liquid lived billions of time more than expected. This is due almost certainly because it was a perfect organic liquid, of gluons and kaons interacting, through Rossler and Lorenz attractors that formed among the gluons and quarks, shaping a series of biperpendicular 'vortices of quark mass' It is very likely that those vortices are the natural form of up and top quarks, which have 2/3rds of charges; and while we cannot see in detail inside the quark-gluon soup, Nature showed its resilience and we can expect further degrees of stability as 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional attractors form.
Finally, within that liquid 3 quarks with 1/3rd of charge will form color-locked perpendicular 3-dimensional charges. Fortunately it seems that so far in December, most strange particles were unstable particle->antiparticle systems.
3) Yet at 3.5 Tev this might change radically as we will be already in the range of energy in which relativistic mass increases the weigh of the proton quarks, transforming some of them into strange quarks, hence creating before collision within the proton, uds particles, called Hyperons. And in the point of collision 2 of those Hyperons can merge into a dual Dybarion, stable particle. Thus at 3.5 Tev, unlike in previous collisions in which the process of evolution of particles happened only in the colliding point, making the formation of stable Dybarions, the atoms of strange liquid, almost impossible, it might happen that CERN already produce enough stable dybarions to start the creation of strangelets in the center of the Earth. In millions of proton to proton collisions, usd hyperons might become entangled with a pair and form a dybarion and fall to the Earth. Those occurrences which CERN says it will treat as a mere background in his search for God's particle, the 10 billion $ hoax used to build the quark, might be undetected but as dybarions fall to the Earth; we are already within the range of a probable irreversible catastrophe.
Indeed, c-speed is the limit of lineal acceleration, thus by the Principle of equivalence between forces and accelerations, in Newtonian simple terminology F= m (cyclical vortex of physical information) x a (lineal acceleration with c-limit), when c-limit is reached energy is curled into mass. So as CERN ramps up energies to 3.5 tev, more c-energy becomes a bidimensional vortex of mass, a quark, and more strange quarks will be formed before collision. Then in the point of collision dybarions might appear.
All this process will be even more dangerous when CERN collides lead, because each lead has hundreds of quarks, so in the point of collision there will be already a tiny drop of strange liquid formed. And yet again, CERN and RHIC don’t understand that because they treat the quark-gluon liquid and plasma they formed as either liquid or plasma and argue about what they saw from a monist perspective. Instead we need to fully grasp the duality of big-crunch and big-bangs created by a far from equilibrium system, based in a feed-back cycle, e xi =k .Such dual system going out of equilibrium fluctuates between two limits of energy and form, infinite temperature (e) in the external, expansive big-bang zone; and 0 k perfect fluid order, in the zone of formation of strangelets.
As any system far from equilibrium, the big-bang energy will expel the pions and electrons away, into radiation, cooling down the center to near 0k temperatures of super-fluidity, needed to form strangelets. So CERN will do an even more perfect liquid not a gas at higher temperatures, because the energy will be radiating outwards and in the center a super-vortex of strong forces at light speed will be formed, a microcosmic quark star that will finally reach enough mass to become stable and fall to the center of the earth. Now, this again is a simple calculus in fractal relativity: in essence, a bidimensional quark condensate is 100 times stronger than a super fluid vortex of atoms, but a million times faster, because a quark is bidmensional, so we need to do a cubic power law to consider how 3 color-locked quarks will rotate: 100 up to 3 times is one million times stronger; as information grows geometrically. Thus if a superfluid vortex of electroweak forces, or Einstein-Bose condensate, as those made at Haifa, runs at sound speed, a super fluid quark vortex will run: sound speed x 1 million = light speed. Thus a superfluid vortex of quarks, as those CERN will do will turn at light speed, and it will create a pulsar, a quark black hole that will crunch the earth, inside out once it falls to its center
3) If we use instead of abstract numbers the organic paradigm the final phases are the assembly of the 'aminoacids' of the strangelet liquid: kaons (aminoacids) -> hyperons (RNA lineal strains) -> Dybarions (dual strains), which are stable and self-reproductive, feed-back particles, as all dual energy/information systems are(informative, cyclical women and lineal, energetic males, dual DNA, etc.). What this means is that dybarions are the responsible for an ice-9 reaction, as the usd/usd strains will break, attract new usd particles and start a replicant process, self-similar to that of DNA in life forms.
Thus we shall all become dybarions, as dybarions will be certainly created in the organic quark-gluon soup and fall to the earth, eating up quarks once they get tree. While the remaining electronic and pion cover of the planet, us, will explode outwards in the big-bang of earth’s supernova. This is what physical, dual systems in far from equilibrium systems tell us it will happen: The center of the earth will become colder and rotate faster in a perfect order till reaching near light speed angular velocity and the external cover will radiate outwards at trillions of degrees into a supernova.