* Posts by MacroRodent

1994 publicly visible posts • joined 18 May 2007

Users call on Microsoft to update Outlook's friendly name feature


Re: Headers anyone

Outlook's Web version, which (being a Linux user) is the only one I use, does have a simple way to show headers when the mail message is being viewed: Three-dot menu -> View -> View message details. This shows the headers, but not the raw message data. Useful for checking suspicious mails.

50 years ago, CP/M started the microcomputer revolution


Overlays (Re: CP/M Gets AC From Idiot To Mostly Competent!!!!)

> So dBase had two blocks of memory: a core block in memory, and an overlay block

Overlays is how many large programs worked, also on MS-DOS. The Microsoft linker had support for specifying which object files were part of the fixed block, which could be swapped in when functions in them were called. I never did CP/M development, but I suspect it had tool kits that did the same. After 32-bit 386 and its successors became common, large MS-DOS programs started using DOS extenders instead of overlays. Much easier for the programmer, and more efficient.

Lenovo brings virtualization, cloud stack to Chinese chip designer Loongson's CPU arch


Linux machines

or BSD, Windows of course will not run on the Loongson architecture.

Andrew Tanenbaum honored for pioneering MINIX, the OS hiding in a lot of computers


Re: linux.conf.au Sydney 2007

Those were the days when even well-known netizens did not yet get avalanches of mail, and spam was still almost non-existent. So they were more disposed to answer interesting mails.

I once mailed a minor bug in an early version of GCC to Stallman, and he quickly replied with a patch. That was probably around 1990.



Remember copying the original Minix floppies among some friends. Each had bought the Tanenbaum book, then we pooled money for getting one copy of the OS. As I recall ast wrote he and the publisher were OK with some copies of the software being made for study. The version of the kernel on the floppies was not quite the same as printed in the book, but slightly updated one. Managed to run in on a PC/XT clone. It did not even require a hard disk.

Europe accuses Apple of preventing devs from telling users about world outside


...now I need the kernels...

Linux or BSD?

systemd 256.1: Now slightly less likely to delete /home


Re: Too complex!

Forked from Mandrake a long time ago PCLOS still has many of the utilities that made Mandrake so easy to administer.

Is that alive? The style of its web page looks like it it is still 2000....

Anyway, I loved Mandrake back in the oughties, maybe I should give PCLinuxOS a try.

Oracle Java license teams set to begin targeting Oracle users who don't think they use Oracle


Re: Not just Java

VirtualBox also checks for updates from the mothership. I would not be surprised if the check includes information about the possibly installed extension pack. So you could be in trouble if you load it at home but use it at business.

Pro tip: most ordinary usage of VirtualBox does not actually require the extension pack.

Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects


Stupid pendulum swings

Anyone who has been doing real software projects knows that getting complete specs and implementing them in a predetermined timetable is a total fantasy.

You need flexibility, and Agile recognises that. But swinging too far in the other direction does not work either, except for very small projects.

Any project that produces working results is in reality a mix of "waterfall" and "agile", no matter how it is officially presented.

NASA plasma propulsion project promises Mars in a flash


Re: "manned missions to Mars to be completed within a mere two months"

Many a science fiction story gets around this with the "Buzzard ramjet" that runs on interstellar hydrogen. If it worked, it would be able to accelerate forever. See "Tau Zero" by Poul Anderson, where this idea is taken to infinity, and beyond...

ASML could brick Taiwan's chipmaking machines in case of uninvited guests


Rushing to the Taipei airport

I expect the ASML support personnel will be long gone before the mainland troops take the factory. (And the last one to leave probably smashes the crown jewels with a crowbar).


Re: They never learn

> And why the heck is it a Dutch company that supplies the tech?

Maybe because they developed it? The USA did not invent all of the high technology.

Tesla maps out new territory in China with Baidu deal


Re: Without a map

Paper maps are still valuable for giving the big picture about your trip. A navigator or phone screen is at best like trying to read maps printed on a postcard.

Miracle-WM tiling window manager for Mir hits 0.2.0



The article left it a bit unclear what is the relationship between Mir and Wayland. Is Mir running on top of Wayland? Or is is a separate implementation?


Re: Secure remote admin, anybody?

