* Posts by Grant

3 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2007

Aussies get gov-backed uber-broadband


@AC @@John Angelico 080012ZAPR09

One consequence (presumably unintended) of this approach by OzGov is to kill (what remains) of the share price of Telstra. This, in and of itself, is a minor thing - except that the government Future Fund which is supposed to fund all sorts of whizzo stuff, like techno upgrades, consists mainly of Telstra shares. Thus, it seems, that they are killing the very source of the funding for the FTTP network.

Why no Lego Doctor Who? fans demand


@AC 2220GMT

"Top Trumpet" you say Grayson?

US in The Long Good Friday remake outrage


Your first sentence presupposes...

...that it is Shand, H (deceased) rather than Shand, H (sunninghimselfinspain). I firmly believe that at then end of the flick Pierce B. was simply inviting Harold out for a spot of high tea (albeit in a somewhat over exuberant manner).