* Posts by skwdenyer

90 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Nov 2009


Tech stocks tank as US AI dominance no longer a sure bet



Deepseek’s parent is a quant fund, apparently. The impact of their reveal has been to carve $500bn off of Nvidia’s stock price.

Has anyone checked to see if Deepseek’s parent held short positions in Nvidia?

Fining Big Tech isn't working. Make them give away illegally trained LLMs as public domain


Re: King Cnut

Important to remember that King Cnut didn’t thijk he could hold back the tide; his disciples did. His demonstration wasn’t (to him) a failure; he *wanted* everyone to see he was no God.


This is a far more complex problem than it first seems.

If I spend 3 years reading others’ history books, and then use that research to write a new history book, have I created a derivative work? Or have I simply used what I’ve read to educate myself? To learn? Should my school text books contain a waiver to enable my essays to be free from these suggested IP infractions? Where is the line?

If the LLMs are learning from published works, they’re doing no more than you or I would given a large enough library and sufficient reading time.

There may be a different argument to be applied to visual models, but, again, if I study enough pop art and then create my own, should I be paying royalties to Warhol’s estate?

The proposal here seems to be to create new IP law to treat an LLM differently from a human.

The issue really isn’t, to me, about copyright; it is a wider discussion about social good. And, in particular, whether there should be in effect an “AI tax” to in some way level the playing fields. The primary difference is one of scale - however much I learn, I can only do a day’s work every day; an AI is scalable. The value it can extract from its research and study is far greater than mine.

As a society, do we want LLMs or not? And how narrowly are we prepared to write laws that catch OpenAI, but don’t tax individuals just for using a library to better themselves?

Intel enlists Morgan Stanley to defend against activist investors


Re: El Reg is blowing it again..

“Corporate raiders” who might more accurately be termed “owners” if they buy enough shares.

If you don’t want to answer to anyone with money and intent, don’t sell your shares on the open market. Far too many corporate boards seem to think they are (or should be) above the rule of the company’s owners…

Intel has relatively little value to society. Another chipmaker will be along in a minute if Intel were to fall. It may have strategic value to the US economy - in which case the US government can take a majority stake, or legislate to prevent its owners from exercising their power.

Twitter tells advertisers to go fsck themselves, now sues them for fscking the fsck off


Since each SuperHeavy right now is built for its single mission, and that mission was to hoist an empty craft, you think the tanks will be sized for max payload?

Brit tech mogul Mike Lynch missing after yacht sinks off Sicily amid storms



Is it wrong of me to imagine a yacht named “Bayesian” would have decent weather forecasting and inferencing capabilities?

Very sad for all concerned, joking aside. People often (wrongly) assume the Med is a tranquil body of water.

Nokia to sell submarine network business to France in $375M deal


Re: French Government

Indeed. Venice was basically a bunch of banks with a private military for enforcement purposes.

In modern congested oceans, having a navy available to defend your subsea cable assets seems smart.

Got an old Raspberry Pi spare? Try RISC OS. It is, literally, something else


Re: Perfect timing

There are very cheap wifi dongles that will plug into the RJ45 on a Pi. No wifi isn’t any sort of dealbreaker these days.

Official: EU users can swerve App Store and download iOS apps from the web


Re: Not a bad start

Who do you want to do that verification?


Re: Where is the EU in this?

What precisely is wrong with Apple’s approach? I purchase Apple phones precisely because there is some gate-keeping going on, some measure of control and accountability. I don’t want or need my phone (a core communications device) to be a software free-for-all. I don’t want my phone to be abandoned or forced to upgrade hardware just to upgrade my OS. If I wanted that I’d be free to buy an Android phone! I’m delighted that Apple’s developer costs provide the revenue required to maintain support for my investment in Apple hardware.

I just fired up my wife’s old HTC U11 as I needed a spare phone for a project. Bought in 2018, it is abandoned now. No OS updates beyond Android 9. Hardly usable. Totally insecure. By contrast, my iPhone XS bought the same year is still usable, still receiving software updates, still a valuable tool.

As an aside, the U11 also now needs a replacement USB C port. I’ve never had a Lightning port fail. Standardisation is lowest common denominator for no benefit at all.

