Maybe earthquakes are already predictable!
I came across this channel on YouTube by a guy called Dutch Sinse. Have been watching him for about a month now. He makes almost daily videos tracing tremor and earthquake activity and I have to be honest his forecast rate for where activity will hit hit and how strong it will be is pretty amazing. I'd say he has a 90% accuracy rate, this is what I've seen over the course of the last month. He is an independent researcher, uses public data from seismic monitors around the globe. His forecasts are short term, 3 - 10 days
It is very interesting how he links pressure transference from one part of the globe to another, how deep earthquakes which are not normally felt, lead to nearby stronger shallower earthquakes, the ones that do the damage. Check him out on his channel, he really goes into detail, his vids tend to be about an hour long.