* Posts by Dozer

28 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Nov 2009

Mind control hat makes quadcopter do what brain says



That hat looks pants - I will take the surgically implanted option thanks…

<- Hat

Australia downloads a limping 13 Mbps, says Ookla


Re: 13Mbit?

I live in a business / urban suburb that is close to the exchange (Subiaco WA) and I get 17 Mb. When I tell co-workers of these fabled speeds I get mixed reactions. Disbelief - wonder - excitement and hope.

Most report 2 - 8 Mb as the norm so 13Mb seems VERY high.

<- Icon, because....

Google tool lets you share data from BEYOND the GRAVE

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"Out of Existence" message?

Have an upvote!

Yahoo! and! Microsoft! have! long! way! to! go! in! account! hijack! fight!


1 in 115???

If I only got 1 spam per 115 legitimate Yahoo emails I would be one happy camper. My Spamassassin config automatically gives Yahoo 2.5 out of a needed 5 to get flagged.

<-- Because that is what I would like to do to spammers.

Skydiver Baumgartner in 128,000ft plunge from brink of space


"We're on an express elevator to hell - going down!"

Customs contradicts vendors over IT pricing


As an Australian citizen I don't mind paying 10 to 20% more for products than my American / European brothers but the 100 to 300% I regularly see is a joke. The worst is when talking to the shop owner and their buy price is more than on-line inc shipping.

...they will take my parallel import out of my cold dead hands etc....

Giant idol 'STRUCK DOWN by the Wrath of God' unearthed in Turkey


Re: Epic Shit

I might give up a few Sunday's for this:

Ezekiel 25:17

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.

Microsoft tightens squeeze on TechNet parasites

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Re: Microsoft is restricting the software available on IT-pro hangout TechNet

"if I can fix what my dad screws up, I can pretty much fix anything."

Seems I am not the only one who runs with that theory....

So, that vast IT disaster you may have caused? Come in, sit down


Re: There is a trust option,...

" Learning to keep quiet and smile is probably the best advice that can be given to a great number of people."

Funny you say that. I almost got an employee of the month for saying about two sentences in a client facing kick off meeting. However, one of my co-workers almost got terminated for dribbling on for thirty minutes in the same meeting.

Reg hack attempts gutsiest expenses claim EVER



Don't worry, one of my locals is Perth, Western Australia is charging AUD$15.00 a pint!!!

Most places are about AUD$10.00...

Pirate Bay founders appeal to EC to save them from Swedish justice

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Re: whats the issue?

True that. Does this mean that 375000 music industry job have suddenly been created?!?


Given a beardie nerd the kiss of life? There's a medal for that


Fire Warden

I recently "saved" a number of our HR babes from an overly enthusiastic toaster as a part of my duties as floor fire warden....Unfortunately I had to keep the door open for our sweaty developer as well.

Don't think that counts though.

And the worst film NEVER made is...


Re: The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It


It DOES actually exist........how?!?

Murdoch 'sorry' he didn't shut News of the World years ago


I think you will find he is older than 30.

Zuckerberg blew $1bn on Instagram 'without telling Facebook board'

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Re: You've got to laugh.

"Did any of you guys wonder why El Reg provided a joke alert icon?"

Apparently they didn't make it big enough...

Victorian Taxi Directorate exposes 400+ email addresses


Here we go again...

It isn't as if most mail systems can't be configured to block outbound mail with more than X number of recipients! 400+ seems way too high.

Super-boffin Stephen Hawking to star in Big Bang Theory

Paris Hilton

Re: Past cameos?

Or Morena Baccarin??

ANZ bid for super telescope down to the wire


Re: WTF?

Yep - Australian too with a number of African holiday's under my belt - and I can't see how option1 is more viable than option 2 either.

Flood-hit Thai disk fabs to pour out 140m drives


Re: Re: Re: Eggs in one basket?


LOHAN's flying truss: One orb or two?


Re: my brain hurts but...

This is what I was thinking. Plus the launch tube would assist with a higher muzzle velocity.

LOHAN flashes fantastical flying truss


Re: stills and video?

Because still's ripped from video are crap compared to proper still's??

X Prize: Build a Star Trek 'tricorder' and win $10m


@ diseases....

Send the keyboard to the usual address....

Boffins unimpressed by LOHAN's sizzling thruster


Only a little less

About 1% less at 100,000 feet

Spillover from 400lb man squeezed fellow flier into galley


There's always the cargo bay

Nope...Put them in the treadmill / exercise room:


Quigley defends FTTP to parliamentary committee, again


Actually the only thing I'm interested in...

...is when they pass Subiaco, Western Australia - don't much care for the rest of the continent.

Australian Senate censors print link to cartoon


Remember, remember the Fifth of November.

People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

Panasonic flees Microsoft Exchange for IBM cloud


Oh the poor bastards

My sympathies to all of them...

Santa menaced by sex offender postie


@Who cares?

"I dont, maybe the day will come when we stop filling kids heads with nonsense"

Actually a friend was telling me about a study that suggested that teaching kids about Santa and other myths was actually good as leaning to lie is an important social tool!!