The suspense is killing me!
So...who got the sandwich and was it, in fact, good?
170 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Nov 2009
In other news, the Reg commenter Khaptain has had a charge of libel filed against them by a Mr. Ebola Virus. In a brief statement to the press Mr. Ebola vehemently denied being anything near as bad as Mr. Murdoch and vowed to pursue the case to the fullest extent of the law.
" He also said the abolition of slavery and absolute monarchy, and the achievement for civil rights, also once looked unlikely but were achieved."
The things that an engaged population can do are quite amazing. Unfortunately, at this point in time, not only is the population very much disengaged, the government and the media are actively promoting division (ie. partisan politics).
While we have achieved great things in the past, unless people are willing to shake off their complacency, such things will be beyond us in the future.
" so long as the potential licensee was signed up to the specified licensing framework."
So, Apple is fair game then, as they have a history of stealing SEPs and then suing the relevant licensing group (which they are not part of, obviously) because Apple)believe they are $deities gift to technology.
"It must be really frustrating for Google to find out that their monopoly on our personal information has been broken."
You have the option to not use google, so if you don't like anything they do, then don't bloody use it. The NSA on the other hand isn't giving anyone a choice in matters, I know which one I'd be more apt to bitch about. Hint: It's not google.
Apparently in the Apple dictionary 'Innovation' means 'Patenting technology that already exists and/or is glaringly obvious'. Although I'm not sure if that definition comes before or after, 'Patenting technological ideas in the hope that someone will invent or create an invention using those ideas, or similar ideas, who we can then sue.'