You are almost all talking bollocks
The amount of ignorance or wilful misinformation in these comments is staggering.
If you think that an internal combustion engine is more efficient than electric along the whole supply chain, you are wrong. Stop repeating that shite.
If you think electric cars would melt the grid, require more power stations or cause rationing, you are wrong. Stop repeating that shite.
If you think that hydrogen fuel cells are "the answer", you are not only wrong, you have absolutely no grasp of the laws of physics or are paid by the fossil fuel companies that manufacture the vast majority of available hydrogen supply.
If you think ALL people who have electric cars are richer than you or vainer than you or that solar panels only exist to assuage privileged people's guilt, then you have issues that no forum post can cure, so I won't bother.
Writing this is the ultimate in futility but I'm calling you out anyway. You're an idiot, whether you know it or not.