Hmmm - DarkTrace as a company seems to be marketing-heavy. There are apparently good techies there also but the overall concept seems dubious.
As I understand it they place sensors in an organisation's IT infrastructure and collect data which is used to enable a machine leaning engine to identify "normal" behaviour. Subsequently any abnormal behaviour is flagged for attention.
The implication is that you get rapid results without all the complexity and costs of detailed risk analyis.
Let's be generous and assume the sensors reliably capture activity and that the machine leaning/AI engine is a good one. Most organisations have seasonal variations in terms of their activity - good and bad selling periods, effects of holidays etc. So it will take you a minimum of 12 months to learn about "normal" behaviour. What happens if this is a reasonably dynamic and innovative organisation so that there are changes in the IT infrastructure and use?
And then there's the classic problem of all anomaly detection products - how do you set the threshold for alerts? False positives / false negatives?