Certified POS
I have a lot of money
I want more
What a waste of warm blood
42 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Nov 2009
I had been avoiding HP products for years . A good company screwed by the bean counters . I was really happy with My Epson Workforce 38 $25 a set 70 with the aftermarket cartridges a reasonable(?)
I made the mistake of downloading a firmware update (I had done this before with no issue) Voila! Borked the aftermarket cartridges immediately . I had to order a quick Gen-U-Ine set at Amazon for the low low discount price of $79. I had 2 complete sets of aftermarket. I ordered a used printer on Ebay for $50 and disabled the Firmware update and problem solved for now. It looks like the world is out to squeeze every last penny from us
Reasons not to by HP. And don't get me started on color lasers . I threw 2 in the trash bin (Cannon and Lexmark) after determining the cost of the cartridges exceeded the purchase price . In addition their wireless software was crap refusing to connect with other computers in the house. Bought an Epson workforce pro for $99 and it happily chugs along with $30 sets of aftermarket cartridges. In addition seamlessly connects with any computer in the house
An Android manufacturer which sells a $300 device with a removable battery and a headphone port would probably take significant market share from Samsung."
Exactly I have an old LG V20 with a removable battery so I bought a 6000 ma monster and can run for two days with no headaches. Prior to that I had an extra battery .
You know Convenience
Airbus made a BIG mistake
Boeing looked at the market when Airbus was designing the A-380 and said ...NAH
We don't think that the market is going this way . We'll stick with the 747 that people will buy it up as the price drops. People want Non stop twin aisles not great fat ugly buses.
I had the misfortune to fly an Air France A380 from Paris to Miami . Friggin horror show even with the "premium" coach . A glorified cattle car guaranteed to cripple you within 4 hrs of the 10hr flight . The ingress and egress was akin to the aforementioned cattle car not to mention the three carousels of luggage to deal with the 500 hapless souls and their 2 bags per
Indeed . I was raised in Canada and the CBC imported those early Dr. Who's. I grew up with those funky B&W cardboard Dialects .I'm 65 now Missed most of the middle years and picked it up again with BBC America .
I always am skeptical of a new Doctor , but the creativity of the stories and the ever changing companions eventually enamors me of the new Doctor. Once you learn the idiosyncrasies of the character and the bond with the companion you grow to love them. Hated Capaldi when he started , now I'm sorry to see him go. Pearl instead of Jenna Helfman? She won me over too As long as the story lines are strong who gives a rats ass . We'll love the new Doctor too
To all concerned:
As a resident of the United states I apologize.
It should be readily apparent to any observer that the dismantling and dumbing down of the school system here in the US has exceeded beyond their wildest dreams.
We now have a majority of the population devoid of any critical thinking skills whatsoever
We are now a nation of morons as can be witnessed by the recent election.
It would appear however that South Carolina has garnered more than their fair share of the aforementioned morons.
I have the Comcast/Xfinty X1 system and have to say for the most part I really like it. The modem part is easy ...Ebay for $20 or $30 bucks Problem solved . Prefer my own router too. . The boxes are another story... A few years back they went "digital " Translation : We scrambled the signal so you need one of our boxes and can't plug the cable directly to the TeeVee. The non hd box runs around $6 a month and the HD box that accesses the DVR $10 a pop. I need the connection for the broadband and they structure it so you can only get the highest speeds with the dreaded "Bundle "
More competition definitely needed
And good luck with that. Even if PBS picked it up it would need be dumbed down or it would be too complicated for the Network NOOZE to sandwich into a minute and a half between boner pill ads and pharmaceutical ads for your latest made up condition. Maybe on Vice on HBO or let John Oliver have a whack at it (brilliant man and satirist) utilizing a half hour or so. You in Britain must realize that American News programs exist to make ratings and thusly money. They are interested only in the next shiny object .
Now watch this adorable cat video
I wouldn't play that teen angst pop twaddle if she paid me . I made the mistake of purchasing an album for my wife after she expressed a passing interest . It was a totally unlistenable pile of 4 bar recycled disco crap. I don't mind if they put the pay option , people will vote with their wallets and rest assured mine shall remain closed
The current Broadband (in the US) is a legacy from when cable companies were given charters (read monopolies) to install the infrastructure and supply cable to the unwashed masses and provide fees(kickback) to the local governments. This is how in my semi rural are I have the choice of Comcast and their (Kaff) high speed (30-50 MB) for the luxury of coughing up $60 bucks a month or choose the less expensive crap DSL that runs at 20 mb. Now most cities have found they need to install their own fiber for their infrastructure and want to sell it the bandwidth as a utility . This results in higher speed and lower cost . It's called competition and it's the American effin way baby. They've had a monopoly too long
Don't have your snark radar on today do we? Go pound sand . Regardless of how long 'mericans have been fighting metric , the Tea party and the Republicans are vehemently anti science ...
Are you seriously telling me that NASA still works in Fahrenheit these days?!
Welcome to the USA . The tea partly would never tolerate any of that sciency Celsius stuff . If Fahrenheit was good enough for my pappy and his pappy it's good enough for me. What are you some kind of commie ?
I can watch the launches from my back yard on a clear day (about 50km away) The best are the night launches because even at that distance it lights up the horizon like the sun coming up and you can follow the flame and see the boosters drop off with the naked eye.
I liked the old Ipods as they were tactile and simple. When you were in the gym and had one on your belt or arm you could adjust the volume , skip and pause without looking at it. Plus...you never ran out of space with the 160gb. Yer stupid phone or the Touch you have to have the screen in front of you to operate. Like everything else new and improved kills the stuff you like .
"The plan is expected to include steps to, among other things, improve operational efficiencies and reduce costs, as a result of which the Company expects to incur material charges under generally accepted accounting principles. "
Translated -the service is going to get worse . I am an American business customer of Sprint and the bean counters seem oblivious to the deterioration of service. They don't seem to be able to conceive that if you have less employees your customer service goes to shyte.
Previously we had an account rep here in the state . The last round of "efficiencies" killed that and routed all service requests to bumphuck Wisconsin where the response time to an email is 1/2 to 2 hrs depending as opposed to the previous 5 minutes .This was coupled with requests that we use the online site to do our own upgrades and equipment swaps. When customers flee they are all scratching their privates going "What happened?"
You have that right . The Comcast feed is shared with your neighbors so during peak times 4- 11 pm my "Premium " service slows to a crawl . The sad part is there are no real alternatives if you are outside a major city like I am . The alternative here is Centurylink DSL which tops out at 20mbps
I bought one of their units recently. They had a wired model that had netflx youtube and all the other goodies . So while looking around I see the next model up with N wireless - I bit for 75 more...and guess what the more expensive model had no wireless services built in !!! I mean whats the point of connecting then. Sent the crap back and bought an LG