That is what the “Apple tax” is paying for. That’s what those who seek to unpick Apple’s position don’t seem to grasp. I’m not a victim, nor are most Apple phone users; we choose to buy into an ecosystem that rewards us with long-term support, continuing access to apps, and a great ROI.

All that support costs money. I want Apple to be profitable supporting my hardware purchase, because the alternative is designed-in obsolescence to force me to buy new hardware.

I’m not against freedom. I run MacOS & various flavours of Linux on desktops precisely so that I can have the freedom to write, download, compile and run whatever I like.

I just wish there wasn’t this incessant urge to “save” people from freely-made choices. Let me buy into a walled garden if I wish, so long as I do it knowingly.

Boeing and subsidiary file trade secrets lawsuit against Virgin Galactic


Re: Scaled Composites not mentioned?

In a class action lawsuit against VG it was stated that VG severed the relationship with Scaled after the test flight crash, and that “Scaled Composites never provided The Spaceship Company with “accurate or reliable engineering drawings” for either the carrier aircraft or Unity.”


EU users can't update 3rd party iOS apps if abroad too long


Re: Who are their lawyers?

“It's virtually impossible within the EU to strip someone of their citzenship once granted, unless malice aforethough, fraud, etc. can be demonstrated.”

That’s simply not true. Never mind Brexit; the many cases of UK & other citizens stripped of citizenship show otherwise. Including citizens from birth.

Apple makes it official: No Home Screen web apps in European Union


Re: I

Some of us don’t believe the EU ruling is a positive. Browser choice, for instance, gives me in round terms nothing I want or need beyond potential interoperability issues. As a developer, being able to target a single browser engine for all iOS users is a tremendous benefit, not an issue, delivering great gains for users. The relative success of iOS and Android in the app space suggests to me that Apple’s strategy has delivered enormous gains for all parties. Degrading the Apple experience to match Android’s is hardly progress in my view!

Apple has botched 3D for decades. So good luck with the Vision Pro, Tim


Back in the day, I believed Apple should have bought SGI out of its first Chapter 11.

The problem with 3D is there’s been no money in it for Apple up to now. When SGI allowed their best talent to walk out the door to Nvidia, rather than actually becoming Nvidia, the die was cast - the big money in 3D was going to belong to the graphics hardware people. Which is why Nvidia fell out with Apple - they believed Apple needed them so badly as to such up a large bunch of failed hardware costs.

Apple sells systems and ecosystems. It is usually prepared to back those to the hilt to the degree necessary to continue selling. And as the old Mac Pro showed, Apple has limited success with a “build it and they will come” approach to graphics. As a result I’m actually optimistic about Vision Pro - even if only because an ability to work anywhere on a virtual multi monitor setup, to set up your workspace as you like it, to take that with you, and so on is just very very appealing.

As for porn, does Vision Pro only work with its own speakers, or can it happily integrate with AirPods? ;)

Asda's delayed SAP migration forces extension to Walmart's backend support contract


Re: SAP rollout delayed

As a good friend and senior PM said to me years ago: “the first 80% of the work takes the first 80% of the time & the first 80% of the money; the second 80% of the work takes the second 80% of the time & the second 80% of the money…”

Half a kilo of cosmic nuclear fuel reignites NASA's deep space dreams


Didn’t the USSR use similar technology to power remote weather stations / beacons?

Workload written by student made millions, ran on unsupported hardware, with zero maintenance


Re: Not if they were made by Sinclair.

The ZX Printer wasn’t a thermal unit. It was a spark printer, that burned away aluminium oxide from the black paper underneath the coating.

UK tribunal agrees with Clearview AI – Brit data regulator has no jurisdiction


How does the firm invoke the Law Enforcement exemption? They’re not processing data as agents of foreign law enforcement agencies. They are processing data as a private company, that then (for now) offers services only to foreign (and maybe domestic) law enforcement agencies.

The database doesn’t “belong” to those foreign law enforcement agencies.

Did the ICO have especially poor lawyers on this one?

US prosecutors slam Autonomy tycoon's attempt to get charges tossed


Whilst this may well have been true, if they can find more actionable acts by Lynch and co, they get to play liability top trumps: “I may have been stupid, but my stupidity wouldn’t have caught me out if it hadn’t been for those over-inflated statements you made.”