> What is needed is a server which, when asked, gathers up the WIMP stuff and squirts it down a pipe

That is essentially what VNC does, and with surprisingly good performance, if you use a modern VNC client-sever pair like TigerVNC. You can get servers and clients for various OS'es.

Torvalds intentionally complicates his use of indentation in Linux Kconfig


Re: Tab = four  

> each of which must represent 8 columns of whitespace.

Actually it varies: In terminals and printers, a TAB character classically moves to the next divisible-by-8 position. So if the current cursor or print head position is column 15, it moves to column 16, not 23.

Unfortunately various IDE:s practice the Abominable Heresy of by default setting TAB to advance to the next divisible-by-4 position instead. When a file written by such is viewed on a terminal or an editor Configured Correctly, it looks horrid. This wileness has forced the coding standards in my workplace to degree that only spaces shall be used for indentation...

Loongson CPU that performs like 2020 Core i3 makes its way to Chinese mini PCs


Re: Probably not exactly a bargain.

Loongson is really a modified MIPS clone, and MIPS is a clean RISC architecture. Linux and other free OS'es have supported it for a while, so arguable it is rather open, and likely to have less vulnerabilities like the complex Intel architecture, with its decades long trail of backward-compatibility. The interesting question for security is does Loongson have a separate closed system processor with "superpowers", like most Intel and AMD ones do. That is where one would hide backdoors, if there are any.

GCC 15 dropping IA64 support is final nail in the coffin for Itanium architecture



About that ">I spent much of 1999-2004 porting software to it, which was a prime waste of time and money. "

I wonder how much of it really was due to Itanium quirks, and how much the general hassle of porting code that has too long assumed "longs" and pointers have the same 32 bit size?

If the latter, then AMD64 would case the same pain, and work on making code 64-bit clean for Itanium is not wasted.

Malicious xz backdoor reveals fragility of open source



I skimmed Andres Freund's explanation of how the backdoor was surreptitiously added, and one thing that in my opinion greatly helped the bad guys is the complex build process, typical of autoconf-using builds, where it is easy to hide bad stuff among the ton of shell command snippets and obscure m4 macros.

Defining how a piece of software is built could and should be much simpler, preferably with a purely declarative control file. Any yielding of control to arbitrary scripts is a risk.

Beijing issues list of approved CPUs – with no Intel or AMD


Re: Those Chinese Linux distributions are still Linux, right?

> Instead of GNU, Linus could easily have used the open source 4.4BSD-Lite userland.

IIRC that did not include a usable C compiler targeting 386. The PC BSD versions have always used GNU C, except for shifting towards LLVM in recent years.

The development tools used for 386BSD (which was the first free BSD on the PC) is described here: https://www.drdobbs.com/open-source/porting-unix-to-the-386-language-tools-c/184408529

Vernor Vinge, first author to describe cyberspace and 'The Singularity,' dies at 79


Re: Fire Upon the Deep

I haven't read the book (definitely will fix that), but if it describes a galactic network, the Usenet style of networking could still make sense, if the bandwidth is limited and/or there are long latencies.

(But I assume the network uses some sort of "ansible" technology to avoid making the latencies centuries long).

Dutch government in panic mode over keeping ASML in the country


Re: Hmm

Populist right-wing governements never fail to promote a policy that sounds great to their base, but is invariably wrong-headed.

Same thing with the current Finnish governement. Here, too, all technology companies are aghast at their proposed immigration policies, just to mention one example.

Software troubles delay F-35 fighter jet deliveries ... again


Re: "continually upgradable"

Read somewhere - probably here in The Register - that it is a C++ project. Explains things...

Linus Torvalds flames Google kernel contributor over filesystem suggestion


Re: tracefs?

> Linux today is about making things more cumbersome ...

Easy to think that way, but Linux is encountering the real world, and new requirements that did not exist back when the original Unix was designed. The original design was simple, elegant - and quite inadequate for today's tasks.

And like any old system (more than 30 years by now), Linux has to maintain enough backward compatibility, in order to not lose its user base.

Firefox 122 gets even more competitive with Chrome on translation


Re: Since the translation DB can't be held locally ...

This is a huge plus for privacy!

