* Posts by Jonsi

5 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Nov 2009

'Steve Jobs' switches to Android


Android kicks Steve's bot

Android kicks Steve's bot - not it really does ....


I've been pretty happy with my iPhone - but it's getting old ... time to upgrade... chances are I'm going for a droid.

My problem is too much choice !

Google mocks Jobs with Flash on Android

Jobs Horns

Steve Jobs and Flash

I'm quite happy for Apple to ship products w/out Flash - what bugs me is Jobs inventing a bunch of hypocritical dreamt up reasons why they're not including it.

They're not doing it out of a virtuous move to standards. They're doing it whilst they've finally got some power to knock the competition (why else make such a big announcement when the latest Adobe products are about to ship), protect their revenue streams (Appstore) and promote standards they have a financial interest in. Jobs is just another Gates (but at least Gates is giving our money to charity).

Check out this cartoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4KUk1jrDVU ...

UK2 email migration still not finished


Almost there !

As an update - I finally got a response from support and they manually restored old mail (but lost new mails in the process).

Anyway - I'm back up and running after just over 2 weeks!


So was anyone's mail migrated ?

It says on the Service Heartbeat page that the majority of existing emails have migrated and they are just doing the remaining ones manually.

Well I for one have still not got any of my existing mails/mailbox structure and was curious to know if anyone else had ....

Delays, password problems hit UK2 email restore


Still no sign of migrated email or support!

I've been with UK2 for a couple of years and have generally been happy with their service - but the last few weeks things have rapidly unravelled.

When all my mails first vanished I was horrified - but relieved when the top dog let us all now that all mails were safe and would be restored shortly - by the end of the day. Phew!

As we all know they've failed to deliver for over a week now. I had messages in my mailbox that were important for me to respond to - but I have no means of accessing them. So I guess I'll have to wave goodbye to those customers.

Oh and don't even bother trying to contact support - I tried over the last few days of last week and haven't even had a response.