*If* Lynch is guilty, his downfall was seemingly to be too gung-ho with his pitch. If he’d referred all due diligence questions to Autonomy’s lawyers and auditors, would he still be in the dock?

AI is going to eat itself: Experiment shows people training bots are using bots


Billion Dollar Brain?

This reminds me of the Harry Palmer film, Billion Dollar Brain, in which rubbish in = rubbish out met the real world of military destruction.

It's this easy to seize control of someone's Nexx 'smart' home plugs, garage doors


Re: If you live in the UK

It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not; the law already exists :)

Perhaps retailers might start buying insurance to protect themselves, and/or insisting manufacturers do likewise.

Product liability isn’t a new concept. But tech sometimes just likes to hide behind a “software isn’t guaranteed to be bug-free” line somewhere & we’ve all-so-readily bought into the idea.

How Arm aims to squeeze device makers for cash rather than pocket pennies for cores


This seems a sure-fire way to kill the golden goose.

It will also potentially kill off free software updates - if you're a device maker, there's going to be a strong temptation to move to a services / software revenue base, which means selling the hardware more cheaply but charging for necessary software updates.

One has to hope this is just noise intended to talk up the values of the shares.

Wannabe space 'superpower' UK tosses £1.6M at eight research projects


Ouch, 100-120% these days? In my day (err, 25 years ago), the university I worked in charged 30% overhead, and we thought that was pretty bad!

What Brit watchdog redacted: Google gives Apple cut of Chrome iOS search revenue


Which version of Outlook on MacOS are you using? I run a rock solid Outlook on MacOS connected to an on-premise Exchange server.

Google works on Blink-based iOS browser contrary to Apple's WebKit rule


Indeed. In what was is allowing Blink to take over the iPhone a good thing for the world?

Apple preps for 'third-party iOS app stores' in Europe


Tell me how app discovery works in a multi-store world.


Re: Thanks for nothing EU

Why have your app sold on 10 stores when right now you can have it sold on 1 store and cover the whole market?

Do you seriously believe the extra effort to be listed on 10 stores will offset the slight reduction in commission payable? Or that users won't simply accept cheaper apps (meaning the same or less revenues for developers)?

The Apple App Store has been one of the standout successes of development in the last 10 years, exposing small developers' wares on a broadly equal footing to a global audience in a way simply not feasibly possible at any time in the past without enormous resources and obscene marketing budgets.

As other shave mentioned, the *only* people who will win from this ruling are potential store operators at scale (e.g. Epic); it is a lose-lose for almost everybody else.

Elon Musk's cost-cutting campaign at Twitter extended to not paying rent, claims landlord


Re: Twitter Still Free to Use ?

Debt repayment aren’t P&L revenue expenses; they don’t contribute to a loss.

Twitter was already losing lots of money.

Risk-averse Kyocera gambles nearly $10b of own shares on semiconductor growth


The article questions whether new fabs are needed.

Given the latest well-sourced predictions of China invading Taiwan (and the very likely major sanctions and supply chain shocks likely to result), there seems to be a very real supply chain risk to *not* having new fabs brought on-line outside of China's sphere of influence.

Apple settles antitrust case with developers, but it's far from an Epic resolution to App Store monopoly concerns


Re: I get why change is necessary

How is that otherwise-intelligent people post this stuff?

Do you seriously think Apple would keep supporting phones for as many years as they do, if they weren't making app store revenue to pay for that? The app store model is a huge win for consumers, and has revolutionised the devices in our hands.

Otherwise, they need to increase handset churn significantly - which means fewer updates, shorter support, and so on. Just, in fact, like the major Android vendors who have no skin in the game of long tail consumer revenues.

And never mind device stability - we really don't want Windows on our phones. Who's going to support those?

Developers love to moan, but, really, where was the revenue model before the Apple app store came along? And where would it be without a well-supported base of phones with a current OS?

iOS was responsible for 63% of total app revenue in 2021, despite only 15% of the installed base. That's what the ecosytem delivers for developers - a huge addressable market of well-supported devices with a stable development target.

The only logical result of this idiotic destruction in the name of principle is a race to the bottom - worse phones, worse software, worse support, shorter lifetimes, and so on. 5-6 years of support with the latest OS is great (not just patches to an old OS).

