Where can I sign up?
I'm fifteen now, and am learning Python; where can I tell the government that I want to help?
13 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Nov 2009
What about the kids who are techies? Do we get some sort of bonus or something along those lines?
My advice is relativly simple, banner ads. But straticically placed all of 4chan.org, that way whoever goes to /g/ or even /k/ for that matter; just not that speical place, they will get mad.
The only pictures I have of me up are pictures taken by someone else, and put up by someone else. I'm not hiding, it's just the random people don't need to see what I look like at six in the morning.
I also have four albums of random pictures that I find in the darkest depth of the internet (not THOSE pictures) and apparently people prefer those, because I'm not being self absorbed.
Go figure.
I LOVE my Greasemonkey, I wouldn't like to pay for it; but I would if I found something that did was Greasemonkey did, and better I may pay.
The costing apps would simply be a higher quality.
I guess what I'm saying is that I would like it to be half, the worse apps, sorry Greasemonkey, would be free. And the better apps would be a little money, not a lot, just a dollar or something. Make it a mix, between Apple, and well, what you are now.
How would you hold that? They said something like how the buttons were the same size as the buttons on a phone, but those work from your thumb, not your index, middle, and ring finger.
I thought it would have been fine if they moved the buttons all around, like pushing your palm down will set off one button, but even that seems sketchy.
Although I am very happy for this, I'm the only one who actually knows what's going on, at least in my circle of friends. So I have to explain it to them every single time that something new happens. And of the few that know about it think that it is made to destroy the world.
I need nerdier friends....