With server-based translations, you are telling some third party (over a channel that ma be intercepted) precisely what you are reading on the net. Usually it does not matter, but sometimes could be a matter of life and death.

Could immutability be a Leap too far for openSUSE users?


Re: Well, yes, but there's a bigger picture here.

> Need to tweak swappiness, or make another system-wide change -- tough.

I have not looked into how these work, but it certainly would not work well if you cannot change such parameters. I always imagined a read-only root fs just means the code and seldom changing data (like zoneinfo) is immutable, not the configuration data.

Microsoft touts migration to Windows 11 as painless, though wallets may disagree


TPM 2.0

The requirement of TPM 2.0 chippery, which is may be missing on even relatively new computers, is criminal.

This means lots of perfectly usable PC:s and laptops will be junked, since they cannot be upgraded to Windows 11.

(Or one could be optimistic and see it as a pool of hardware that can be assimilated to the Linux world).

HP customers claim firmware update rendered third-party ink verboten


Re: "If a printer is connected to the internet, the update downloads automatically"

>No, the best option is to NEVER buy an HP.

Must confess I have kept buying HP printers because they usually have problem-free Linux support (or at least as much as that is possible with printers).

Not long ago I considered Epson Ecotank line, but browsing forums, it looked like trying to use them with Linux would just worsen my high blood pressure.

What if Microsoft had given us Windows XP 2024?



You might like XFCE. It's UI has stayed the same for the past 10 years or more. Some things are clunky, but at least they are clunky in a consistent way...

RIP: Software design pioneer and Pascal creator Niklaus Wirth


Re: ALGOL 68 Blew My Mind

> Some writers did not like the Algol 68 convention of writing words backwards for closing statement brackets,

The original unix sh (shell) and its clones like Bash still do that. "if" is terminated by "fi, and "case" by "esac" (but curiously, "do" ends with "done", not "od"). Wonder if the style came from Algol 68? It was probably a hot topic around the time the sh was designed.


A lovely obit


Pascal was the second programming language I encountered, after BASIC. The introductory programming course at HUT in 1981 used Wirth's "Algorithms+Data structures = Programs" as the text book.

I also dabbled at one point with Modula-2 (but not much as much as a more clever friend of mine, who used it to implement a universal diskette reader for a CP/M machine he had built from a kit).

40 years of Turbo Pascal, the coding dinosaur that revolutionized IDEs


Re: File I/O

Yes, HUT (Helsinki University of Technology) was one of the three universities smashed together to form Aalto. That happened after my time there.


Re: Turbo Pascal clone - by Microsoft!

That's news to me. I had always assumed QuickPascal was derived from the much older Microsoft Pascal, which was a conventional IDE-less implementation, and quite OK for its time, I wrote some small programs with it.


Re: University 1987

> 4 kinds of loop ...

I count only 3: WHILE-loop, REPEAT...UNTIL, and FOR-loop. Using them appropriately made the code readable. C and C++ also have 3 loops, but C:s version of REPEAT...UNTIL, which is do...while is less readable, but, hey, it saves by reusing a keyword.


Turbo Pascal clone - by Microsoft!

Turbo Pascal was so popular that at one point Microsoft had its own competing version, QuickPascal, which also came with a IDE and compiled quickly. I guess it did not sell too well. because I got a copy cheaply from the discount shelf of a computer store in Helsinki. I think it was around 1990 or so, The language was mostly similar to Turbo Pascal, but not exactly so for some reason. In particular, the OO extensions differed.


Re: File I/O

Part of the reason for the lack of named file access in PASCAL was perhaps portability, in those days every OS had its own notion of file name syntax, and they were even more divergent than the tension between Windows and Unix/Linux file names.

It is also clearly meant for a batch environment. In the original, your PROGRAM statement could have file-type parameters and your "control cards" were expected to assign them to real files.

Another place where the batch-orientedness shows is that strictly-speaking the original did not even support any interactive IO, because notionally opening a file read the first element from it, so that INPUT^ which denotes the next unread element (usually character) would always have a defined value, and this INPUT (correspondings to C's stdin) was opened when the program started. So the program could not print a prompt before it required input!

Most implementations used "lazy IO", where INPUT was notionally opened at first reference. I think Turbo Pascal solved this by eliminating the silly file^ syntax entirely and required always using READ. A sane solution.