Customers already have plenty of free choice. They can choose not to buy an Apple device. They can choose not to buy an Android device from a major manufacturer (with customise software and few updates). They can side-load apps onto Android devices. There's just no evidence to support the idea that customers are genuinely harmed - as opposed to a few zealots wanting something Apple don't want to sell to them (their company, their rules).

Surely nobody seriously believes there'd still be $83bn to share out for iOS developers if we fragment to a dozen competing app stores, do they? Has nobody got a proper long-run view of history?

Why the end of Optane is bad news for all IT


Re: Insane

Optane would have revolutionised the workstation space in the 1990s. At a time when we were experimenting with writing code into FPGAs to get orders-of-magnitude speed gains, running with persistent primary storage could have been a phenomenal additional tool.

Ironically the place that Optane might score in the modern world could be in things like phones - modern devices just don't boot fast enough - they're still booting devices, not instant-on appliances. In fact, a whole class of embedded devices could operate this way and, by doing so, be powered-up just when needed and then put immediately back into a zero-power state.

Intel plans immersion lab to chill its power-hungry chips


This was of course “a thing” in 2015, if you believe Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation was based on any sort of reality ;)

We can bend the laws of physics for your super-yacht, but we can't break them


A *very* long time ago now, we set up a test implementation of Citrix running over ADSL in North London. We were pitching the idea to VIdeo Networks, who later became HomeChoice, the grand-daddy of all the modern streaming services. So we had the servers running at Staples Corner and the user terminal in a house a few miles away.

The plan was to offer customers remote desktop sessions on a fully managed high-spec PC instance for a small monthly fee, along with streaming gaming. It worked really well. The thin client hardware was cheap and required effectively no maintenance, the terminal and monitor could be upgraded every few years within the subscription, we could provide limitless data backup, disaster recovery, anti-virus, burstable performance, and so on.

We were just far, far, too early to the party - by at least 15 years. So were VNL / HomeChoice. But we weren't alone - Apple and Oracle went on to spend many orders of magnitude more than we did trying out "network computers" before reaching the same conclusions.

As the old saying goes: never be a pioneer, as the earliest Christian encounters the hungriest lion...

But in the context of the OP's problem, latency via satellite would have been a killer. Customers really don't get on well with their mouse inputs lagging, delays whilst scrolling, etc.

Alarm raised after Microsoft wins data-encoding patent


In the U.K., we have a “Registered Design” which serves a similar purpose.

A “Design Patent” applies only to the specific article described. A general patent protects an idea and multiple embodiments of it.

HPE has 'substantially succeeded' in its £3.3bn fraud trial against Autonomy's Mike Lynch – judge


Re: Absolutely ourageous

The problem I have is the asymmetry here. Were Lynch to be American, and HP a UK company, it is beyond belief that Lynch would be extradited to the UK to face trial for acts committed on US soil.

The US, IIRC, is relying upon its catch all "wire fraud" statutes, coupled with this idea that any offence alleged to be committed using US dollars is inherently of US jurisdiction, both of which are tenuous at best.

cf the Natwest Three, extradited to the US and found guilty of committing offences whilst in the UK, offences which were not in fact offences at the time in the UK.


Re: "The finding is a massive victory for HPE"

That is true. But this is a civil trial, not a criminal one.

If you leave your door open, your insurance will not pay your claim; even if you sue them in civil court, you will not prevail.


Re: "The finding is a massive victory for HPE"

Was there an internal audit function? And, if so, where are the links to the disciplinary hearings against those internal auditors?


Re: "The finding is a massive victory for HPE"

What, testing transactions isn't normal? Certainly our auditors do precisely that, and have done so for years.


Re: "The finding is a massive victory for HPE"

So where are all the convictions for those involved in sub-prime mortgage-backed securities?

The problem is the selective application of the law. Or perhaps really are (were) subject to far laxer rules than the rest of us?


Re: Lynch should be in prison

That's not quite how audit works. A competent audit firm will test whole classes of transactions. From what has been disclosed, I do not understand how a competent audit firm did not pick them up.

