And here I was hoping for an easy-to-remember number like:
0118 999 881 999 119 725...3
66 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2007
Skipping over to the NEW TESTAMENT, where JESUS HIMSELF is changing the way things are played...
* Saved people (i.e. All people that have accepted Jesus into their hearts) go to Heaven, despite what they have done.
** If you read things like Deuteronomy, then you've probably read the New Testament where Jesus rescues to prostitute and totally outsmarts the Pharisees and Sadducees.
* I don't see what's so hard to believe about being inside a whale for three days. It would be completely possible if it didn't swallow you either.
Atheists = Smart
Atheists reject God
Christians = Stupid
Christians accept God
[Some] Atheists say that the Big Bang created the universe out of two forms of matter that somehow existed in nothingness.
Christians say God created the universe from nothingness.
[Some] Atheists say that Evolution somehow formed from the somehow Big Bang and somehow created sentient life.
Christians say God created sentient life.
Have you Atheists *seriously* considered those theories beyond "Well it's not God, therefore it works"?
Mobiles have become such a problem these days. I actually see my friends SMSing in the middle of class and I'm thinking "WTF? Who have you got to talk to that can't wait 75 minutes?"
A cop came to school to teach us how we shouldn't use them to bully people. And he also told us that when he asked a group of students that if they were to lose their phone or leg, 90% would much rather hold onto the phone.
I didn't get a mobile phone 'til this year, and that was because I needed to stay in contact for an excursion. I can't see the addiction in it.
The series is going to be in 3D, and most likely more in depth/different storylines than the cartoon.
I don't mind if Jar Jar's in there... As long as they decide his fate... The menacing way. :P
But in all fairness, Jar Jar wasn't half as annoying as Rosh from Jedi Academy (And all those who have played it will probably agree)
Excellent, can't wait 'til the Republic recruits me to fly A-Wing's or test modified ARC-170's.
In all seriousness though, it is partially video games fault. Mainly for the fact that they make the graphics more realistic, making mentally unstable kids think "Whoa this is real!"
I remember playing Half-Life when I was 8 and I'm still playing such games and I'm alright... I think.