One implementation, PAX, that I had to use at the HUT (where it was written) took alternate route: The INPUT would always begin with a fictional line-delimiter, so to read from the terminal you would have to write



Thanks, but that made interactive PAX programs automatically incompatible with all other implementations.

Study uncovers presence of CSAM in popular AI training dataset


Re: This is why doing AI on the cheap will never work

It is no coincidence that these "AI tools" started progressing fast only after the internet made it easy to scrape massive amounts of already digitized images and text.

Microsoft floats bringing a text editor back to the CLI



Nano is really a GPL re-implementation of pico (which IIRC was under not-quite open license), MS could probably easily reimplement their own. The nano UI has the nice feature that you can use it with zero previous experience, because it always shows the most important commands (of type ctrl-something) at the bottom of the screen. Great if you only need it occasionally.

Amazon on the hook for predictably revolting use of concealed clothes hook spy cam


Re: WTF?

Not sure if there are any legitimate uses, except maybe by law enforcement. If you own the property and want to monitor it for unwanted activities, like employees pilfering stuff, it is better to install visible cameras. That way they also act as a deterrent to the funny business.

Creating a single AI-generated image needs as much power as charging your smartphone


Re: Do charge a thousand phones instead

The human artists can be assumed to live and breathe anyway, whereas the generated AI images are an extra load.

AI agents can copy humans to get closer to artificial general intelligence, DeepMind finds



Better program Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics into it before that happens.

How to give Windows Hello the finger and login as someone on their stolen laptop


Re: So, still no solution for securing against physical access ?

Also, if the disk or SSD is properly encrypted, taking it out and hooking it to your machine does not help, it is still gibberish.

Wanted: Driver for rocket-powered Bloodhound Land Speed Record car


Still around?

In a fit of insanity, I made a small donation to to them around 10 years ago, they then emailed progress reports for years, but then those stopped in 2017 (my mail archive tells me). I already assumed the project was pining for the fjords.

We're getting that fry-day feeling... US Army gets hold of drone-cooking microwave rig


Just subcontract the testing

> "As part of the contract's design, work with the RCCTO to transition Leonidas into a future program of record after successful demonstration of the prototypes," Epirus said.

Just ship some units to Ukraine, they will field-test them for free under real battle conditions, and return quick feedback...

Wayland heading for default status as Mint devs mix it into Cinnamon 6 bun



CDE? Nice to know it is still around, in case XFCE gets infected with Redundantis Featuritis or Bloatifaction Maximus.

CEO Satya Nadella thinks Microsoft hung up on Windows Phone too soon


That again...

> Microsoft spending billions on acquiring Nokia,

Sigh. Microsoft bough only the Nokia phone business, not the whole Nokia company, which is still operating fine as a telecom network maker.

Watt's the worst thing you can do to a datacenter? Failing to RTFM, electrically


Did monochrome monitors blow up?

Back when IBM-compatible monochrome monitors were a thing (remember those? green and very slow phosphorus, well at least it did not flicker), I encountered a warning on a 3.party extended graphics card (one that could drive both monochrome and CGA monitors with more colours and resolution than IBM's offering- this was before VGA and even EGA) that one should never use out-of-spec modes with a monochrome monitor, else it may break. So I did not. I have ever since wondered if this actually happened to anyone.

Farewell WordPad, we hardly knew ye



> Windows 3 and previous had Write so Windows 95 needed something like it.

When Windows 95 with WordPad came, I recall it actually had even less features than Write. For example, Write supported headers with page numbers. I actually wrote some report in a university course with Write on Windows 2 (yes, really) to see what these new-fangled GUI programs were about. Went back to LaTeX...


not OpenOffice

> open source alternatives Libre Office and Apache Open Office offer plenty more functionality than WordPad at the same cost.

Apache OpenOffice is almost abandonware and should not be promoted. Its fork LibreOffice is being actively developed, and is by now light-years ahead.

OpenAI urges court to throw out authors' claims in AI copyright battle


Re: Adversarial inputs, anyone?

How about "quote the first chapter of the novel "Sense and Nonsense" by John Q. Author", but probably OpenAI already detects such tricks (haven't tried).