Google: We disagree with Sonos patent ruling so much, we've changed our code to avoid infringement


Re: Patent madness

With respect, you misunderstand patents. The fact that Sonos have in fact created a mechanism for altering volumes on multiple devices in multiple rooms from a single app/controller is wholly immaterial. The patent expresses only to the *idea* of this being done.

For something as obvious as this, the only surprise is (a) nobody had patented it before, (b) there was no prior art, and (c) it wasn't declared "obvious" and therefore unpatentable.

I absolutely support inventors being paid for inventive steps, but am pretty sure there were commercial (rather than consumer) systems around long before Sonos that would do what is being described here.

American diplomats' iPhones reportedly compromised by NSO Group intrusion software


Top terrorist tip: get a US mobile phone :)

Weeks after Red Bee Media's broadcast centre fell over, Channel 4 is still struggling with subtitles


Re: Missing a few key points here

That post from C4 seems to suggest that there were no functioning backups, never mind functioning backup hardware. If so, that's pretty extraordinary.

Apple arms high-end MacBook Pro notebooks with M1 Pro, M1 Max processors


So I'm going to be out on a limb here and say I like the touchbar on my MBP. Yes, I'd also like Fn keys. So why can't I have both?

Apple beat Epic Games 9-1 in court. Now it's appealed the one point it lost


Re: Judge found Apple is not a monopolist?

So you're defining "phone" as "smartphone" - why? If you want to encompass all battery-powered portable general purpose computing devices then why not include laptops? If you want to encompass only phones, why limit it to Android and iOS?

Even if you accept your own definition, why not include all the non-Google Android phones?

This is the problem IMHO. People try to define the market to suit their own point of view.

My first "smart" phone was an Ericsson R380s - Symbian-based, no 3rd party app support. I've ridden the wave for a long time. Platforms have come and gone, not through market abuse but because of market forces.

Those same market forces have determined that a walled-garden / single app store approach is attractive to consumers. How many Android users side-load apps? Or, to return to the definition, how many people are truly happy to use a non-Google Android phone with a third-party app store?

An abundance of choice of app store is not the sign of a healthy platform IMHO; time and again, in fact, consumers have eschewed fragmented or poor app store experiences in favour of the very things you rail against.

Is it really so hard to believe that informed users might make informed choices to buy into a walled garden because that's what they want?


Actually, car manufacturers *are* now offering to sell you apps, added functionality, etc. through their systems. A Tesla is a walled garden. So is the new Mercedes tech stack.

Tesla even sell you a car with electric seats that are physically present but disabled in software. You have to pay to enable the content. If you try to mess about with the system, Tesla lock you out of updates, supercharging, etc.

Yes, you can *repair* it with third party parts if you want. But you can't just sideload any old software onto their tech stacks.

Payment for market access is not new. If you want your product featured in a major supermarket chain, you have to pay for shelf space, pay for promotional discounts, pay for supporting marketing, and so on. You don't get prime location (or even any location) in a store for nothing.

Apple is no different. Other phones are available. But if you want your app in the Apple store then (just like pushing a new shampoo brand to a major supermarket chain, say) you have to pay.

The same is now true of other stores. Visit the John Lewis website? You're buying product that manufacturers are paying - you guessed it - 30% to John Lewis for the privilege of showing.

Want to sell on Amazon? Going to cost you something similar.

This is the new normal. Marketplaces are everything. Customers don't discover products on Google any more; they discover them elsewhere. The market doesn't work the way you seem to want it to any more.


If you buy your Volvo, can you choose to load any old software on the infotainment system? I suspect not. But I'm sure Volvo will happily sell you new software if they can.

Monopoly! :)


Re: Freemium game model

It isn't. It pays to develop the platform.

Have you *seen* Android? Disposable phones with no software updates. A terrible developer experience, with no homogeneity and a huge disparity of development targets.

Accepting that Apple takes a share of fees is cheap at twice the price for the market they provide as a result of their unprecedented (in the phone space) platform support.

EU readies 'antitrust charges' against Apple Pay for locking rivals out of iPhone NFC chip


Re: I agree

It has nothing to do with him not declaring tax? :)


Re: I can guarantee the second sentence

What you're not understanding is that the potential for fraud with Apple Pay is *way* less than other contactless options.

The banks might have to pay Apple a bit; but they're probably winning overall.
