* Posts by arkizzle

6 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Nov 2009

Drought effect on rainforests is negligible


@Intractable Potsherd

"Don't forget that 20000 years ago, humans were quite happily living in a climate we would regard as inimitable to life today."


Inimitable? ..to life? What does that even mean in this context?

Life currently occupies a greater range of temperatures and climates today than it did 20,000 years ago, when most of the world was glaciated and temperature were plateaued between extremely cold or extremely hot. These days we still have pretty much the same extremes, but now the middle stretch of temperatures is more populated. There is life from the Arctic to the fringes of underwater volcanoes; in both oxygen rich and oxygen poor environments; there is life practically everywhere, and there has been since it got a foothold billions of years ago.

But that doesn't mean we would *choose* to return to these extreme conditions, just that enough of us survived them to carry on the human race.

Steve Jobs Flash rant put to the test


Re: Hmmmm

Also, Flash video (iPlayer etc) makes my GPU kick up to ~30% + the ~70% on my CPU, so I'm not sure what that quote was about.

Former model sues Universal over 'x-rated prop' outrage


It was a swimsuit ad, not pornography.

"The image of an older married man pleasuring himself to the picture of someone who was closer to the age of a child is disgusting. It was a swimsuit ad, not pornography."

Ahhh haa hah ha ha.

MPs frozen out of super-secret copyright talks



"the people negotiation it only had authority to discuss the issue of counterfeiting, NOT COPYRIGHT, NOT IP RIGHTS."

You're wrong. You are mistaking the lie in the description for a rule in its execution. ACTA absolutely deals with copyright, IP and ISPs.


MS store staff in spontaneous electric boogie


GettinSadda FAIL

Have another go.


4 minutes?

But.. they clap-danced for 4 minutes.. 4 whole, tedious, same-steps-in-a-row-over-and-over-again minutes! I would have left, if only for all the clapping.

Did Microsoft hire TGI Fridays to build their new team? That was painful.